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Terrorist attack during elections? Yeah, we're stupid.

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posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by godservant
large scale terrorist attack in an attempt to disrupt the November elections.

Just ask yourself: Who stands to gain?

OK, I don't want to seem like I don't believe our leaders
, but....why?

Trust me when I say this: You cannot trust anything this administration sez. They're congenital liars. And I thought the Klintons were bad!

Why would Al Queda want to disrupt our elections when it could mean our current President will be gone? Seems like a dumb plan.

The people in this administration are so arrogant and deluded that they think we are all completely stupid and will fall at their feet for protection the next time al-CIAda hits. It's all so elementary it's ridiculous. They're banking on the fact that our dumbed down nation has no knowledge of fascism (especially related to Nazi Germany and Hitler's rise to power). Anyone who knows about it or has studied it can see this.

Why on earth would al-CIAda plan an attack that would benefit the Bush administration? Supposedly BushCo. is their main nemesis. It's absurd to the nth degree. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Republican National Convention hit in some way. Bush's numbers are falling so fast, his people probably think they'd win the election on a sympathy vote. And yes, BushCo. doesn't have the slightest problem sacrificing a few for their greater benefit. They will do anything to retain power.

I smell something cooking.

Listen to Tommy boy Ridge, Asscroft and their minions out there telling us they KNOW that al-CIAda is planning an attack sometime before the election. It's unbelievably stupid of them. They have no specific intel, no specific anything. Just that you better be afraid BS. They're telling you this, folks, cuz BushCo. - al-CIAda's parent organization - has something in the works. They know they can't win the election in November b/c they have so screwed things up.

Desperation's a muthaFukka.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 02:42 PM
Perhaps you are right EastCoastKid he is playing the terrorist attack tune to show how safe he as the commanding in chief has keep our nation, people like strong leaders not weak leader, if he portraits Kerry as a week contender and he a strong kick the terrorist behind president my be the people will vote for him, just for security.

How slick he is!

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

How slick he is!

How slick he thinks he is!

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by godservant
I smell something cooking.
Like Whitehouse Officials had said, they have a working premise about terrorism and the upcoming elections.

They cite 2 scenarios for a terrorist attack as either happening in Washington, possibly the Capitol, or smaller frequent attacks throughout cities in America leading up to the elections.

They also make a comparison to the Madrid bombings by saying, "I can tell you one thing, we won't be like Spain."

How could these Whitehouse Officials compare themselves to a possible scenario of a terrorist attack that happened? It is because they intend to exploit the effect that a terrorist attack that will happen on United States soil leading up to the elections.


posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
I betcha a cyber beer
That if bush is ahead in the election there will be no attacks
But if Kerry is ahead in the elecyion there will be an attack, then marshal-law

I agree completely. If Bush is winning nothing will happen. If Bush is losing something close to election time will happen. Whether it be a terrorist attack or the capture of bin Laden.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Martial Law in the US will lead to Civil War.

There is not enough Goverment forces to enforce Martial Law over the whole population. Over certain cities, sure absolutely. Over the whole Country no way. Too many people. The only reason it works in China is because the billions of people over there mainly never knew life any other way. If you never had something then they tell you that you have to be home at a certain time or conduct your life in a certain way well then it will just be a new change in your life. BUT on the other hand when you have had freedoms and enjoyed the lifestyle that Americans do, and you take that away. And tell them they cant shop, or they cant leave their homes etc. You will get lots of resistance and the first thing will be other Americans profiting off the "restricted" citizens by offering to smuggle them into the "restricted free" zones. A select few will pay and some will get caught and some may even get killed by goverment forces. But then the mass of average joes will revolt against the goverment restrictions and Anarchy will ensue and seeing that they are outnumbered the goverment armies will begin to revolt against there commanders allowing vital hardware to be turned over to the "resistance" and bingo the start of a civil war. Those towns that got to live restrivtion free may actually support the goverment and view the resistance people as dangerous and out of control actually welcoming the goverment troops to guard them. Of course the goverment media will ensure that the people become brain washed and that they should fight for their way of life, thereby increasing the ranks of the goverment forces allowing them to make offensive strikes etc at the resistance's supply networks.

Goverment strategists know there are far too many survivalists, militias, underground gangs etc that trying to enforce an effective nation wide order of Martial Law will be extremely difficult to enforce thereby negating any benefit. They also know the extent of weapons dispersed into the population making the average citizen militia a very lethal enemy if it were to turn on the goverment.

The only reason police states work in other countries is because that is the primary place of employment for the people of that country. If they had an aggresive market economy like the US then people would have choices to earn higher incomes then being paid to be a goverment solider. In places like Rawanda or Yugoslavia, Romania etc Goverment jobs offer the best chance for both steady employment and a good income because the goverment controls every accpect of the movement of money in the country by both corruption and "enforcement".

So for Martial Law to be enforced and the population held under control you would have to wipe out all the means of a market economy, banking, restrict all for profit businesses etc. And make people suffer for a period of time, then offer to them positions in the goverment forces that pay little but assure that your family gets food etc.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:40 PM

You have a very good point, we also have our own variety of radicals in US, waiting for an opportunity to bring chaos, but the true is that more warnings of impending terrorist attacks around the US is going to make people that does not have a definitely choice of candidate to stay at home, and the pro bush voters will vote, so I see as a strategic move on the part of the president.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:50 PM
Let's say something happened to King George, the masses would give Cheney the sympathy vote. And all would be well again in Neo Con Loony land. No need for martial law.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Just ask yourself: Who stands to gain?

Certainly not al-quaida. So ask yourself. Why would they follow "BushCo's" orders? Are they killing themselves for money? That doesn't make sense. You always talk, but never provide proof. Tell me why these terrorists who hate America (which is undeniable), who teach their kids to hate America, who's country's leaders hate America, would want to work for the CIA. Please tell me why? Why would they risk their lives and the lives of their families to do anything to benefit a country they hate?

Your hatred of America, the CIA, the Gov., or whoever is clouding your thinking.

They will do anything to retain power.

As evidenced by what? Please provide proof when making statements like this.

They know they can't win the election in November b/c they have so screwed things up.

Desperation's a muthaFukka.

He's leading in most polls (even with the addition of Edwards). Winning without something happening is more than capable of happening.

[edit on 9-7-2004 by ThatsJustWeird]

[edit on 9-7-2004 by ThatsJustWeird]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 06:33 PM
First, take into consideration the MASONIC MOTTO
ORDO AB CHAO = "Order out of Chaos".

It will be United Nations Troops who will take care of marshal law in the United States
Currently, there are United Nations troops in America and they have been involved in
house to house search and siezure of weapons in housing projects in several states.

And don't forget your FEMA camps with barbed wire and guard towers

Did you know that several weeks prior to the bombing in Oklahoma the Legislature had passed a resolution calling for the withdrawal of the U.S. from the U.N. and calling for the end of America's participation in the New World Order Operations.
If you don't beleave me read this

[edit on 9-7-2004 by Sauron]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
It will be United Nations Troops who will take care of marshal law in the United States

There are close to 300 million people in the US
Unless something major (and I'm talking huge!) happens, and wipes out most of the US population, not even the UN has enough troops to effectively put the US under martial law.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
who's country's leaders hate America, would want to work for the CIA. Please tell me why? Why would they risk their lives and the lives of their families to do anything to benefit a country they hate?
The Bush Administration stands to gain from a major terrorist attack on the United States Homeland. As with 9/11, it provides the fear, justification for Bush to continue his war campaign overseas, as well as providing justification for stricter control laws over his citizens. If you study history, you will see that there are many discrepencies over the Intelligence of a possible strike on America, like Pearl Harbor, in which the Administration knew something was going to happen, and they let it slip by on purpose to provide a justification to retaliate.

Some poor Al-Qaeda operatives would want to join in the CIA plots because they are probably provided large sums of money along with special training in terrorist tactics.

More often than not, major terror attacks, where there are thousands of lives lost, are usually already known in advance, yet the Government purposely lets them slip by, like 9/11, to provide their justification.

The Mossad, an Intelligence Agency on par of that like the CIA, has been caught in the past of trying to train and pay off Palestinian people to make terror attacks against Israel assets. A lot of this terrorism is very murky because of the power of these Intelligence Agencies to operate by proxy, training and creating the enemy that the United States needs.

The people who control the White House are not apt to be teary when it comes to some lost innocent lives who get in the way of their war mongering and control plans. Does the United States Government, or should I say, those who control it, mind if they kill a few thousand Americans? Nah, they don't, if they know it'll lead to more war for them, they'd be happy to.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:37 PM

Your hatred of America, the CIA, the Gov., or whoever is clouding your thinking.

I don't think it is a hatred for America. At least not for me - it's the opposite. I love America - I hate what greed and arrogance is doing to it.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
Some poor Al-Qaeda operatives would want to join in the CIA plots because they are probably provided large sums of money along with special training in terrorist tactics.

Doesn't really answer my question.
If you are given all the money in the world, what does it matter if you're just going to blow yourself up?

So I ask again, why would Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups cooperate with the US and CIA when they are the ones getting killed?

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:20 PM
It is virtually impossible to know what will happen between now and the election. Bottom line, for better or for worse we are the most heavily armed nation on Earth by a long shot, especially when it comes to weapons of mass destruction. Yes terrorists may obtain and actually successfully use such weapons against us...but...

but...if Al Queda miscalculates, does something of a magnitude that goes much beyond what happened on 9-11 there is every possibility that we will decide on a massive retaliatory strike.

Again for better or worse this country is currently in the hands of a very hawkish group of people. There is a line that probably can not be known until actual events unfold that will determine how serious this religious war will become.

No matter what your beliefs there can be little doubt that should 100,000 or more Americans perish in an 'event' our government will respond with a massive retaliatory strike. It would not surprise me if we simply nuked all nations suspected of harboring terrorists in the aftermath of such major event on our soil.

Religion often has been a point of division in world history bringing with it death and destruction rather than unity as one group of people seeks to imprint its' world view onto others. Civilization is such a thin veneer, let us all hope that the best of the human condition will rise out of the ashes if it comes to that.Text Blue

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
So I ask again, why would Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups cooperate with the US and CIA when they are the ones getting killed?

I believe that the conspiracy theorists and any of those skeptical of Al-Qaeda like to give this organization its proper name: Al-CIA-duh.

The main reason these terror groups and operatives participate and cooperate with the CIA is because they get paid hefty amounts of money. The ones that get killed have the money given to their immediate survivors, their family members. This is called State-Sponsored Terrorism, and I think it is courtesy of the United States Government/CIA. The operatives die, but they die knowing their family gets paid the money.

Now, by all the reports coming out now from Washington, it is obvious Bush is planning one of his Al-CIA-duh operations before the elections. He is desperate to remain in power. More will die, I believe, as a result of Al-CIA-duh operations in the United States. All Hell will break lose afterwards. Some people think something may happen on July 11, 2004.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 12:40 PM
that terrorist who attack that time i m thinking he is very stupid or at least
an idiot. i think if they really want to attack no one will know about it may be they are using the GPS SCRAMBLERS somthing like in the CNC games.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 01:08 PM
i am very concerned about this. this is a warning. i am taking it. however, i think the way out is a different approach than what they want us to see. we really need to stand behind sibel edmonds now. she has been tossed out of every wheres. and why???? the truth i think. they say it is some diplomatic deal that cant be disclosed, bs, full disclosure now, for all of us, for the truth needs to be know to prevent and preempt another terrorist attack....hmmmmmmm. eyes wide open mine are. and bush, i am real tired of hearing about the trolls you read about under the bridge....i know trolls and they are here.......and under our own bridges.......

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 01:15 PM
Why wait till marshall law to move to canada? Go now, I dont think you will be missed. Making beer is how you judge a nation only when you have nothing else ! We even took your coveted Stanley Cup. There is nothing great about Canada.

And as for predictions of terrorists attacks on election day, Sep 11 was not a significant date in our history. So I would not focus just on important dates or event that are upcoming. Bush and Co are the reason for no recent attacks regardless of any opinion of the Administration. To deny that is truly ignorant, something alot of people that post on ATS use as there bases for there profoundly ridiculous assertions they make towards President Bush.

Some people would bitch if you hung them with a brand new rope.
Be thankful a loser like al gore or john kerry was not president on Sep 11, they would have folded like a cheap suit. If you favor that cowardess approach well then canada, spain or perhaps france is were you should be!

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 01:21 PM

I find it hard to believe anything you say let alone put my trust in you. Is it that you claim to be a truth seeker or a scholar that lends credibility to accusations, I find no merit in any of them, just fairy tales.

[edit on 10-7-2004 by sniper068]

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