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Biometric Scans Reaches India : And You Could Be Next.

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posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 06:49 AM
The most vicious agenda the globalists are pushing hard in this 21st century is the surveillance of every single soul on this planet. They could have settled with tracking your ATM cards, driving license, Voter I.D. card, Passport, Visa etc. but no they want your face scanned, retina scanned, fingerprints scanned and they can't stop there, they want your whole DNA.


India has launched an ambitious program to fit each of its 1.2 billion residents with an Unique identification number (UID). Each number will be tied into three pieces of biometric data: fingerprints (all ten digits), iris scans (both eyes), and a picture of the face. Starting this month, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will begin processing people in various locations around the country. UIDAI aims to slowly roll out the program through February of 2011 and to ID 600 million people in the next four years!



The Knesset on Monday adopted a bill establishing a biometric database in Israel, which will eventually lead to the replacement of regular identification with electronic IDs. Forty Mks supported the bill, 11 opposed it, and three abstained. In addition to identification cards and passports, the database will also be designed to hold the fingerprints and visual scans of every citizen of Israel.



Abu Dhabi: Identity cards will soon carry advanced biometric identification such as iris images to ensure foolproof identity of the individual.



THE GOVERNMENT is exploring the possibility of applying biometric technology to visa applications from Pakistan in an effort to crack down on “sham marriages” in Ireland.


And you know that it is already in the stages of being implemented in U.S., Mexico, U.K., Germany, Brazil, Iraq, Australia. There are scanners now being developed that are attached to the ceiling and are so small, but can scan your face and irises from 30 feet away, so the next time you go to for shopping in a mall or to a hospital or looking for a job and you are already convicted earlier for a small accidental crime like jumping a traffic light, beware because you would be instantly flagged by the system as a Known troublemaker and people would behave to you accordingly.
And they are also collecting blood sample and DNA from new born babies and prisoners, are they doing it for research and experimentation or for eliminating the gene pools of those deemed unfit by the governments.

"We were a dozen to the project, With a galaxy of questions, And all we heard was lies about the truth, No choice but be obedient, Like prisoners of war, Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth" ---- White Lies - Fifty On Our Foreheads.

Are we being studied like lab rats, are we all just a part of their project..............?

edit on 8/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:07 AM
And it does not surprises me that major equipments providers are big private corporations from US.

Indian Government Certifies Cross Match Devices for UID Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. September 1, 2010 – Cross Match Technologies, Inc., a global provider of biometric identity solutions has been recognized as the first certified supplier of biometric devices for India’s unique identification numbers (UID) project. Cross Match’s rugged and dependable Guardian fingerprint capture device and the I SCAN dual iris capture device have been certified for UID. Both systems utilize Cross Match’s patented Auto Capture® feature which quickly captures high-quality images with minimal operator involvement.

Crossmatch technologies.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:14 AM
Damnation. The technology for our complete domination is here and the sheeple still graze contentedly. How the h3ll do we wake them up?

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
Damnation. The technology for our complete domination is here and the sheeple still graze contentedly. How the h3ll do we wake them up?

Thanks for posting, In India where I live the biometric scans would be implemented all over on 26 Jan 2011, and there is not a single protest until now, all the people here have bought the government excuse of better development. And will happily accept anything thrown at them.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Thats for certain. Anything the government does that involves advanced technology is considered part of India's growth and proof of its rising stature in the world so is in a sense just another reason to be proud, and no one can ever see beyond their pride. So youll see Karan Johar on the front page of the Mirror like you did when the elections were going on and he putting on his shnazi curved eyebrow and squinted eye look while holding up his inked middle finger, but this time youll see picture of his bare back and him looking over his shoulder with that same model look and a little lump at the edge of his shoulder blades where the RFID chip is, and all the little boys and girls will think its fashionable and modern to have one for themselves. Idk how they ever plan on tagging the tribes though.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 09:44 AM
The tribals here in india would be no problem for government to fool govt. is already offering them employment as peons etc. and most of the little educated section can be easily manipulated by bollywood actors promoting it.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by vinay86

It is not the technology itself that is bad...It is the abuse of data that would be collected, is the problem.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by cybernetic_dude
reply to post by vinay86

It is not the technology itself that is bad...It is the abuse of data that would be collected, is the problem.

I have no doubt this technology would be abused both by governments and people, its typical human nature.
edit on 8/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:25 AM
India is super corrupt, even more so than western nations. Don't the people know better?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by 547000
India is super corrupt, even more so than western nations. Don't the people know better?

It was always not like that, there were times when western forces came hear to take out its wealth because all those nations then were third world and developing. But when masonry came to India everything changed.

Mason India

edit on 9/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM
What about the cast system?

Agh, forget it, that's besides the point. Look where it is in the world corruption index. Why do citizens have faith in such an impotent and corrupt government? Look how crappily they manage everything, including the crappy infrastructure.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by 547000
What about the cast system?
Agh, forget it, that's besides the point. Look where it is in the world corruption index. Why do citizens have faith in such an impotent and corrupt government? Look how crappily they manage everything, including the crappy infrastructure.

Agreed with you govt. is corrupt, but govt. has people in it and peoples have greed and insecurities, but who put that in to the system, the answer lie in what is above that government.
The cast system has came from religion, and if you study different religion you would find many similar stories, like i think you are a christian and if so you know about the Adam and eve stories and the great flood, the same stories are in Hinduism also but with different character names, so now you know that the creator of religion did not put in much hard-work. But people are still convinced with religion.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by 547000

First off, the caste system was not corrupt initially. Originally there were only four castes created to distinguish between the divisions of labor. Nowadays different branches have developed in order to define a community of people, but all in all the 4 groups are the summary of them. The caste system does not create corruption, but certainly divisions. Secondly, the people have no faith in their government. Any Indian that can add up sums knows better than to trust the ones in authority, and that they are just people to be manipulated. Any Indian that can subtract never had faith to begin with.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by vinay86

True, but Hindus are basically almost universal unitarians, what with God being everything and all faiths being expressions of God. That's basically the gist of what I've learned, and seeing how many gurus, superstitions, and truths are accepted there it seems more likely the ancient people who originally orally told the story of Adam and Eve must have brought it to India before their beliefs were recorded in writing.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by asperetty

Why is there violence against Dalits who convert to Christianity?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by vinay86

True, but Hindus are basically almost universal unitarians, what with God being everything and all faiths being expressions of God. That's basically the gist of what I've learned, and seeing how many gurus, superstitions, and truths are accepted there it seems more likely the ancient people who originally orally told the story of Adam and Eve must have brought it to India before their beliefs were recorded in writing.

"Unitarian Universalism is a religious community characterized by support for a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning". It is not exactly true in Hinduism, there is no free will of the individual in search of truth, he is bound by religious boundaries in which he accepts hundreds of deities described in the religion as gods and worship them. But there are beliefs that all of those gods are basically the expression of Brahma in which all of this world and universe are situated. But basically he has to worship someone to get salvation.
But my opinion is all religions including Christianity are indoctrinations to cure the insecurities people have about their existence. It doesn't matter from where Adam and Eve story came, we have to realize that all that we want to know regarding truth , we already know it.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by vinay86

I disagree. I've had spiritual experiences that confirm to Christian doctrines. If anything, Christianity is very hard to believe without evidence, especially if you subscribe to scientific materialism. It is very hard to keep the faith and it is much easier to do what the rest of society does.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by vinay86

I disagree. I've had spiritual experiences that confirm to Christian doctrines. If anything, Christianity is very hard to believe without evidence, especially if you subscribe to scientific materialism. It is very hard to keep the faith and it is much easier to do what the rest of society does.

I have no intentions to hurt your beliefs in Christianity, you are a conscious being with free will, and you have every right to exercise that free will in your daily life and religious belief, but imposing your beliefs on someone else by manipulating them is wrong. Like many christian missionaries are doing here in India with poor people.
I would like to know about your views regarding the biometric scans, is normal card ID proof is not sufficient.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by vinay86

Some Christian missionaries are, but many are not, and I see it as the oppressing of Dalits who no longer want to be a part of an unfair culture or religion. Freedom of religion is important in any country that wants to be viewed as developed. Just because you don't like a belief doesn't mean you can beat up people or kill people who disagree with you.

I think biometric scans and chips or e-tattoos are both inevitable and not good for humanity. As it is in history, those who want progress will end up causing harm for progress's sake, like the eugenics movement or the French Revolution.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:13 AM
An ideal way to track terrorists... and then homegrown terrorists.... then street thugs, murderers and conmen... then me and you.

Although now I think about it, with this type of system the hardest part is implementation. So why not sell it to one of the largest countries in the world and learn from their mistakes as they try to make it work.
edit on 11/1/11 by spearhead because: (no reason given)

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