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How many of you have actual evidence of Aliens? Have you ever really seen them?

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posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:04 AM
I AM a walk-in alien. I STILL have to have handlers. In my case, they are like advisors. (Not goons like in the FBI or CIA).
I could not have made it this far if I didn't have GOOD-GUY handlers and the advice of the ETs that I am in contact with.
I have THREE things going on in my life:
1. I am a walk-in alien
2. I have had genetic changes to my (human) body.
3. I am an abductee.
The abductions are to keep me healthy, due to the genetic changes and walk-in experience.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Imzadi
I AM a walk-in alien. I STILL have to have handlers. In my case, they are like advisors. (Not goons like in the FBI or CIA).
I could not have made it this far if I didn't have GOOD-GUY handlers and the advice of the ETs that I am in contact with.
I have THREE things going on in my life:
1. I am a walk-in alien
2. I have had genetic changes to my (human) body.
3. I am an abductee.
The abductions are to keep me healthy, due to the genetic changes and walk-in experience.

Ok first off what is a walk in alien? Is this any reference to the walk in phen that stephen king wrote about in DT series? How can you be both a walk in alien and an abductee at the same time? Are you saying that you are an alien who was abducted by humans??
Please explain.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 05:50 AM
All this proof stuff is not so important, nowadays people are more open minded, and if galaxy is so big and so on, its not a possibility that another race exists, it does ... My opinion on this, is that we are a bunch of test bunnies and we are beeing monitored through all these years of evolution, and no doubt that 90% of all ufo sightings are government top secret inventions .. if Nazi`s probably made these things fly, or even construct them using theory based on anti gravity stuff, then it would be a fact that after all these years we have those flying saucers ourselves .. but as i said before, its only my opinion


posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 07:55 AM

All this proof stuff is not so important, nowadays people are more open minded...

People may be more open minded, but this does not detract in any way from the importance of such a discovery. It has nothing to do with it.

What do you mean proof is not important?

The discovery and proof of Extra-Terrestial life (in the form which is implied here), would be one of the biggest events in the history of mankind, if not the biggest. How could anyone possibly view such an event as being without importance?


[edit on 3/8/04 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 08:17 AM
To JACK //

The evidence of it is kept secret by the government, that's for sure, i didn't mean that proof means nothing, but we certainly know that there is and must be some kind of life form in the whole universe, it's a must

No one will tell you the truth, neither show you evidence, it's just not going to happen until something really big goes off, for example a mothership crash in Moscov or something, then we will all know what is happening, and in what to believe, but now we can only look at pictures of bowls and dishes attached to beautiful nature views. Im not an american and i have never been to America, but i know what is the problem, America is HUGE and the amount of money is HUGE, and it is obvious that this HUGE amount of money goes to researching unknown projects, and paying to unknown people for hiding the truth .. Cover-ups like these are rare in nowadays, but as we can see a HUGE amount of money can affect people .. For example, i would hide the truth for 10 million US dollars, knowing that i will be executed if some info is leaking.. the problem is in our society, no matter from which country you are, people are egoistic and selfish, every human just takes care of his own butt no matter what ..

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If we had hard "proof" we wouldn't be having this conversation...

You know, I have to confess I never really believed in this UFO stuff until just recently. I am the type that has always had to see something for myself to believe it - except for God. Anyway, one night a few weeks ago myself and some others, including children were out in the middle of nowhere for a campout and we were watching the stars. We could see all the satellites, shooting starts, everything! Well, we were talking and watching then all of a sudden we saw what we thought was a bright planet move. It was moving too slow for a comet, but we know for sure it wasn't a satellite; it all of a sudden shot off. I have never seen anything like it! We were all stunned. It was so bright and it was big. That was enough to at least peak my interest and really start thinking about it.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 10:42 AM
I have, my mother, grandmother, sister, my three sons, and now my granddaughter....we are sorta, followed around so to speak. I don't talk much of it anyone IRL....people think your nuts!
and I have to be them....

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 06:23 AM
Well, me and my family had a few experiences... I posted them in the Paranormal board a month or two ago.


Back a long time ago my family used to see huge cigar shaped/oval shaped objects hovering a few feet over our fields. (lived out in the middle of nowhere).
No we didn't have crop circles

What was really weird is when once my friend and I saw a few of them hovering about the fields and we tried waking everyone up. We shook them, shouted at them... was like they were dead.
Now normally, they are really light sleepers. So that was really strange.

Another time, the strangest experience ever, I had seen a HUGE ass circular thing hovering over our chicken house. Now the house we lived in was built around the 1870s. The chicken house was made of oak. So that is 100 year old oak with 100 year old rusty nails in it. That is IMPOSSIBLE to get the damn nails out. But after I watched the craft or whatever it was hovering over the chicken house for 30 minutes or so, I ran to the chicken house. I was so freaked out... the nails on the top were all pulled out and laid on the roof the chicken house.

There was really something weird with that house. We also had a christmas tree appear in our empty attic once. And then the next month or so, the attic had a few mattress laying on the floor and the tree was gone.

Really weird.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 09:48 AM
hmmm, well my only sighting wasnt what i would call positive evidence, but its enough to convince me. though i already beleive in the existance of ETs.

i was walking down the street in sydney with my uncle as we were going to the movies. it was about 5 or 6 in the afternoon on a weekend in Sydney, Australia and and the sun was setting. As i was walking along i was looking around at houses along the street and as i stopped to look at an odd looking house something caught my eye on the horizon, i could see the stars starting to come out but i saw a ball, a spherical type object that was a lot bigger than a star, about 6 times the size or more of a large star that you could see in the sky. at first i thought it was just the lights from a plane, as my area is directly in the flightpath of a huge ammount of planes comming and going from Sydney airport. but as i watched it for a few minutes it seemed to move a little, hover around and then with INCREDIBLE speed flew off up into the sky.

i also have stories from older people who i talked to about these things when i was younger, some saying their cars over long trips to other places in the outback, that their cars would short out. and they would see a disc or something like a beem of light nearbye for a minute or two before their car started up again as if nothing happened.

also when i was living in the US when i was around 3 or 4 years old in Providence my mother often saw a bright blue light flash away whenever she entered my room to check up on me late at night. i dont know what this was exactly but have read somewhere that sometimes aliens take the form of energy or pure light.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 09:55 AM
In reply to your thread title....How many of you have actual evidence of Aliens? Have you ever really seen them? Whether we have seen them or not, we have no "actual evidence", just what we experianced.....

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by senshido
Here's the link Anomalies Found in Roswell Metal

interesting. It also links to this page

from one of the labs responsible for testing the materiel:
At the most basic of levels, we would freely state that the artifact portion provided by LMH does NOT seem to be composed of elements or compounds which are unknown. Nor is it composed of alloys that appear to be of a purity or combination beyond the scope of current material science. The artifact bears a strong resemblance to irregular layered residue often found in large physical vapor deposition (PVD) coaters. This family of filming processes includes sputtering, E-beam, and resistively heated thermal evaporation; all common vacuum processes used widely in industry. The structure of the artifact very strongly suggests long term, high rate, disordered epitaxial growth on a cold surface (chilled evaporant shield? chamber walls?) [...] In 2000, one last revelation came our way on the origin of the artifact. The combination of bismuth and magnesium had eluded us for four years. But then one day, we found a reference to an obscure industrial process used in the refinement of lead. The process, called the Betterton-Krohl Process, uses molten magnesium floated over the surface of liquid lead. The magnesium sucks up, or pulls bismuth impurities out of the lead! Often, the magnesium is used over and over again�

They also noted that it didn't react unusually in any of the tests they performed.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Imzadi
1. I am a walk-in alien

by this you mean that you are an alien who is comming into a human body correct? (more or less?)

2. I have had genetic changes to my (human) body.
3. I am an abductee.

So 3 was done to accomplish 1 via 2, no?

The abductions are to keep me healthy, due to the genetic changes and walk-in experience.

Have you submitted any of your dna to any testing services?

What sort of changes have they been doing, how much detail have they explained it to you in?

I noted elsewhere that you said they do this so that you can 'explain' them to the rest of us. Good. You also noted in may that the aliens will reveal themselves "very soon". Has someting happened?

What happens durign the abductions?

What is their frequency?

What health problems (resulting from the genetic engineering) are they correcting during the abductions?

You also claim that you were originally 'black' and are now 'white' (or at least have changed 'race' several times). Why is this? What has been the reaction of people you know to this?

How do you intend to 'explain' the aliens?

here you state

The most recent information was on TV. It stated that a company there had made the first VIABLE HUMAN-BOVINE EMBRYO. It was human genetic material put into a cow's egg.("Egg basket") It implied that the embryo was carried to term in a woman's body.

This is not true. A human genome has not been placed into a cleared out bovine egg and implanted in a human womb. You stated this was mentioned on the TV, you must have misunderstood the information.

I also had a GOVERNMENT boyfriend until 9-11. He's alive, just busy in covert operations.

You are, what, in your 80s? And you have a boyfreind engaged in covert operations relating to counter terrorism?

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I have, my mother, grandmother, sister, my three sons, and now my granddaughter....we are sorta, followed around so to speak. I don't talk much of it anyone IRL....people think your nuts!
and I have to be them....

You are followed relatively constantly? Have you been able to take some photos or videos or anything?

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Although I have never seen a UFO or an alien, records of claims by authors known worldwide have existed for 3,200 years. I just read this month's Bible Code Newsletter a couple of days ago about the event on webpage and am now convinced that, in fact, aliens and UFO exist - and probably abductees as well. I need no further proof than that.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 01:35 PM

How many of you have actual evidence of Aliens? Have you ever really seen them?

Yeah I've got one locked up in the attic.....I abducted it...

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