A man has to get across a pool full of sharks. The sharks are hungry and he's delicious. However, the bloke is able to cross from one side to the
other unscathed. How does he do it?
Cant he just walk Around the pool? Like, the long way? Why would he even have to get in the pool? Surely the pool can't be infinite in size...
Just saying. Haha
The man just swims across the pool. The sharks are basking sharks or such like therefore only consume plankton and have no interest in the man.
Probably not the answer but as you did not specify species of shark this would work.
Take Care, regards
Or something like they were pool sharks as in the game ... But that would not work with the way it is worded.
I kind of figured it out when i saw the man...but then bloke...cause im like hey...who the hell is the bloke if theres only a man..and then i was like
ohhhhh =o i'm smart...but slow