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Installing Windows XP (Updated, I need help)

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posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:12 PM
I'm currently in the process of building my new computer. I have been wondering something... The computer I use now has Windows XP Home, and I have the CD and everything. Will I be able to use that Windows CD to install the operating system on my new machine? Or am I going to have to buy a whole new OS?

[Edited on 23-7-2004 by Faisca]

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:15 PM
If the computer you have now isnt a name brand comp like Dell, forth...and the disk ISNT just a backup disk...and relaly is the actual disk. Are you gonna be using both computers at the same time? Or chucking the one your on now? Cuz M$ doesnt allow the same XP serial number to be installed on 2 computers. If your chucking it then yes you can use the current disk. If your gonna keep it then you need a new serial number.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:23 PM
Well the comp the disk came with is a Dell. And yeah I'm going to be using both (well my parents will be using the one I have now).

Crap... It looks as if I'll have to dish out $100 or so for a new one, huh? That sucks.

Thanks for the info =)

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:34 PM

Well the comp the disk came with is a Dell. And yeah I'm going to be using both (well my parents will be using the one I have now).

Crap... It looks as if I'll have to dish out $100 or so for a new one, huh? That sucks.

Well, you can't REGISTER it on two different machines...but you can physically use it on's just not technically legal...and I would never advocate doing something which is illegal...nope, no sir...not me....
Chances are if it came with your Dell, it is the full version disk...Dell's been pretty good about that...(and this is from someone who used to work for Gateway, hehe...)

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:38 PM
Hehe well all right... I get what you're sayin Gazrok. Either that or I could do it legally and buy it from this site I just found which sells software for wicked cheap, cuz its only the disk and the key, nothing else. $50 bucks for Windows XP Pro. I guess we'll see.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
$50 bucks for Windows XP Pro.

Can you post the site? That would be a great deal.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Sure thing.

It sells all the software OEM, so it's pretty cheap. Photoshop for $60 bucks, it's usually around $600. I'm not sure how they get away with that, but hey it's all good.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:59 PM
I wonder if they are selling bootleg copies. Photoshop for $60 that�s hard to believe. It�s really tempting though.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Well I got the full Adobe media suite for free.... But um... Shhhhh. LoL.

Yeah, I'm not sure how they get away with it. They could be bootleg copies =/ $50 is a good deal for Windows XP though. They say that they'll send you a cd key and everything like that, so they could be legit. Or they could be a scam and if you order from them and it doesn't work you won't be able to really fix it cuz they've scammed you and they don't care anymore.

Oh well, we'll see what happens.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:11 PM
This is from their FAQ page explaining how they sell software at these prices. I would like to know what is considered �backup software�. Btw- how did you get Adobe media suite?

How can you sell this software so cheap? It seems to good to be true -is there a catch?
There is no catch - the software versions that we sell are OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) which means you will receive the installation CDs only (they do not come in their original retail packing and do not include the manual). We do guarantee that all programs are the 100% full working retail versions - no demos or academic versions. When you order, you will receive all materials required for a complete installation - or your money back. Why pay hundreds of dollars more when you can get exactly the same product but much cheaper? You don't have to pay that much for the fancy box and manuals.

This software is recognized as a backup software.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Yeah the "backup software" thing, I dunno what that means. I mean I'd like to trust this place, lol, but sometimes places like that can't be trusted.

And as for the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After FX, and some other stuff) I got it from a friend who.. procures a lot of programs in a less than legal manner... It's good to have connections like that.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
Yeah the "backup software" thing, I dunno what that means. I mean I'd like to trust this place, lol, but sometimes places like that can't be trusted.

And as for the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After FX, and some other stuff) I got it from a friend who.. procures a lot of programs in a less than legal manner... It's good to have connections like that.

You may think so, but it's not 'Good' at all. Why you ask?

Cause friends don't don't let friends Commit Crimes!! Software Piracy is a Crime ya know!!!

Ya know what? On second thought the real crime is being charged prices like $600.00 for some freakin' software!!!!! What are they CRAZY!!! What a bunch of Criminal Bastards!!! It's software for crying out loud. It's written once (usually with flaws, especially if it's Micro$oft) and then it's just Duped a Million times on CD's that cost fractions of a cent. So let's see. A Million copies costing 1/100 th of a cent each. Ok, throw in the packaging and manual and lets say the cost.....Ummmm, Hell let's get crazy and say $1 a piece. Then they sell those for $600.00 a piece. For a profit of $599.00 each. Let's say they only sell 10% of all of them made.

So it costs them $1,000,000 to produce them.
Selling only 100,000 of them (10%) @ $600.00 each = $60,000,000
Now $60,000,000 - $1,000,000 = $59,000,000

So they still make a profit of $59 Million Dollars just for selling 10% of what they actually produced. Hmmmmm.......I think they are doing just fine.

Besides, aren't we always told as children how 'Good' and 'Nice' it is to Share our Toys with others less fortunate!!!!


[Edited on 8-7-2004 by mOjOm]

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:40 PM
Ok this company is a rip-off, don�t order anything from them. I searched Google for information about their business and found the following:

3/29/04 3:28 PM
This probably a fraudulent company. I have seen their organization under 5 different names in the last year. They change the web site name about every 3 months. Probably in an attempt to elude you after placing an order. They say please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. At 71/2 weeks i was told my shipment was on its way. At 9 weeks the same thing. At about week 10 their web site went away and the I found it under a different name. I have requested a refund, after 2 emails they finally said they would refund my money. 3 weeks after that no refund! Email reply said it would probably take 4 weeks. Its now 6 weeks and have no refund at emails come back undeliverable. This company has been doing businsess as OEMSALES.BIZ / CDCHEAP.BIZ / SOFTFORBIZ.NET / GETSOFTNOW.BIZ . Stay away from this orgainization. Their prices look great but you will probably never see any product!!!

5/7/04 1:24 PM
Fraud!!! They are crooks,liers and thieves!!

What sofware? Where is it? Money taken by:
Your transaction has been accepted! Your credit card has been billed for 59.95 USD.

Mr Andrew, thank you for purchasing Adobe Photoshop 7.0!

IMPORTANT: This transaction will appear as "PLEASEBILLUS " on your credit card statement.
Please write down your transaction ID:
7C32Dx328DF75x78F7Ex691x (not giving all nubers obviously)
You should include this transaction id in your support requests!

Technical Support Details:

I have no more to say!!!

More reviews found on the following sites:

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:44 PM
Hey KL thanks for doing a bit of searching about them. Definitely a good thing =) I probably wasn't gonna get it from them anyway, sounded too good to be true and it was. Buncha jerks

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 11:55 AM
I got a copy of Windows XP Pro, but I didn't buy it. A friend of mine gave it to me, dunno how he got it. Now I'm wondering something... I have the CD key and stuff, so I can install it and everything fine. But what about when it comes down to activating it? Am I not going to be able to use my computer after 30 days? Is there any way to not activate it? Because I really don't want to dish out $300 and waste all my birthday money on a new operating system, but I might have to I guess.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated, I know there are some computer gurus out there.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:50 PM
You may not be able to apply any service packs if you use the same key. I don�t know�

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:51 PM
Screw it, I've decided to just buy a whole new OS. That solves all my problems, and it's legit and legal. Thanks anyway guys.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:55 PM
You should be able to continue using it, and if you cant, U2U me.
You wont be able to apply service pack 2, but you can apply service pack one.
Actually you might be able to apply service pack two.... MAYBE.

I hate to see people shell out so much money for a bunch of ones and zeros on a plastic disc

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 01:11 PM
Well I'm gonna attempt to use the CD I got from my friend, and if it ends up not working or #ting out on me after 30 days I'll just buy a new copy for like 80 bucks. Not the worst deal in the world I guess.


posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
I got a copy of Windows XP Pro
But what about when it comes down to activating it? Am I not going to be able to use my computer after 30 days? Is there any way to not activate it?

Pro version doesn't need an activation.

And you should be able to download pretty much all updates in SP2 from Windows Update.

Service packs are made just so that you don't have to download and install every patch separate when installing OS.

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