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The passengers of the four 9/11 flight's. Where's the airport video surveilance footage of them.

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Most TMers wouldn't believe even if we had cockpit video.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Metallicafan

Proof of this? Facts? have any?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

Heres the BTS data sheet link to flight 11 wheel time

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Thats not a very good source, only because when an aircraft backs out from the gate, its up to the pilot to turn on the beacon that carries its travel. Not to mention, on your sources list, there are many aircraft on that list that say 00:00 for departure time. This proves nothing.

Are you now suggesting the many flights that allegedly didn't take off are part of the conspiracy too?
edit on 7-1-2011 by Whereweheaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Yo Sherlock......

Thats because BTS tracks COMPLETED flights with departure and arrivals times listed

Note that none of the hijacked flights arrived at their scheduled destinations!

Therefore according to BTS the flights were not completed and stats entered in the database .........

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 03:27 PM
The thread isnt about if the plane took off, crashed or got switched in mid route, I asked for CCTV footage of the passengers in the airports before take off, and up to now nobody's yet posted any!!

Apart from the 5 alleged terrorists getting patted down....just to prove they where onboard.

edit on 7-1-2011 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

There's your evidence. There facts!

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by andy1972

you, sir....are a detective....
and also where are the witnesses or videos of the WHOLE mornings view - of - the - horizon ( or skys)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by andy1972

You mean the 4 alleged terrorists getting swept and patted down. One of the al Hazmis (the one in the white shirt) didn't walk through the metal detector and wasn't swept by the security guard.

Good question though, OP. The only prominent victim family members that have made much of a stir about anything are the so-called "Jersey Girls", whose family members were killed at the WTC.

9/11 was an inside job.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:23 PM
On the Recent Jesse Ventura show about the Pentagon

They point out the bodies of the alleged flight turned up 100 Miles away in some Hanger

and not from the scene ...

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by andy1972

Originally posted by Metallicafan
9/11 was an inside job. This is old news.

Who's asking if it was an inside job or not ?

I asked why hasnt any footage of the passengers in the airports emerged yet.

If you didn't think it was (is) an inside job then, why are you questioning it?

I think you just barked at someone whose on the same side as you. But then again, what side are you on?

1) You believe
2) You don't believe
There's no in between

I think there are much better questions to ask concerning these passengers.

Although I snagged this off the Internet some time ago, I apparently didn't save the link. So I can't give credit to the rightful author or site therefore I am not including external link:


As everyone who is involved in exposing the 9-11 cover-up knows, nothing concerning 9-11 is as it seems. Whether it's the magic jet that our government told us crashed into the Pentagon, the obvious missing jet at Shanksville (Flight 93), the three perfect demolitions of the World Trade Center towers, or the fact that Arab hijackers are still alive and their supposed ring leader Osama bin Laden has the ability to change his facial features at will. Nothing, I repeat, nothing about the government/controlled media version of 9-11 makes any sense.

So, let's get one thing straight and out of the way right now. There are no such things as physical inconsistencies in the world we live in. We can always depend on the laws of physics to be consistent and unchanging. Coincidence is a self-contained human concept; and the real world - the atoms, molecules and planets that whiz around - don't care if you understand them. Likewise, they aren't concerned if their movement happens to favor you or not. I say this because, as Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani know (WING TV), this is the key to understanding what is real and what is contrived.

With that said, let me go back to sometime in February, 2004. At that time I had pretty much figured out that what had happened at the Pentagon and the WTC was a lie. I was still toying with the idea, though, that maybe (just maybe) our government had shot down Flight 93 in Shanksville in order to protect us from the real terrorists.

Then a few websites started to pop-up showing videos of what appeared to be a "pod" under Flight 175, along with an unexplained flash that happened just before the jet hit the South Tower. To me, this was just as damning as the Pentagon and the WTC collapses. There is no good reason for us to be seeing what we saw if the official government story was true. Think about this point for a minute. If what we saw was just an anomaly, then there must be millions of photos/videos of 757s taking off and landing at airports all over the world that look JUST LIKE THAT! If anybody has any jet photo anomalies they would like to share with us, please send them to Victor and Lisa at WING TV so we can clear this stuff up.

Which brings me to Ellen Mariani: she’s the woman who lost her husband Louis on Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower on 9-11. With the help of a lawyer named Phil Berg, she filed a lawsuit against President Bush and company under the RICO act. Also, she refused to take the hush money that was offered to her under the 9-11 Victims Compensation fund.

In addition, I had just discovered Black Op Radio earlier in the year and found an interesting show in their archives (# 156) on which Ellen and Mr. Berg appeared as guests. This may be the single biggest point concerning 9-11, and hopefully the last nail in the coffin of our government's lies. During this broadcast, Mrs. Mariani said that she was the only relative of all the passengers that died on Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower. Her lawyer, Phil Berg, repeated this statement.

I listened to this show over and over again and couldn't believe what she had just said. Everything came together at this point. That’s when it dawned on me that not only had our government lied about the physics of 9-11; they may very well have taken it one step farther by faking the number of people that died that day. I believed what she and Mr. Berg had just said. Nothing about 9-11 made any sense. Why should it start now?

Not knowing then what I know now, Ellen and Phil believed that for some reason the government was holding back the names of the people that had died on Flight 175. She had tried to get in touch with the relatives of other family members, but to no avail. You see, she and her lawyer believed, just like most other people believe, that four jets had been hijacked by Arab terrorists and crashed into buildings and into the ground at Shanksville. I, on the other hand, had already swept those lies aside.

Their statement also gave credence to the Fox News reporter who said that the jet which crashed into the South Tower had no windows. Hey, this jet appeared to have a "pod" under it anyway. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit.

Now, we come to most interesting stuff - the Social Security Death Index, and thanks to Victor Thorn's idea, the September 11th Victim’s Compensation Fund. After all, it's one thing to say that the flight lists are not on the up and up, but it's another thing to prove it.

The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) (Social Security Death Index) is a privately-owned website that is not affiliated with Social Security. It boasts an accuracy rate of about 83% (e-mail them any questions you may have). Anyway, to check its reliability, I inputted the names of people I knew that had died in my family, along with friends and neighbors. Being a true skeptic, I had no way of knowing whether they were telling the truth or not. With the exception of a cousin, I found everyone I was looking for. (Be sure you have the person's true first name - they may not be listed by the state they last lived in, but can be found in the state where their social security number was issued.) By all means try it yourself.

Which brings us to the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund (also known as the Shut Up and Take the Money Fund), which most of you have heard about.

9-11 Victims Compensation Fund

This is where our government opened up the Treasury and gave family members of those who lost their lives that day lots of money. In return, these families were basically told to shut up about anything else concerning 9-11. (Considering all the lies surrounding this horrific event, you can see why.)

At this point there is one thing we should never forget, and that is how powerful the notion of human greed is. Remember this concept as you read the number of victims whose family members sought compensation.

The names of the victims can be found on the CNN website.

Here are the results:

Flight 11: of the 92 people who are listed as dying on this flight, only 20 are listed in the SSDI (22%)

Of these 20 people, only three are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list:

Judy Larocque
Laurie Neira
Candace Lee Williams


Flight 77: of the 64 people who are listed as dying on this flight, only 14 are listed in the SSDI (22%)

Of these 64 people, only five on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list:

William Caswell
Eddie Dillard
Ian Gray
John Sammartino
Leonard Taylor


Flight 175: of the 65 people who are listed as dying on this flight, only 18 are listed in the SSDI (28%)

Of these 65 people, only three are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list:

Michael C. Tarrou
Gloria Debarrera
Timothy Ward


Flight 93: of the 45 people who are listed as dying on this flight, only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)

Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list:

No one


Have you noticed anything strange yet? Of the passengers and crew of Flight 11, 77, 175 & 93, only 22%, 22%, 28%, 13% respectively are in the SSDI.

Remember human greed? Of the 266 people that we were told died on these jets, only 11 relatives applied for compensation. Can you believe that not a single relative from Flight 93 applied for compensation? I can't. Were all the relatives of the victims so rich that they weren't eligible to receive compensation? No, that's not it. (The minimum federal award was $250,000, and the average pay-out was about $1.8 million. The recipients only had to make agreement: they couldn’t sue the airlines.)

You should also know that most lawyers told their clients to take the money and run (which is what most lawyers would do - take the sure money). Ellen Mariani clearly elaborated on this point during her appearance on the radio show mentioned above.

Finally, during the past week, thanks to Lisa Guliani's insatiable quest for the truth, the 9-11 Victims Compensation Final Report has come to light.

9-11 Victims Compensation Final Report

Oddly, but consistent with everything concerning 9-11, the actual complete list of the people who benefited has been omitted from this report. Even without this, it does contain an interesting fact. According to the report, 98% of all the people who suffered a loss on 9-11 took the fund money. The average payment was $1.8 million.

But here's where it gets strange. According to the government, here are the number of people who accepted the compensation fund:

Out of a total of 92 people on Flight 11, only 65 accepted the 9-11 fund (71%)
Out of a total of 65 people on Flight 175, only 46 accepted the 9-11 fund (71%)
Out of a total of 64 people on Flight 77, only 33 accepted the 9-11 fund (52%)
Out of a total of 45 people on Flight 93, only 25 accepted the 9-11 fund (56%)

Does any of this seem a little odd to you? Or is it possible that not only were the jets on 9-11 magical, but their passengers as well?

So there you have it; yet another glaring 9-11 inconsistency - just maybe the biggest of them all?

Skeptically yours,
Vincent Sammartino

9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

by Dr. Thomas R. Olmsted

April 30, 2006
Scholars for 9/11 Truth website

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on any of the flight manifests of the planes that “crashed” on that day.

A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below. Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list. It is my opinion that the monsters who planned this crime made a mistake by not including Arabic names on the original list to make the ruse seem more believable.

When airline disasters occur, airlines will routinely provide a manifest list for anxious families. You may have noticed that even before Sep 11th, that airlines are pretty meticulous about getting an accurate headcount before takeoff. It seems very unlikely to me that five Arabs sneaked onto a flight with weapons.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), does a miraculous job and identified nearly all the bodies on November 16th 2001.

The AFIP suggest these numbers; 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were “passengers” on the plane. The AA list only had 56 and the list just obtained has 58. They did not explain how they were able to tell “victims” bodies from “hijacker” bodies. In fact, from the beginning NO explanation has been given for the extra five suggested in news reports except that the FBI showed us the pictures to make up the difference, and that makes it so.

Now, being the trusting sort, I figured that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors so we could get on with the chore of kicking Osama/Saddam’s butt (weren’t these originally two different people?). It seemed simple to me... produce the names of all the bodies identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response, because we were getting ready to send our boys to war on the pretext that Osama/Sadaam had done the deed. Fourteen months later, a few US soldiers dead, many Iraqi civilians pushing up daisies, and I finally get the list. Believe me that they weren’t a bit happy to give it up, and I really have no idea why they choose now to release it.

No Arabs wound up on the morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these extras. I did give American the opportunity to “revise” their original list, but they have not responded. The new names are: Robert Ploger, Zandra Ploger, and Sandra Teague. The AFIP claims that the only “passenger” body that they were not able to identify is the toddler, Dana Falkenberg, whose parents and young sister are on the list of those identified.

The satanic masterminds behind this caper may be feeling pretty smug about the perfect crime, but they have left a raft of clues tying these unfortunates together. Stay tuned for part two to take a much closer look of the cast of characters on this ill-fated flight.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Metallicafan

You people just accept the crap from those various "9/11 conspiracy" websites without any question???

Do you even know how the BTS collects that data?? Did ANY of you notice that the United flights, both of them, ARE listed in BTS....the out and off times (this is recorded to the AIRLINES software systems, as part of their tracking.....the FAA requirement technically called "Flight Following"....procedures).

This info is, nowadays, automated as part of the ACARS, which transmits much data in various ways....and this is usually handled by outside vendor called ARINC. (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated).

In the even the ACARS is not installed, or inoperative...then the relevant times are radioed by the pilots...AGAIN, to the airline. They call the "company" operations, on the "company" frequency, at the airport they just departed from. In the event they are operating at an airport that is contracted for handling by another airline, then THAT facility is the one they contact by radio, and they either enter the times information into the computer system, or else telephone the airliner directly with the info.

The times of OUT and OFF (that is gate block "out" time --- which is used for purposes of actual total elapsed "flight" time, for pay and legality reasons...."OUT" to "IN" at the gate) and the take-"off" time, which is used to then calculate the arrival ETA, based on the flight plan time already pre-calculated. That is the "ON" time. OUT / OFF / ON / IN

The poor, poor research, and misinformation spread by sources such as the one you linked to are indicative of the incredible ignorance of the reality of aviation, and how the airline business is actually run.

Because...POINT is, the BTS data doesn't arrive to the Government for compiling until the AIRLINE sends it!!!

On September 11, American Airlines sent ONLY the information for all of their flights that completed their trips. United Airlines send their data differently, and happened to include the OUT and OFF times for UAL 93 and UAL 175....different companies, different way they compile their own internal data, for transmission to the BTS.

IF ANY of those "9/11 conspiracy" waste-of-time websites would do proper research, then they wouldn't make so many ridiculous and unwarranted claims like this one. But of course....IF they actually did do proper research?? Then, they would no longer have a reason to exist, and no outlet for spreading their crap and attracting advertising to their websites and, for those few, selling their disgusting trinkets, and asking for "donations" for their sites. They are all vile, vile disgusting excuses for humanity.

The premise of this thread is a red herring, as well. And, borderline ghoulish.

Finally, the existence of both American flights is confirmed by mountains of other evidence....not the least of which are the ATC RECORDINGS!!!!

And, I challenge one of you, just one, to confront face-to-face any of the loved ones of the passenger victims....the people who knew them, and KNEW what flight numbers they were taking that morning.

If you don't have the fortitude for that, then I suggest you look into the story of "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane.....he was booked on American 11 that morning. Was hung over, from the night before, running late...they wouldn't hold the flight for him. Tell HIM to his face that he's a liar!

One more Hollywood connection --- David and Lynn Angell were on American 11. David Angell was a producer on the TV show "Frasier". Contact them, their production company, anyone....and call all of THEM liars.

....a recent rerun dedicated the episode to the memory of Lynn and David Angel. who are they?

Hi Jeff

David Angell was the co-creator/executive producer of Frasier with Peter Casey and David Lee. Unfortunately he died in the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. He and his wife Lynn were on the flight from Boston to Los Angeles that was hijacked and flown into the tower. It was obviously a horrendous tragedy so it was only right that everyone on the show wanted to pay their respects by dedicating the episode to their memory.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I aint barking at anyone...!!
It's just that threads quickly change from the content of the OP to another subject really quickly and the basis of the OP is lost.
I wasnt asking if there was any footage to say " yeah, i told yah, nobody boarded a plane, so they were drones "etc etc etc

I just want to know why the appropriate authoritiys havnt released any footage as of yet....may be it isnt a case of who board's the's a case of who doe'snt board that's more important.

edit on 7-1-2011 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Good question.I've thought about & researched this alot.I have some theories.

I think that 2 planes with passengers actually did crash on 9/11.The ones that hit the towers (Actually I know no planes crashed into the Pentagon or Shanksville.So lets say,at most 2 planes).I think those planes were remotely controlled.As the story goes,the planes were unusually empty that day.They were carrying about 26% of their passenger capacity.52% is average for a Tuesday.If we take 2 planes out of the equation (Flights 77 & 93) thats a perfectly normal passenger load for 2 planes.52% for each plane that hit the towers.On the other hand,I've noticed that there was no passengers family members that showed up at LAX or SF Intl Airport.That's where it gets tricky.If all these people did in fact die,but on 2 planes not 4,then still..why no families at the airports? Then I came up with another theory.Maybe,some of these passengers actually died in the Towers.Theres a video on YT from around 4:00pm on 9/11,that shows that absolutely no survivors from the towers had been brought to the nearby trauma center.The medical staff was waiting at the door baffled.(Here's the link: ). What if,they were routing all the survivors and dead bodies to one central location & sorting through them to find out-of-towners?Alot of these victims were big business types.The types that might just jump on a plane to attend a meeting in another town on short notice,without telling their families.Their families could easily be convinced that their loved one booked a flight without telling them.I've found at least one very suspicious passenger that supports this theory.Mr.Titus Davidson,a security guard for Morgan Stanley in the WTC.He was "alledgely" onboard one of the flights that hit the towers.But why would a security guard who resides in New York be departing from Boston to LAX?Wouldn't he have left from New York straight to L.A.?I know flights make stops in other cities along the way.But I don't think a flight headed southwest would stop 30 minutes northeast.Of course,this guy could have drove up to Boston to visit family (They say he was on vacation.) for a few days before heading off to vacation in Palms Springs something.Its possible.But what are the odds that this guy drove to Boston & happened to catch a flight doomed to crash him into the building he works in?Doesn't seem plausible.Seems more plausible that this guy was dug up out of the rubble at ground zero & named a passenger.

I think some passengers & their families were in on it.I think the Flight 93 heroes were all ficticious.I've noticed that there is only a handful of passenger family members (Mainly that of Mark Bingham,Tom Burnett,Todd Beamer,Jeremy Glick,Chic Burlingame & Lauren Grandcolas) have made any public appearances and have been focused on by the media & that they all seem suspicious:
1)None of them are from the flights that hit the towers (The ones that aren't really in question).Almost all of them are from Flight 93 & Flight 77 (The planes that most obviously didn't crash).
2)All these people seem to be Republicans.They're all strong war supporters.None of them question the official story,whereas,the victims families from the towers mostly doubt the OV.
3)These people's backgrounds suggest that they knew eachother before 9/11.Mark Bingham & Todd Beamer are both from the same small town,Los Gatos,California.They both attended LG High School at the same time & were both athletes.These families undoubtly know eachother.Mark Bingham's mom Alice Hoagland,Tom Burnett's wife Deena Burnett & pilot Chic Burlingame's sister Debra Burlingame all worked in the airline industry at one time.They most likely knew eachother thru the industry:flight attendant unions,clubs,etc.Every one of these people,except Todd Beamer (That I know of),was a greek fraternity member.3 of them were Fraternity Presidents:Bingham,Burnett & Glick.They could very well've known eachother from sitting on a board together.Greek fraternities are connected thru an umbrella trade organization called the NIC (North American Inter-Fraternal conference).The NIC meets in Washington annually.They have boards that are made up of mostly Fraternity presidents.According to these victims families,they were all very active in fraternity affairs.
4)All of these people were rich big business types.
5)They may have links to govt.There was a picture of Bingham & John McCain together (Although I can't find it on the web anymore.Strange.).His mother,made it clear that Bingham was a big fan of McCain's in her 9/12/01 interview.McCain spoke at Bingham's funeral.When asked about this,McCain claims to recall meeting Bingham,but assures he didn't know him well.Are we sure of this?
David Beamer won a no-bid contract to restore the part of the Pentagon that was hit.Wonder who hooked him up with that?
After 9/11,Debra Burlingame (Sister of Chic Burlingame who was piloting the plane that DIDN'T crash into the Pentagon),started a foundation with Liz Cheney (Dick's daughter) & William Kristol (co-founder of PNAC
roject for a New American Century).How long have they known eachother?

To answer your question,I think they aren't showing the passengers boarding (Or even say what terminals the flights departed from) because it would tell a different story.Oh and the hijackers probably got on totally different flights headed overseas to the Middle East.Maybe thats why some of them have popped up alive claiming to have left the States in late 2001?


posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker


I in no way calling liars the families of the flight's victims.

I just wish to know why they hav'nt or wont released cctv footage of the day...

Lets just keep to the question in the OP and not derail it...
edit on 7-1-2011 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:06 PM
yoooo were the hell have u been under a rock? its obvious to a dog what happend there.. there aint no videos of the passengers but they found the hijackers wallet on the floor after the plane crash..LMAO plss wake up u scarin me

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Metallicafan

You people just accept the crap from those various "9/11 conspiracy" websites without any question???

The premise of this thread is a red herring, as well. And, borderline ghoulish.

Finally, the existence of both American flights is confirmed by mountains of other evidence....not the least of which are the ATC RECORDINGS!!!!

And, I challenge one of you, just one, to confront face-to-face any of the loved ones of the passenger victims....the people who knew them, and KNEW what flight numbers they were taking that morning.

....a recent rerun dedicated the episode to the memory of Lynn and David Angel. who are they?

Sup Wacky?
I read the thread and the OP was not doubting these unfortunate peoples deaths.
He was asking why there has been no video tapes released showing ALL of the passengers, from All of the planes.
Now...sit back..pinch your fingers together and inhale. It will all be OK now. Just relax, and stay on topic.
edit on 7-1-2011 by Violater1 because: pinko pink weedy green

edit on 7-1-2011 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by andy1972
reply to post by Human_Alien

I aint barking at anyone...!!
It's just that threads quickly change from the content of the OP to another subject really quickly and the basis of the OP is lost.
I wasnt asking if there was any footage to say " yeah, i told yah, nobody boarded a plane, so they were drones "etc etc etc

I just want to know why the appropriate authoritiys havnt released any footage as of yet....may be it isnt a case of who board's the's a case of who doe'snt board that's more important.

Okay fair enough.
But besides you, whose asking for this release?

You're making it sound like 'someone's' been asking for these tape for almost 10 years now and the demand has been ignored.

No one cares about the tapes showing the passengers. However, tapes showing 19 hijackers would be entertaining though......because no one (except people like me) is disputing the presence of these passengers. That's never been an issue.

This is NOT to get mixed up with the discrepancy regarding the probability of said-passengers using said-phones on said-planes though.

These are two different areas of contention.
Passengers (check)
Passengers using phones describing Arabs (un-check)

For me personally (not that you asked but)....I really question whether these 180+ passengers/crew were real because those 19 hijackers???
They're alive and well.

Oh what a kooky world we live in, huh?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by PublikOUTLAW
yoooo were the hell have u been under a rock? its obvious to a dog what happend there.. there aint no videos of the passengers but they found the hijackers wallet on the floor after the plane crash..LMAO plss wake up u scarin me

Thanks for your..errrmmm..."input" on the thread, but here nothings clear..thats why we ask question's etc etc etc and NOT just repeat what we read in the MSM.

9/11 is a riddle inside an enigma wrapped in a many players in the game, so many connections so many false leads, red herrings and dead ends and above all and most importantly, so many questions.

But apparantly for you everything is crystal clear...thanks for enlightning us all.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

No one cares aboutthe tapes you're making it sound like 'someone's' been asking for these tape for almost 10 years now and the demand has been the tapes showing the passengers. However, tapes showing 19 hijackers would be entertaining though......because no one (except people like me) is disputing the presence of these passengers. That's never been an issue.

As i quoted earlier...maybe they hav'nt released the tapes because they show who DOES'NT board the flight's...and not who does. Maybe the who does'nt is much more important than the who does.

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