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Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Peace is indeed a great idea...and indeed find the right woman. However...if I work to pay for and maintain a house it is not her house. If she pays for an maintains the house it is her house. For you see there is a principle involved here..and it is called RISK. A man works and pays for a to maintain it by a process of work and all of this involves RISK. This is a principle often overlooked and particularly by the Women in threads like this such that they can default through without debate on it.
There is a certain amount of 'risk', as you call it, in giving up a wage to become dependent upon the 'good will' of another. By taking time out from a career, an individual risks lowering their earning potential, especially if all that that person is engaged in is domestic work. If we say that my labour is currently worth £9.00 per hour, and I devote three hours of my day, cleaning your house, doing your laundry, buying and preparing food, etc, seven days a week. Now that is £189 of labour that you are receiving from me, per week, in exchange for board and lodging. Now that must be a pretty fancy house for me to be required to earn that much keep, but it is a fair enough exchange, relatively speaking. But I would, of course, want 'extra' if I'm to be nice as well as doing all that...
...but I am still not seeing how you would be putting in anymore 'risk' than I would fact I am risking much more the way I see it.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
So with your angle on Female RISK taking...does this mean that the female of the West is sufficiently modernized that she will invest in enough RISK taking to support a man and children from her earnings, pay for a home and all the trimmings, doctors bills, vacations, insurance payments, car payments, maintenance for both cars and home ... et al...etc etc. Thus she maintains her all important "WAGE Earning potential" while the male lowers his and thus explores his "Options." You know ..his sensitive side??
I was being somewhat sarcastic in my said that you should be put first if you are paying the bills, I say, that depends on how much time and labour the other person puts in, and how much that is valued.
If you want a maid, then pay for a maid, if you want someone to 'love' you, or be 'nice' to you, then I would presume that you would at least try to love or be nice to them in return. What I mean is, I could move into your house, or you into mine, and as a wage earner I could just pay half the outgoings, or vice versa but you instead want me to leave my job and clean up after you...can't you clean up after yourself? Do you see what I mean?
So yes, I would agree with you, we do in the UK have an increasing problem with dependency. I would say that a significant proportion of young adults are unable to take care of themselves totally independently, and remain dependent upon their adult carers much longer than my parent's generation did. Parents are failing to raise individuals capable of functioning in society, but that is the ideal environment if you are engaging in war, so the government is in no hurry to alleviate the situation. Easy, fertile girls are what turn dumb boys into cannon fodder.
But that'd be worse in the US, since the US is the centre, the decadent Rome...if that particular cancer is nipped in the bud the rest of us might be in with a chance of recovery.
Strange that nobody speaks up about the misandry in American but if some random dude with issues speaks his men MOST women feel the need to bash the guy.
We men try to understand why women are frustrated with men. It's annoying hopw fast women are to flame some guy without understanding his history. Goes to show you that women really don't care for us.
Consumerism is a fairly new religion in the UK, we never had true Protestantism, as in the merger of beliefs that came about through the interaction of Roman Catholicism and Judaism, which is the real driving force of modern throw-away consumerism or perhaps more significantly, we didn’t really get influenced by that idolatry because of our defensive reactionism against Rome.
The US, in it’s innocence was far less immune and we, as a people, through close contact came to ‘envy’ the US’s wealth and prosperity and there are, if you look precursors to that.
In addition to this, children grow up and leave home, and often as not, especially given a pushy mother who wants a clone of herself to prove her worth, will rebel.
What has that women then to show for her ‘life’ but her home and possessions?
Add to all that children who have observed their mother’s beholden-ness to the father. She is dependent upon him for her ‘value’, if he doesn’t appreciate her work and attentions, she has no other worth in such a social framework.
She may use manipulation, sexual or otherwise, to get the things she needs. My mother for example, because my Dad did not think that sanitary wear was a household expense and would not give her money to buy those things that she needed every month, would baby-sit for other mothers in exchange for those products. Other women would perhaps use sex, or general sweetening to meet those needs. Children will emulate this behaviour to get what they want too.
but may struggle to describe a relationship based on respect, and similarly, their father they may respect, but only because he has provided for them, not because of love or even admiration for his ‘sacrifice’. Therefore you have adults who do not understand ‘team work’ and co-operation, but only sub-servience and dominance.
Now, to say the UK is infecting the US with this is naïve, it is a much wider and deeper social issue, primarily driven by whatever it is that is the aspirational model and that aspirational model is always set and directed from somewhere above and the media play an integral part in helping to target the ‘desires’ of the cannon fodder producers.
The nuclear family, the isolation of some women and the elevation of others, and most importantly the isolation of the genders from each other, is all very much part of a design and it is important that one understands their role in it, especially if one wishes to ‘wake up’ and break free of the herd, or at the very least, allow their off-spring to do so. You should read some of the research into Albert Kinsey for example, the funding that he received and the way his ‘research’ was promoted to encourage hyper-sexualisation in the US and later spreading that influence into the UK.
In the UK, I am judged on my merits, hard work and accomplishments, these are rights that have been fought for in conflict with the state, not on my reproductive capability, or my ability to be ‘pert’ or ‘cute’, similarly men are adjudged the same. That is equality. I have to earn the respect that I am afforded, nothing has been given to me, or rather I have never taken anything, just because I can or am ‘pretty’. Those tests and pitfalls still exist within my society as they have always done, but I can nolonger be forced into servitude or dependence, because most importantly, I am equal in law. I would be far less concerned about the state of the world if indeed there was even the slightest chance of the ERA being passed in the US, and it coming into line with the UK and Europe. Until then, the US remains cancerous to us all, due to it's failure to progress to recognise all it's citizens as equal combined with it's insistence on telling others hypocritically what to do and how to do it.
I am equal in law
I would be far less concerned about the state of the world if indeed there was even the slightest chance of the ERA being passed in the US, and it coming into line with the UK and Europe.
Until then, the US remains cancerous to us all, due to it's failure to progress to recognise all it's citizens as equal combined with it's insistence on telling others hypocritically what to do and how to do it.
Knowing thyself, means not just knowing who and where you are right now, but truly understanding the path that others took to bring you there.
Now, you would not gasp at my coldness at being mindful of my equality in law if you yourself were more aware of the path that led to where you are now. Men first fought for their right to be equal in law to their masters, it took longer for us women, but we fought for your rights alongside you, consistently, with loyalty. And I am ever aware of those giants on whose shoulders I stand, and in terms of my rights to be considered equal, I thanks most humbly those sisters in the US who really and truly sacrificed themselves so that I could be 'free' to protect and provide for myself, and to take recourse in the courts when I need to. Sojourner Truth and Susan B Anthony to name but two. They threw enough # so that even if the women in the US have given up the fight, those of us in Europe did not fail to hear them and we once again found our spirit and took up the mantle.
when I refer to Roman Catholicism, I specifically mean the belief system, not the Roman Empire. They are two entirely different entities.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by KilgoreTrout
Knowing thyself, means not just knowing who and where you are right now, but truly understanding the path that others took to bring you there.
I agree with this statement ...including the difference in 'Divine Right of Kings or absolute power and Independence..sovereignty of the individual
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Equality at me means that the woman or female will find herself as disposable and expendable as the male has found himself throughout history. I do not detect the women or the women's movement asking for this kind of equality. I find most of them with the "Shop till you Drop" mentality and attitude of "Entitlement."
Originally posted by orangetom1999
The sad truth of things today is that I also find this among the males out here..they haven't a clue and have accepted cheap substitutes for being male..just as have the females. They both define themselves by what they can consume..not by what they know or can learn.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
I know this because when I go into any store or down any road in this nation..there are stores mostly directed to women and their spending. They are not directed to the ones who take the RISKS to keep and maintain this social/economic structure. In any given store out here there is a ratio of about 7 to 1 in goods and services primarily directed to female spending and consuming. This is not a definition of a "Victimized" Class of peoples.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Women in this nation have a huge market share directed to them and included in this market share are a huge block of personal pampering items...once again not a definition of a victimized class of peoples.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
The standard mantra here is the constant drum beat that women do not make as much monies as do men. I find this to be total hog wash. It doesn't make good nonsense unless to ignorance born of emotional
Someone is spending someone else's monies earned at RISK to be able to afford store fronts loaded with a 7 to 1 ratio of goods directed to females...including personal pampering items.
Here the cosmetic and scent/jewelry counters are right in front of certain entrances and exits...they come appeal to the women. Just as do the tabloids and candies/ get Mom's monies/or the checkout stand. If not that than to appeal to the children in order to get to Moms wallet get to Dad's wallet since she usually has discretionary control over this spending...not the Male.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
This is what has become of the "Woman's" Struggle Kilgore Trout...not the struggle of our grandmothers or great grandmothers time..but rampant runaway the point where now women define themselves so often and flagrantly by what they consume.. not by what they know.
Originally posted by orangetom1999 be fair...not all women follow this template..and those women who do not are greatly admired by me.
But most, like today's men, have no clue as to how this stuff got there to the store shelves..but think this is normal and even entitled. They have little to no regard as to the RISKS taken by others to get this stuff to the store shelves nor much less the RISKS taken by the men to put the monies in their hands to have such discretionary spending.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Any male who can see further than sports and their "oil shortage" can see this for themselves. But it will never be taught for the occult/hidden religious dogma and practice that it is...politics.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
I also know that today's savvy, independent, wise. feeling woman has no desire to support a man from her career earnings while he does what women have traditionally done and they assume traditional Male RISKS. This will never happen. It would take to much commitment. NO woman wants to commit within such an framework...but only through female social beliefs and expectations.
These women of today and as a whole are not interested in that much Equality matter what the women who came before them did.
I also know this about the difference in male female social beliefs and expectations..because almost none of the married women I know are taking out insurance policies and paying for them out of their career earnings to take care of the male and children if they die first. They do not believe in this much equality as well.
There is a huge gulf in social beliefs and expectations of equality and equality at law. They are not on the same levels. Either in form or function or practice. They are in fact..quite occult in all categories and are slated to remain that way to keep the power in the hands of politicians. Someone is going to have to be more disposable and expendable in this system...who do you think it will be???
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Remember about RISK/RISKS.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
This is going to be borne out when economic collapse and austerity measures are forced upon us by the banking systems running our respective governments.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
These two are not to me different entities. They are one and the same in that they are merely a continuum of the same principles and practice. This is what I call the "Priest Kings" system. In Western history this is called sometimes "Divine Right of Kings."
The Roman system came down to the Emperors as God man..or God with us.. a God we could see. It was just a system of absolute power...a variation of the Ancient Egyptian system of the Pharaoh's.
Henry VIII Maintained this very system except that the Pope was now in London and not in Rome. It was the same hats..the same services, the same dogma but the absolute power was now in London...or perhaps more appropriately in Westminster. A continuation of the absolute power system. All governments under different guises try to return back to absolute power. They do not try to limit their power but extend it.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
While I am thinking about it was Oliver Cromwell and the round heads ..the English Civil War which in England put and end to Divine Right of Kings or absolute power in the throne of England. Someone is privily trying to sneak it back in under a socialistic guise and at public expense.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
It was Oliver Cromwell and what he did which set the precedent for our Leaders turning on King George and leading to our Revolution from England. This is hardly taught in American history next to the significance of it.
Very important to Americans...but not taught to us for good reason. Someone here wants to return this people back to absolute power...back to the UK and Continental template.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
This is why your nation is going down the train wreck tracks because your government under a different template is seeking absolute power over everyone and everything in your nation. Our government too is attempting to follow this template as well..the UK/Continental template under the guise of being benevolent leaders. Make no mistake is a quest for absolute power..the same as Rome both under the Caesars and then under the Popes..nothing changed here. The history just looks different unless you can learn to dissect it for what it is.
To do this governments will eventually take everything away from their peoples including in the end..their very souls.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Knowing about the Occult religion at work in politics and history helps too.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
They are not different systems. This is what I meant when I look for light and I look for Light.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Gotta run again...Friday and schedules to meet ...time constraints again..
Clarice Starling: You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it? Why don't you - why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see? Or maybe you're afraid to.
No that is not what I meant, but nevermind.
You limit your response to yourself and your experience. Widen your perception, the world does not revolve around you.
Why do you spend so much time thinking about what others are doing, and how they define themselves? What do you do to change those perceptions? Other than criticise their relationships with women that is.
See above you not spend and consume? What is the point of all those RISKS for all those MONIES, do you stuff your mattress with it?
Do you feel that you should be considered a victim? Are you jealous of these women and their RISK-free monies?
If you don't like all the consumeristic expression, oppose it, stop taking RISKS for MONIES and then you won't have to go to those stores and witness this debacle. Or shop online.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
This is what has become of the "Woman's" Struggle Kilgore Trout...not the struggle of our grandmothers or great grandmothers time..but rampant runaway the point where now women define themselves so often and flagrantly by what they consume.. not by what they know.
Their choice.
People who take risks for something as mundane and selfish as money bore me beyond compare, but I accept that it is your choice.
Nor will those who are totally conditioned by the system that can buy people's lives and make them feel above everyone else.
Do you have anything original to say on this matter or are you going to keep repeating the same tired old argument over and over again?
*YAWN* I'm really sorry about my lack of patience but, you know it's been a hard week at work. I don't get paid nearly as much as you do, not because I'm a woman but because I won't work for a for-profit organisation. It's a risk I take, security wise, but I am helping to improve the continuity of supply and developing more effective treatments for Malaria, so you know, it has it's satisfactions. Evens things out.
I am all for economic collapse and austerity measures.
Who devised the strategy to institute the Apostolic Succession of the English Church? What were their motives and how were they able to convince Henry that is would solve all his problems? And at what costs? What was occuring in the wider world that necessitated such machinations? In the short term it may seem like a poor decision, or a selfish one on Henry's part, but look at the long game.
Cromwell sold the people out to the Capitalists. He was by no means a Socialists. See; The Levellers and the Diggers.
Yes, because your country was founded for trade exploitation and eventually the trade barons start to resent having to send money back to somewhere they nolonger consider home or to take orders from them. George said that settlers should not go beyond the Appallachians, they saw riches to exploit in them thar hills and ignored that. The rest, as they say, is history.
I don't really know what your argument is here, my rulers, are that, my rulers. They are not the people. The people always prevail, the rulers come and go.
I shan't be responding to any more of your posts...for one reason alone you are able to point the finger at others but what about you...why are you so fixated with your supposed RISKS and MONIES? Don't you feel valued? What is it with that? To give a little literary context...
Clarice Starling: You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it? Why don't you - why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see? Or maybe you're afraid to.
So, Orangetom, what made you this way? Tell me about your father and mother...where do you come from?
Originally posted by Scribbles
I've dated a guy like this before, and it went terrible. He just basically wanted a girlfriend/wife that would be his mother! It's really sad. Men like that I believe grow up really sheltered by their mothers, then expect a spouse that would sacrifice the stars for them in a heartbeat.