posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 04:41 PM
I read this story earlier and I have several problems with it.
1. Wasn't there a shortage of vaccine last year? How can there be leftovers now when there wasn't enough then?
2. This is the preservative laden version of the vaccine that people were concerned about to begin with. All of the 'clean' vaccine would have expired
months ago.
3. How the F--- are they running out of regular flu vaccine? It has been a relatively tame flu season so far.
This is not an emergency plan,
this was the plan all along. It's not that the vaccine is legitimately running out, but likely production
quotas were slashed to provide an excuse. This is even worse than the fiasco last year because this time around they want to inject you with an
out-of-date vaccine that was designed for a Flu virus that will have mutated to the point of this being ineffective against even H1N1.
Why is it SOOO important that this vaccine be introduced into the population?
edit on 6-1-2011 by [davinci] because: (no reason given)