I rescued the cutest little puppy a few months ago. I was thinking how I'd love to have a dog for my house, and even told a few friends how badly I
wanted a puppy. About a week later, when my sister in law was dropping her son off at school, this little puppy ran up and jumped in her car. She knew
how badly I wanted a pup, and after no one claimed it, it had no collar, and no microchip, we figured it was meant to be. I brought Jackie (the puppy)
home, and she has been the sweetest dog anyone could ask for. No problems what so ever.
Anyways, if you've read my other threads, you'll see that I'm no stranger to the paranormal. I have seen/experienced things my entire life, and
have MANY stories that would give you goosebumps. With that being said, I dont know for certain about ghosts or inter-dimensional beings what not. All
I know is Ive had many BAD experiences with "something," and have never felt any positive energy from whatever it is that inconsistently shows up in
my life from time to time. I used to be TERRIFIED as a child, but as an adult I just feel more annoyed when weird stuff happens as its usually at
night (around 3am) and it disrupts my sleep.
Back to my story. Little Jackie slept in the kitchen on a little doggie bed for the first several weeks until she was housebroken. Since its been
rather chilly at night here lately, (well, chilly for So Cal
) I have been letting her sleep with me. She sleeps like a baby throughout the night,
and doesnt bother me whatsoever.
Prior to getting the dog, I had been having "visitations" at night off and on. This would comprise of me waking up for no apparent reason in the
middle of the night feeling like someone was in my room watching me with ill intent. Like I said, Ive kind of grown accustomed to this, and generally
I just sit up, grab my .45 off the nightstand and make sure there isnt someone actually alive creeping around, then I just say something like "ahh
leave me alone" and I roll over and go back to sleep. Sometimes its worse than others.
The other night while me and my girlfriend were out chatting over dinner, she casually asked how I'd been doing with the whole night visitation
thing, and if it'd been happening lately. (She has slept with me in my bed in multiple residences and has experienced it with me, and knows its not
fun) I thought about her question and realized that nothing had happened since I started sleeping with the dog. She was happy to hear that and even
remarked that maybe now she could sleep over more often
A few days passed, and everything was fine until two days ago. It started around 9:30pm. Me and my friend Kris were sitting in my living room playing
a new PS3 game, when all of the sudden we heard a loud thump on the roof. This wasnt some bird or cat, this sounded like someone dropped an anvil on
my roof. Then we heard what sounded distinctly like a mans footsteps walk across the roof and stop near the edge. Me and Kris were looking at each
other in silence, with very confused expressions. Jackie had been sleeping on the floor and she was now wide awake with her ears perked straight up,
staring up at the ceiling.
After sitting there for a minute desperately searching my brain for a reasonable explanation, we decided we better go outside and check it out. I
grabbed my 12 gauge pump (after being victim to a home invasion, I'm paranoid), Kris grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen and a flashlight,
Jackie led the way with her nose. We went out my back door and looked up at the roof. There was nothing there that we could see other than a few crows
poking around. We walked the perimeter of the house, scratching our heads, thinking there MUST be some simple explanation. Jackie seemed on edge and
kept wanting to go back in the house. I figured she was just cold, and let her run back inside. We decided to call it a night, and Kris went home.
I was laying on the couch just watching tv, winding down, when Jackie suddenly jumped up and went haywire.
She was looking towards the back door, barking, growling, and tensing up in attack mode. Her eyes were huge like she was looking at something out of
the ordinary. She is the sweetest dog, and in fact this was the first time I had ever heard her bark since I rescued her. She NEVER barked, at
anything, EVER, until now. She was barking so vicious and intense, I started getting worried that someone was actually in my yard that wasnt supposed
to be there. I turned on all the lights in the back yard and there was nothing there. But she was still going crazy! I kept asking her "whats wrong
girl? what do you see?!" She just kept looking at me, then looking back at the door, almost in an attempt to say to me in frustration "there's
danger, how can you not see?" I kept scanning the backyard, expecting to see a raccoon or a opossum or something. Nothing was there. She kept looking
at the same spot, barking and growling, showing her teeth, until finally she gave out a yelp and turned and ran so fast, jumped into my arms and hid
her face, whimpering and crying. I felt so bad for her, she seemed like she was traumatized. I realized this was not the way she acted when she got
excited over a squirrel or a cat or something, and like I said, she never barked before.
It took me several hours and a few treats to finally calm her down enough so we could go to bed. As we walked to my bedroom, I noticed her staring
the whole time, back to the spot that freaked her out. She refused to turn her back on that area. We stopped in the kitchen so she could drink from
her water bowl and she had to drink facing the direction of the back door. We went to bed as usual, and nothing further happened that night.
Last night was normal except for the fact that I came home from work and all of my fish were dead. ( I had about a dozen, and they all died suddenly)
Everything seemed ok with Jackie, as she no longer feared the back door. We went to bed around 1am. I was suddenly woken up by Jackie freaking out.
The first thing I noticed was the room was unbearably cold. I looked up half asleep, and saw her standing at the edge of the bed, growling, super
tensed up, and staring at the corner of my bedroom. I grabbed my gun off my nightstand on the off chance that maybe just maybe this time there was a
burglar in my house. That would explain the cold, if a person had let themselves in through a window or something. I let my eyes adjust to the light
and quickly realized there was nothing there. But I did feel a sense of tension in the air, it felt thick, like the air was charged with negativity.
Jackie kept staring at the corner, growling. I grew irritated and told her to shut up and go to sleep. She looked back at me, but refused to stop.
Thats when I realized the corner was darker than the rest of the room.
My room was dark, but the corner was blacker than black if that makes sense. I realized that normally at night I could make out the silhouettes of my
fishing rods and hockey sticks that I had leaning upright in that specific corner. This time I could not.
I started to get freaked out and turned to my nightstand to turn on my lamp. Right next to my lamp sits my alarm clock, the time read "3:28am," but
I remembered it was set 10 minutes fast. When my hand finally reached the lamp switch, I saw out of the corner of my eye the shadow vacate its corner.
It was probably less than a second, but it felt like time stood still. I saw the very distinct outline of a man with a type of top hat, long coat/cape
on. I could make out what looked like a skinny, long face with a goatee. It appeared to me looking directly at me as it casually strode out of the
room faster than any human could casually move. I felt a horrible sinking feeling, followed by a wonderful relief when I realized whatever it was had
gone, and took with it the horrid thick negative air. Jackie in her infinite wisdom jumped off the bed and gave chase. She came right back, crying,
whimpering, trembling, and desperately trying to get on the bed and under the covers. We spent the rest of the night laying there wondering what the
hell just happened.
If you've made it this far, I have to thank you for being extremely patient and reading my story. I've never had a dog act like that before,
although I have seen cats freak out at stuff that wasnt there.... My question to all of you is: Has anyone ever experienced something similar like
this? Am i just over reacting? Perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this? Do any of you have pets that seem to alert you to
threats that dont exist?
I just feel bad for my poor lil puppy