posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I think some version of the Official story is probably true. These are my main reasons:
1.Hitler had plenty of opportunity to escape in late-March early April 45. He did not use them, but instead elected to stay in the Führerbunker in
Berlin like a rat in a trap - telling everyone he planned to die there if necessary, but that he was confident the Germans could yet prevail with a
counter-offensive or perhaps by sparking a US/UK Vs. the Soviets war. He had harbored this latter hope since roughly the Battle of the Bulge. If he
planned to escape he would have gone before the last plane out.
2. The Werewolves didn't claim he was alive. They were true bitter-end fighters. Just trying to restore some kind of facist government. They had
radio for sometime after the Chancery fell. It seems likely to me that if Hitler was still alive he would have done some broadcasts ala Osama 60 years
later and/or made his beating heart known to them. He knew his death was to them what the Czar's death was to the White Russians.
3. The SMERSH operatives were under incredible personal and first hand pressure from Stalin - who was crazy as a sh^thouse rat -- to make 100% sure
Hitler was dead and double check it twice. If there was any doubt, these men on the scene, who were rotated out several times, would have shared
it... it would have been worth their families, friends, colleagues, and the people they bought bread from etc. lives if it came to light that they
were covering from Stalin for earlier mistakes made by others and that just maybe Hitler didn't suicide.
4. No one wanted Hitler alive after the war. The US wanted Nazi scientists, and intelligence assets ditto the USSR. The Germans chose up sides. By
and large no one chose the "I am going to pine for Hitler side". True Stalin for a time believed that Hitler may be alive and that the US planned to
use him to launch a "jihad" against the USSR - but this was Stalin being Stalin and (obviously) never happened - I submit because it was not
So, if Hitler was alive Mossad or the KGB certainly, and I would say the CIA and MI# probably, would have found and exposed him... and likely the US?
involvement in his escape.