reply to post by Condemned0625
Creation argument:
There are really two choices with any real foundation and relevant to the mass of humans on the surface of this planet – A. Creation Theory or B.
Evolution Theory.
The evolutionist (by and large) states that there is no proof of an “invisible”, “fictitious character” or “a God” that operates beyond
our understanding and has set into motion, structured systems of matter which make up our reality. There’s no proof. It’s a repeated sentiment.
One of the biggest issues that I’ve seen between creationists and evolutionists is simply presentation and representation. I have no doubt that if
the creationists of the world could speak with silver tongues and make profound statements within a sentence or two, many “lost” souls would be
found and introduced to a new way of viewing faith.
Unfortunately, so many zealots represent faith and God in a blind, argumentative tone without speaking to evolutionists in an organized and scientific
Not all evolutionists are organized and scientific, that’s for sure. But when you are trying to go to bat for a concept that requires a life-change,
the creationist would pretty much always need to be mirroring the listener and deeply respecting the reasons why they can’t, at this point, wrap
their heads around the idea of a Creator.
It would seem that most of the time, one passionate zealot is fit against an atheist / evolutionist of the same educational background. In other
words, folks that would bump into each other on the street, in a bar, at a mutual friend’s house and so on. Regardless of what side of the fence
you’re on, you get into these discussions with people in the same neighborhood.
To clarify, I’ll be speaking in terms of atheism in its “implicit” sense. The “Positive Atheist” is the type that is “positive that there
is no God”. That’s how I remember it. The “Negative Atheist” is basically sure there is no God, but doesn’t worry about it and is the
closest to not even caring if they are called an Atheist or not. For these people, it is so insignificant to even mention a “stance” on the
subject that they don’t take one and shun any labels.
I have tried very hard to put to words my own experiences and thoughts through my blog and face to face in a way that has never been done before, at
least from what I’ve seen.
One side of me understands the “sermon on the mound” mentality and direction given to those that are excited by the message they have received.
The natural order is that they would want to tell as many people as they can about this deep, meaningful event. The trouble for me has always been
weeding out those that have actually received the message and those that are posing and simply wish they have. Most of these people cling to their
churches and Bibles so tightly that it is very difficult for their audience members to relate to them and to keep from snickering. The implications of
insecurity for both parties is obvious.
Already, I can anticipate that if any atheist started to read this post, they’ve picked apart enough information to know that I am a believer.
Unfortunately, that crowd rests on “Proof! and Facts”! But, they usually don’t stick around long enough for the message…Which arguably is
presented by mindless zealots, so I don’t blame them…But receiving the message is the proof.
Part of the issue over all is that a huge number of evolutionists are cut and dried in their approach and nearly every time it’s a dispute with a
cut and dried creationist. No wonder it gets so heated and insulting.
The discussion gets heated and insulting and it really all comes down to that dirty word, faith.
Do you know trigonometry? Are you a propulsion scientist? If not, ok. Do you fly on airplanes? If so, great! You have just demonstrated that you are
capable of having faith. Of course any scholar would argue that my example is not of “blind faith” which is the real argument, right?
We can trace the parts back that make up the plane and its ability to fly safely through the air. We can see the pieces that were calculated,
engineered and assembled according to clear instructions. We don’t have to know trigonometry ourselves or who Bernoulli was in order to take
advantage of a little faith in the other folks that do.
So now that we know atheists and evolutionists do operate with at least some faith, on a daily basis, we have to talk about scale and relativity.
If a faithful believer understands mortality, they can easily pray and fall to their knees in fear and in hope and ask for guidance to achieve
salvation (in one form or another from religion to religion). That act requires a very deep social mechanism which is seen in daily life - That
person’s relationship with their father and authority in general - Plain and simple.
What I’ve seen in these discussions and flat out arguments are insults that really bring out the real issu