posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Hi there,
There sure is a lot going on in the world right now, even Main stream media is picking up on it.
I have a really uncomfortable feeling about it all, mainly because my mind is starting to think "something is going on".
When you stop everything, stop reading the articles, stop reading the news, stop updating ATS to find the most current "bird death" or "mass fish
When you stop READING and think for a minute without using others, Does this all feel right to you? Does it REALLY feel like we’re heading towards
Or is it possible that we are meant to think and feel that way. I mean hear me out on this...
Is it possible this is a fear tactic? 9/11 is now a fraud completely, the US needs another fear tactic.. how about one that seems to be natural in
cause AND on top of that may possibly support outrageous claims of climate change.
For real, we know that HAARP has the availability to become a weapon of destruction through weather change no? Jesse Ventura's series "conspiracy
theory" hit the HAARP chord ( pun intended) quite well by stating the facts plainly. Now.. if we pay so much attention of HAARP being used as a
weapon against other countries, could it not more easily be used as a weapon against their own country?
In my opinion, I think the Bird/fish deaths are created Via HAARp ON PURPOSE to expose a new trend.
It’s very openly stated that United states government are more interested in TRENDS then they are specific citizens. Trends are what changes the
world so of course they want to keep an eye on it.
Tavistock institute is based purely on disassembling the human individual to a nice controllable team player in the global trends of things. They've
been creating/monitoring and destroying trends since 1945 and its worked.
So what makes everyone think that the United states government or the "Elite" are not causing these deaths to CAUSE mass panic. I mean if the
public's current Trend is Armageddon because of some birds dying... well this is the perfect time to use fear to control the public.
This Bird and fish scare can go SOOOO many ways people... all it needs is the proper "expert' opinion to spin it in the right direction and before
you know it, the trend that is created allows mass amounts of people to be either quarantined, corralled into their own homes in front of their TV’s
in Fear or just plainly killed (whether by themselves or riots).
Look at the "expert " opinions coming out now... we have Cold weather killing animals.. obviously this goes right along with Global weather trend
The next one that I’m sure everyone agrees more than likely will come out is the flu scenario, this plays into the vaccination trend. Allowing more
methods of control through fear.
My wife said to me that she's scared because it seems like everything is coming to a close. I agree it feels like that but... WHY do I feel like
that? if I never had the internet, I wouldn't know about the birds or the fish or the vaccines or the flu's. The ONLY reason It feels like it’s
getting to a close, is because the people who feel it, are starting the trend through their own concocted fears based off MSM and conspiracy sites ( I
include myself in this btw, up until this point) .
Does anyone else think this is concocted as another fear tactic? I think what would be a great idea .. STOP POSTING...
Stop posting on the current trends of bird deaths.. Look up trends on Google. Find what is number one and STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
The only reason it’s a trend is because the government or elite are ALLOWING it.
In the world there is no freedom of individual, nor is there a freedom of trends. Your given what to think by what your expected to feel through what
your allowed to read. Don’t ever forget that.
Personal opinion of mine but I truly believe it. When you seed this thought in your mind it feels natural. The world isn’t ready to end, The elite
want you to think it is because 9/11's fix of fear is done, time for the next hit.
Fear is like a drug, once you've been desensitized to a certain amount of it, the next hit has to be more powerful for it to be effective.
Oh and my mind thought, "why would the government kill all these animals to start a trend?" my answer was but then I realized that it wants birds
that were sacrificed on 9/11 to start a trend, so if they will take out that many people for their own cause, birds and fish are like swatting
mosquitoes especially on the scale they're being "killed off". 5000 black birds in the scale of things is really quite insignificant. Its the
effect it causes on the public that is the real gold to the elite.
Just my opinion but I felt it important.
Please share.