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Journalist anthraxed to hide GW Bush Gay Sex Act Pics?

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posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 08:57 AM
Was Bob Stevens killed (5-Oct-2001) using anthrax, to keep the photos of George W. Bush engaging in homosexual acts from being published?

If so are the FBI and CIA complicit or just dupes?

Were/Are GW Bush and Victor Ashe (his college roomate) sex buddies?

Thoughts, opinions?

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 09:10 AM
I read the whole thing. While I think it would be damaging if true there does not seem to be any evidence at all that supports these claims.

I believe I can imagine King George in many different roles/positions in life but sneaking off for a bit of man sex was never one of them.

Until the photo shows up I am not sure how we could believe it. And if the photo does show up it really proves little other than someone got drunk in college and did something they probably regret. More men have done that than will admit.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 09:12 AM

So the Bush that is against Gay Marriage is gay and had a guy killed with anthrax because this said reporter took pictures of Bush engaged in sexual acts?

First off, IF Bush were gay, do you seriously think he'd perform sexual acts in public? Or did this reporter bust into Bush's room during the act know that Bush would someday be famous?! Be it his college years, military years, millionaire years? Come on guy, Bush has been a "big honcho" for many years..

Deny Ignorance. Please.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 09:33 AM
GW Bush and his roomate were college cheerleaders. Not conclusive, but possibly indicative.
Frankly Laura Bush is rather detatched and kinda strange.

In any event Here are some other links:

This one is from a right wing viewpoint

This one is QUITE funny

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 09:58 AM
It wouldn't be hard for me to believe that Bush has engaged in sexual acts with males.

A few months ago there was a rumor circulating about George's Lt. Governor, Rick Perry, now Governor of Texas, being caught in a gay sexual act in the governor's mansion. Perry denied those rumors.

Related only by suspicious death: Margie Schoedinger, an alleged rape victim, filed a lawsuit against George Bush before she "officially" committed suicide. You gotta love those suspicious suicides. You can even view the suit on the Fort Bend County website.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:07 AM

GW Bush and his roomate were college cheerleaders. Not conclusive, but possibly indicative.

Woah woah woah. That's not indicative of anything. I was a cheerleader, I'm not gay. I've known many non-gay male cheerleaders. I hate that frigging stereotype it pisses me off to no extent. Just because a guy is a cheerleader does not mean he's gay, all right?

That said... I dunno if the FBI or CIA would use anthrax to off anyone, that doesn't seem like their style.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:16 AM
I don't care if Bush is gay or not - I'm still not a big fan of his admistration, but such personal subject matter has no place in forming an overall opinion of him or anyone else.

In GWB's case - his professional career does enough to form an opinion of him...even though he's been screwing EVERYBODY for a long time...

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:20 AM
Actually no offense, but when he started against gay with such a narrow minded view I told my husband that he most had homosexual inclinations before. My husband immediately call me crazy, but I have seen a lot of males that scream and get infuriated about homosexuality to find out that they are suppress homosexual themselves.

This is an opinion and an observation of actual people I know, and life experiences of close friends. It does not mean anybody in these forums.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:29 AM
Maybe his drinking and drugs were just a way to deal with his sexuality.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:34 AM
I don't care if he's gay or not per/sey, but it is rumored that the Chinese government has used that information to blackmail him into revealing things to them. His dependence on the gay bashing religious right leaves him extremely vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. Additionally it seems downright evil for him to portray himself as a conservative christian to garner the religious right vote, while actually being gay himself. It is like a German Jew during WWII being a member of the NAZI party and helping to exterminate jews.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Well you have to understand that he was an alcoholic and drug user until he was 28 years and when you are under the influence of alcohol and drugs you are oblivious of what you are doing or taking advantage of. I wish we have more information of these so call years of his addiction because that is along time for a person to be a junky and a lot of things may had happened during that time.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by slank
...I don't care if he's gay or not per/sey, but it is rumored that the Chinese government has used that information to blackmail him into revealing things to them. His dependence on the gay bashing religious right leaves him extremely vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. Additionally it seems downright evil for him to portray himself as a conservative christian to garner the religious right vote, while actually being gay himself. It is like a German Jew during WWII being a member of the NAZI party and helping to exterminate jews...

My point was that I am dissatisfied with him enough without the extra fuel to sway my opinion. As you speculated, if such a thing is true and there's something going on to keep it hush/under wraps, this is more evidence of Dubya screwing everyone. The fee for such ongoing embarassment to America is continuely paid by the people...I agree, it would be downright evil of the President Bush if true.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 04:43 PM
Marg, they have full records on his time of binge drinking and drugs. They are all locked up in daddies library. Yep, the guy who passed a bill to allow the government the right to invade your home without a warrent and search through medical and personal records has all his records sealed up in daddies home.

But I can buy him being a closet gay. He seems pretty happy screwing over all of the American public, not just the female public.

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