Just a thought i want to put out there. Now i just saw a lady on tv say that they think it's fireworks. Now my logic tells me that the absolute most
fireworks went off new years eve. Why would it still be happening this far after? As for the fish and other creatures i have no clue.
How is that relevant AT ALL? It's common knowledge that hundreds of earthquakes happen every year. Even MY unedjucated ass learned that in grade
school. This definately DOES NOT.
Something is seriously going on in the world. Birds and fish dying. Talk of poles shifting, potentially imminent wars and the world ending in 2011
instead of 2012. Currently here in Australia we're experiencing floods of biblical proportions in Queensland and I think New South Wales as well.
Could all of these things be closely related to one another.
is it posibble huge amount of methane gas still being realeased by the bp disaster are at the ocean floor ,
then when it hits land it rises ,creating huge toxic clouds?