posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Since we're getting into the solar max soon, I was sitting here thinking if some of these CME's and solar winds coming towards our planet could
possibly change the magnetic alignment or even 'scramble' the magnetic north enough to confuse the birds. They would simply keep flying until they
are exhausted, then fall from the sky.
The thing is, I need someone with hard data that can correlate the exact times the birds died, and match it with any solar storms/CMEs. (Remember, it
can take up to 3 days for a storm/CME to reach earth, so your math will have to take this into account, as well as the rotation of the earth (which
side of earth is facing the sun, and is this side the part where the storms/cme's hit) (whew)...
Here is a site I study, but I need help with the data collection posted above.