posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Not sure where this post actually belongs, so into "General" it goes...
As stories about bird kills, fish kills, animal die-offs, unusual events/ phenomena continue to heat up, posters should be mindful of the dates these
stories were generated and/or the events occurred.
Lists are being created and posts being made that have the "appearance" of cumulative events when in fact some of these events occurred months or even
years ago.
I noted this earlier, but it really hit home about 1 a.m. when posts about the bright green river in Victoria started showing up. At first glance we
might assume this the latest in a string of bizarre reports that started New Year's Eve, and now seem to be occurring with more rapid succession. We
might "confirm" the story - wow - very creepy. To relieve some of the creepy we might think "Surely it's a hoax - with all these dead fish/ dead bird
reports coming in from around the world, someone is just adding to the sensationalism." Then we (see, me) read that the culprit was fluorescein - a
readily available compound used in common applications - so, yeah, surely a hoax playing on the dead fish/dead bird reports. Haha. Good one....
But the Goldstream Green River event actually occurred December 29, 2010, and the discovered cause (in part) was reported December 31, 2010. It just
didn't pick up momentum until today. Still very creepy - but maybe not the same degree of creepiness.
Actually, depending on your take of the whole thing, it may be more creepy since it occurred the same day the 100,000 Arkansas River fish kill
occurred (or was reported) - and the hoax wouldn't obviously be playing off all the dead fish/dead bird reports since they hadn't happened yet....
Still - creepy or not, we should be mindful of the dates we're really looking at.
edit on 1/5/11 by sjrily because: OCD Spelling