posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 05:40 PM
My issue with the whole "Alex Jones is a profiteer" stuff makes no sense. Every website has ads to generate revenue for bandwidth. That is just the
way it is. There are companies whose sole purpose is to find a company's target demographic and set up advertising that would maximize the results of
advertising. That is what is called marketing. It is everywhere around us, and AJ loses no credibility for doing what everyone else is doing. Just
look at his multiple sites, and it stands to reason that you have to make some money to keep an operation like that afloat. Then you have his movies.
No one can deny the quality of his movies has continually gone up as his popularity and profits have gone up as well. That cost money too, so
obviously he has to make some kind of profit in order to continue on. Also take into account his radio show that runs 6 days a week for a few hours a
day, that is his job. How is someone supposed to do that and not get paid for it? The guy has a family, responsibilities, just like any one of us do.
So how do you do radio 6 days a week, have time to research your topics, line up guest, make movies, do post production and run several websites.. and
then hold down a full time job? Obviously he has to make a living off what he is doing, I think most people generally realize that going in. The next
thing that blows the whole "he is just trying to make money" stuff out of the water is that he also gives away his movies for free. He ask people to
buy them to fund his operations, but to not distribute it until a later date. Once you reach that date, he openly tells people to distribute it for
free. When is the last time any company made a product, asked you to sit on it for a few days only, then give it to all your friends for free? So
clearly he admits he has to make money to fund his operations, but yet he still ask people to get his message out. The does not define a
"profiteer". Sorry.
Getting to the subject of the OP. Michael Piper has not really said anything of importance. I am still listening to it now, but other than his story
about how Alex got him taken off the air in South Texas as a way to get rid of competition, nothing is new. It is the same old circular arguments with
no evidence at all. "He doesn't discuss the Vatican, or the Zionist, he avoids topics of Jews".
The first part is almost over and I have listened to over 30 minutes of "It is time for Alex to either shape up or ship out. We need to continue
calling Alex on the carpet and tell Alex, the New World Order doesn't have anything to do with Hitler. The New World Order has to do with Israel, it
has to do with Judaism..." blah blah blah. We have heard this argument a million times and it actually proves nothing. It is like arguing about Santa
Clause. No one denies Christmas exist, but we can argue about weather or not Santa brings the gifts.
Even this guy is not debating the things Alex's says, but he is debating the source. Does it matter if the New World Order (if real) comes from
Nazism or Judaism? If you are a slave, does it matter to you who the slave master is or does it matter that your actually a slave?