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Qadima UFO

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posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 09:35 PM
I just saw a unexplained mysteries show on the space channel. It showed video footage of a UFO in 'haifa', I think thats how you spell it. The craft had windows and everything, it was neat.

The other thing on the show was a group of five women in qadima, jeruslem. Each women experienced a meeting with a being all on the same night, even though they live large distances from eachother and do not know one another.

Just wondering if you've heard of this?

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:00 PM
That Haifa Israel video wasn't all that good, IMO. Looked more like the Phoenix Lights than anything. While interesting, it doesn't show much.

The most interesting Israeli UFO video I've seen was that one from Rishon Letzion where two UFOs collided in mid-air causing an explosion. I suspect one of the UFOs was a government anti-UFO weapon being used upon a UFO invading Israeli air space, but as usual, no evidence other than the video itself exists.

Kadima is a UFO hotspot, but I haven't read up on that event yet.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by heelstone]

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