More commonly known as CSIRO AAHL
This place is roughly 2 kilometers from where I live, and it's always had me slightly worried yet intrigued at the same time.
I know it's usually Military bases and stuff that appear here, but I thought this eyeball of the area that I did awhile ago would be a nice change.
Welcome to the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, hosted in Geelong, Victoria.
A high security national laboratory.
I will include some photos that I've gathered and taken personally towards the end of the post.
Some Background Information and Interesting Facts About CSIRO
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is the national government body for scientific research in Australia. It was
founded in 1926 originally as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry.
Research highlights include the invention of atomic absorption spectroscopy, development of the first polymer banknote, invention of the insect
repellent in Aerogard and the introduction of a series of biological controls into Australia, such as the introduction of Myxomatosis and Rabbit
calicivirus which causes rabbit haemorrhagic disease for the control of rabbit populations.
CSIRO's research into ICT technologies has resulted in advances such as the Panoptic Search Engine (now known as Funnelback) and Annodex.
In October 2005 the journal Nature announced that CSIRO scientists had developed near-perfect rubber from resilin, the elastic protein which gives
fleas their jumping ability and helps insects fly. On 19 August 2005, CSIRO and UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) announced they were able to make
transparent carbon nanotube sheets that will bring carbon nanotube products to the masses.
CSIRO owned the first computer in Australia, CSIRAC, built as part of a project began in the Sydney Radiophysics Laboratory in 1947. CSIRAC is the
only surviving first-generation computer in the world.
CSIRO was the first Australian organisation to start using the internet.
Some Background Information and Interesting Facts About AAHL
The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in Geelong, Victoria, Australia is a high security laboratory, run by the CSIRO for exotic animal
disease diagnosis and research. They have world-class animal facilities at all levels of biosecurity, up to physical containment level 4 (PC4)
AAHL has produced new diagnostic tests, vaccines and treatments for both exotic and endemic animal diseases.
The facility combines a capacity to rapidly diagnose disease with quality research, making it a global leader in a wide range of animal and zoonotic
diseases. Zoonotic diseases are those which can pass from animals to people.
It opened in 1985 and cost $185 million.
Photo Time.
Guard House and Main Entrance
Main Complex
Research Labs Bunker/Vaults and Storage
The Unidentified Thing
Photos From The Ground
Signs Tell the Story
Close as I can Get - Can just about make out the main inner perimeter fence
The Unidentified Thing - No idea why there's a red light.
A Ladder Next to It - Could be for maintenance, but I'm not sure what kind.
Research Labs Bunker and Vaults/Storage
Bit Clearer - When viewed with binoculars, solid doors at the front of that structure were plastered with warning signs of all kinds.
Part of New PC4 Laboratories - Scanned from AAHL Publication
Airlocks - Scanned from AAHL Publication
Airlocks and more Airlocks - Scanned from AAHL Publication
Hello! - Scanned from AAHL Publication
Put it this way, if we were ever engineering biological and biochemical weapons this would probably be the place where they live. If we were ever to
interfere with Human Cloning, Genetics and Embryonic Research in humans, this is where it would probably start.. You obviously already know they do
the same to animals here.
Gotta love my back yard.. Hope someone enjoyed the small tour!
edit on 4-1-2011 by plexus because: additional information added
edit on 4-1-2011 by plexus because: additional information