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Hundreds of dead blackbirds found near New Roads

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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by alchemist2012

Here in New Zealand, Hundreds of dead snapper have washed up on Coromandel beaches on the North Island of New Zealand, leaving holidaymakers perplexed.

The mysterious incident came as the southern United States was hit with a second unexplained mass bird death within a week.

Here is the link:

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:04 PM
In another speculative stab one could consider LRADs(Long Range Acoustic Device) being used to "manage" some of the bird populations. As I stated, from both experience and reading various articles, these birds are considered by many to be a real nuisance when roosting in such huge congregations. Disease, noise and overwhelming smells can really make people despise these things, at least when they set up shop in their neighborhood.
So, then we have some military folks with weapons that they rarely get to use live, so why not do the people a favor and have a little fun while at it. I am not condoning harm to any wildlife, I happen to frown upon such actions, but that is just me. I am just trying to use logic here, and we have blunt force trauma which could be done with acoustic energy, we have birds that are considered by some to be an enemy, and technology that exists and is already stationed in many areas.

The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) is a crowd control and hailing device developed by LRAD Corporation.
According to the manufacturer's specifications, the equipment weighs 45 pounds (20 kg) and can emit sound in a 30° beam (only at high frequency, 2.5 kHz) from a device 83 centimetres (33 in) in diameter. At maximum level, it can emit a warning tone that is 146 dBSPL (1,000 W/m2) at 1 metre. The maximum usable design range extends to 300 metres. At 300 metres, the warning tone (measured) is less than 90 dB.

Aside from just military applications for crowd control, bird deterrancy is actually included in the marketing of these things.

TextLRAD systems support renewable energy installations by protecting perimeters from trespassing, asset theft and vandalizing, while also preserving wildlife by deterring their incursions. LRAD systems can potentially save renewable energy companies from millions of dollars in annual losses as a result of wildlife-related equipment damage. At distances in excess of 1000 meters, LRAD is highly effective using focused acoustic output to clearly transmit intense, directional sounds in a variety of tones and predator calls to deter birds and waterfowl from flying through or landing in control zones.

Wind and solar farms, nuclear power facilities, mining and agricultural operations and other industries and critical facilities that have wildlife preservation concerns can benefit from LRAD’s unique long range, directed sound capability.

Wind Turbines
LRAD-RX with radar guidance can scatter birds and bats before they enter wind farms. Additionally, this system also provides perimeter security by creating a virtual fence.

LRAD-RX is being used successfully with avian radar to prevent bird landings and wildlife incursions into hazardous water and waste areas.

Airports & Runways
LRAD can be manually operated or integrated into remotely controlled command and control centers. LRAD 1000X™ systems are being integrated with avian radar technology to provide a bio-acoustic deterrent for bird and waterfowl control and protection to prevent potentially catastrophic aircraft bird strikes. The avian radar system locates birds entering control zones and then activates LRAD to humanely deter birds from flying or landing within these restricted areas.

Vineyard / Agricultural Protection
LRAD systems help protect wildlife and save agricultural operations from substantial losses due to wildlife-related crop damage. At distances in excess of 1000 meters, LRAD transmits intense, directional sounds in a variety of tones and predator calls to humanely deter birds and other wildlife from destroying crops and property.
I realize the birds mentioned in the marketing are all hit with "light" perturbations , but I would guess there also is a few more clicks available on the ole intensity knob/dial.

Just pondering.....

ETA: A company that makes these just signed an 18.5 million contract, although for which country they don't say. But this was just a few months
edit on 4-1-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by likeabull

I don't think any animal was poisoned intentionally but they were merely at the wrong place at the wrong time. If HAARP existed it wouldn't just target blackbirds. You would think it would kill indiscriminately. Just black birds though? Come on. Volcano or Earth tilt. We are basing this off a movie called "The Core." If the movie was a little bit better I would jump on the Volcano/Earth tilt band wagon. Chem trails sound believable..........if the government was really poisoning our skies. Which they are not. (That's BP) We do not need our government in that respect. These birds (honorable mention to the duck, Howard. I named him.) picked up what killed them at another location. Possibly the Pine Bluff Arsenal. I am not sure though these are just my views.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Awesome find. LRAD is pretty believable.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

still, these birds suffered intense internal injuries.....would that cause that?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:24 PM
so far here's how i see it. preliminary autopsies on the Arkansas flock of the dead indicates 'blunt trauma' as likely cause of death. if that's at all true, it would seem to me that the Magnetic Field Anomaly Theory holds the most water. not hard to imagine that, especially in the dark, those birds relying on a 'normal' magnetic field to maintain orientation could easily end up flying into the ground/tree/house at speed if their internal compass/altimeter was thrown inaccurate while passing through a fluctuating field.

now this Louisiana bunch according to the photo looks like its out along the highway where disoriented birds would really only have the ground and passing trucks to slam into. usually animals will hole up somewhere when they're not feeling well, so disease to me doesn't fit the evidence. when you're puking your guts out with the flu or hangover, you don't go for a run (or a 'fly' in this case). that's not to say that it won't be used to create a fake pandemic/mandatory injection scenario. these poor animals are either dying in mid-flight and dropping to the ground, or something is making them crash. in groups of a thousand. lying dead within a few meters of each other. that doesn't sound like disease. moreover, any poison lethal enough to knock flying birds out of the sky should be highly detectable in the lab and, if an aerosol, ought to have also affected people who collected them.

as far as the fish go, i'd say it's related to the bird thing in some way, and here's one idea. lets say that the magnetic field irregularities mentioned above are some kind of manifestation of the bowels of the earth shifting about more than usual under this area. i know zero about fault lines but i've seen a couple specific ones mentioned in other threads regarding the quakes they've experienced lately. so if that's the case, could some lava have moved toward the surface and come up under the bed of the river where the fish died causing a localized increase in the water temperature affecting mostly temp-sensitive bottom-feeders and not other free-swimming species as much?

edit on 4-1-2011 by Urantia1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:27 PM
There was a daytime eclipse today on the other side of the globe all the these events happening together just seem a bit ominous.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
I heard something interesting on C to C either last night or the night before. The birds in Arkansas were reported to have fell from the sky at night. Whoever it was speaking on the show rightfully asked, "Why were these birds flying at night?"
These were blackbirds. You might find owls, whipoor-wills, goatsuckers or nightjars flying at night, but not blackbirds.

Blackbirds fly at night and migrate at night by the millions. Even though they are diurnal and not nocturnal they have been known to fly and migrate at night as i the millions. So to see 5000 dead is strange but considering the large numbers they fly in is minimal.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Sovaka

In Arkansas there has been about 500 or so small tremors since Sept 20th

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

still, these birds suffered intense internal injuries.....would that cause that?

I am unsure MT, but I would bet the tech exists. There are sound cannons too and then the ALVs.
Again, this is just conjecture on my part.

A more potent weapon under development in Russia since the early 1990s is a high powered very low frequency (VLF) modulator. Operating at frequencies below 20 KHz, the device requires a 1-2 meter dish to project a so-called "acoustic bullet." The device was attractive because the power level is adjustable. At low power, the system would cause physical discomfort, while increasing the power could induce nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. The highest levels can cause a person's bones to resonate, which can be quite painful.


posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by pinchanze

Look at the isobars in that region on that date and you will find them tight as a rubberband. Thousands and thousands flying at night and get hit by a microburst. Simple! no ufo's,no haarp,no poison,no chemtrails. Watch your birds at home when a storm is approaching. What do they do? You see them flying all around looking for a place to hide. Not from the rain but from the wind. Think about it. 200mph microburst hits a few thousand birds[blackbirds can fly at night]and WALLA! you have some blunt trauma birds scattered on the ground. You guys are all talking about the strange weather were having around the world. These massive storms...why not!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Reminds me of the movie Signs... the UFO's in the sky are invisible but the birds fly at full speed towards them and then hit them, sort of like if you or I were to run into a brick wall at full speed, and then the birds fall through the air and die, either from the blunt impact or from simply hitting the ground. Of course, I am not saying this is what happened, just saying what it reminded me of

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Hello, I bin following this website for a long time but this is the first time I write.

Today I tock the sub way to 7th street downtown Los Angeles on the way out from the station I noticed this "subway art" on the wall the first thing that captured my eyes was the black birds (look dead laying upside down)
the second thing I noticed was the all seeing eye among allot of other symbols around the frame.

coincidence... I don't think so

what do you think

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by pinchanze

Certainly a possibility but what kind of weather was going on during the bird die off? A 200 mph micro burst may due a little more than kill birds. Was anything else damaged nearby that anyone has heard of?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by alchemist2012
i am not very familiar with bird types but seems like it has crossed species into starlings now

Starlings and blackbirds often flock together, so I'm guessing it has more to do with something that occurred in that area/to that flock than it is about a particular species.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:02 PM
This has to have a reason for happening as stated in other posts this type of die off happens sometimes but my point is there are to many taking place at to many differentlocations across the globe.

I myself hope for a answer to this mystery,I would rather have a good answer than have a bad outcome

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:03 PM
and ... add another 2 Million fish to the death pool ... Chesapeake Bay

An estimated 2 million fish have been reported dead from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier Sound, according to the Maryland Department of the Environment, which investigates fish kills. The dead fish are primarily adult spot, with some juvenile croakers.

now these are said to be 'cold weather stress' deaths but then again, the cold weather occurred weeks ago, not hours or days ago ... fishy?? i think so, it's just a few too many coincidences to be anything else.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Honor93

just read an article about dead fish in florida

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by alchemist2012

Someone said on twitter that all of these cases occured on the 91 degree meridian.....just repeating what I read. It was in reference to HAARP testing. I haven't looked to verify. Just thought I'd chime in.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by alchemist2012
reply to post by Honor93

just read an article about dead fish in florida

Thousands of dead fish have been found along Spruce Creek.

The fish have been seen from where the creek starts near the Spruce Creek Fly-In to where it ends near U.S. 1.

Richard Baker's home is on the banks of Spruce Creek.

Barker is used to catching fish on the creek, but not seeing them float by.

"It's pretty horrific actually," Barker said.

Officials with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said the two recent cold snaps are to blame for the fish kill.

Barker agrees, saying he began seeing them floating upstream days after last week's dip in temperatures.

"What I think it is, is the fish come back here cause it's shallow, it's warm water and they get trapped back here and they can't get back to deep water, and then we have back to back freezing nights and they die," Barker said.

Fish and wildlife officials said they don't see a problem with boaters maneuvering around the carcasses.

They do not recommend people eat them.

The kill has created a feeding frenzy. There are hundreds of vultures, seagulls and other birds, which is creating another smelly problem for homeowners.

"They dig into that and they leave their stuff behind," Barker said.

By stuff, Barker was referring to their droppings.

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