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1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law

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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:12 AM
read this

A MUSLIM girl caught between her religion, her parents and wanting to be a typical Aussie teenager is at the centre of an apprehended violence order against her father after he found she had a boyfriend. against her father after he found she had a boyfriend.

to those who want to emigrate to western nations - beware - your family will seek the western ways and it will end your way of life as you knew it in the old country within just a few generations

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by mayabong

Yeah.. this is the first thing I've seen from Wikileaks that I honestly think would be a controlled release. This is questionable. Seems like this didn't even really need to be classified if it is in fact true.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by mayabong

Yeah.. this is the first thing I've seen from Wikileaks that I honestly think would be a controlled release. This is questionable. Seems like this didn't even really need to be classified if it is in fact true.

On the contrary, we are being asked to buy into the illusion of a happy clappy multicultural society. If you dare to suggest otherwise, you will be accused of some ism or another by the politically correct thought police.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:53 AM
I'm a lot more calm about this since the poll said that they want fellow Muslims under Sharia law and not the whole population of the country. Though I'll be bound that these kids probably have no idea what living under Sharia law would actually entail if it were to done the way it is in many countries.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by starchild10

Yeah I guess that may be so as I can't speak for Brits, but in the U.S. we definitely aren't being asked to by into that perfect melting pot idea. They want us scared of our neighbors.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Hey what do you know. Seems that one in 3 ATSers might be silly enough to believe a faulty survey in the Daily Mail.

Step 1 is to acually learn what Sharia law is and how it's used.
Step 2 is to go actually speak to some Muslims, get to know them. You'll soon realise what a crock of BS this survey is and why majority of people with a brain avoid the Daily Mail.
Step 3 is to chill out and realise if you believe this drivel then makes you part of the problem. Hatred and intolerance on either side is still hatred and intolerance whether it comes from you or them.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by babloyi

History teaches that on such occasions, fighting back in the name of religion means revenge, and that means not only beating your enemy, but following them to their homes and doing the same to them. This is primitive, vengeful, and leads to more destruction. Doing it in the name of religion is ever worse because it becomes indoctrination and is seen in houses of worship.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Nammu
Hey what do you know. Seems that one in 3 ATSers might be silly enough to believe a faulty survey in the Daily Mail.

Step 1 is to acually learn what Sharia law is and how it's used.
Step 2 is to go actually speak to some Muslims, get to know them. You'll soon realise what a crock of BS this survey is and why majority of people with a brain avoid the Daily Mail.
Step 3 is to chill out and realise if you believe this drivel then makes you part of the problem. Hatred and intolerance on either side is still hatred and intolerance whether it comes from you or them.

You might be happy being a liberal/leftist, happy that these "people" come to OUR country, and hate OUR people, and demand that we change OUR culture for THEM, and having the demographic identity of our nation stolen from us, but our population isn't, something which is becoming more and more apparent, despite what you and your imposed PC multi-culti thought police might like to believe.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
In other news, it is exclusively revealed that 1 in 3 American students support the death penalty, and 40% of them want some kind of strict law to govern society...

You have some good points, but this one isn't. This is an illogical comparison.

If (big if, mind you) the article is true, there is a huge difference between being tried by a jury of your peers for murder and receiving the death penalty if found guilty, and killing people for religious reasons with no trial, let alone a jury. One is the implementation (or at least the attempt at it) of justice, and the other is a vigilantism in it's most trivial and small scale application, and all out war in it's most extreme.

What you have is a cheap shot there. A zippy little one liner that is as much propaganda as the article that inspired it as a rebuttal.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:43 PM
The teachings of the Qur'an: This is the Muslim holy book, which corresponds to the Jews' Torah and the Christians' Holy Bible. Have clearly indicated that Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the Word of God, as dictated to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Only problem is that Gabriel, in the Holy Bible, has been depicted as the one angel, ( in the alleged coming wrath ) that falls from the graces of " God ".

With that being said, I'm pretty sure most you can figure out where I was going with that. These Muslims need to be informed that in our country, though the 1st Amendment may allow freedom of religion, that doesn't mean that the rest of us want to hear, let alone embrace your sick, and demented views of religion.

This link :
Show's a " staged " reenactment of what happens in their beloved sharia law. Not my Idea of due process.
IMO: there's the door, dont let it hit you on the way out~

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Quick question. When it gets to the point where you can successfully guess what source will be cited in an OP just by reading the title, what does that mean?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by babloyi

The thing with the caveat "in the name of religion" is that it is fairly vague and prone to much misinterpretation. Islam allows fighting when attacked, and many muslims would consider this "killing in the name of religion".

"Islam allows fighting when attacked"... Now the vague and prone to misinterpretation lies with the word "attacked"

What is it? Drawing a cartoon? Naming a teddybear Mohammod? Burning a qur'an? Being a non-muslim in the holy land? Actual war?

You see, I've witnessed it meaning any manner of things that have rallying masses of muslims calling for the death of someone or the destruction of some place.

So what you've really done there is lay it all out for everyone. Those who yell about 99.999999^ of muslims are peaceful and tolerant people yet neglect to include that little fact - "Islam allows fighting when attacked".

No one can really put an action to the word attacked. And they don't localise it to the place of the incident... because another little fact often left out is that it is the obligation of every muslim to fight the 'attacker' where they find them... that's why we have groups of muslims plotting to attack army barracks in Australia, or England, or Bali, or Jakarta, Or wherever they congregate with like minded folk.

Oh but it's OK... someone will come along and ridicule this post, denounce everything and proclaim that the world really is overflowing with kittens and fluffy rabbits and rainbows and that it's us mean old 'ists' that are the real problem...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:31 PM
Oh great another survey of 600 people that speak for every Muslim in the country obviously, if you believe the propaganda spouted by the British press, you might believe I'm the second coming and that judgement day is almost upon us. Lol.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

You can't "attack" a religion, it is not a person.
Well, you can, but Islam certainly doesn't need to be defended.

I apologise if you misunderstood what I meant. When I said "Islam allows fighting when attacked", I didn't mean when someone attacks Islam. I meant when someone attacks a person. Or a people. I don't see how drawing a cartoon or naming a teddy bear can be confused with that. The Quran is quite explicit.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by babloyi

Well...when one ridicules the person who Muslims perceive to be the best creation and a paragon, in addition to the Prophet Muhammad being mentioned at least once in there 5 daily's like asking for trouble...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:33 PM
I have got to the point where I can only see Islam for what it will be- the downfall of western societies and traditions.

I no longer have time for muslims, or want anything to do with them. In the past I have tried to understand them, and even felt sympathy for them when persecuted.

However, times change. Islam is the biggest threat to the west and as a majority it has no place here. Especially the UK. Traditions go out the window on a daily basis, because they offend muslims. Just hearing Sharia Law and UK in the same sentence makes me shake with anger.

Will our spineless government really let it come to that?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Nice words. No proof.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:19 PM
any religion that is based on ancient scripture and has a lot of prohibitions stifles pursuit of knowledge and it is pursuit of knowledge that solves many day to day problems and improves our lives [unless it is being used by someone to gain some ends that we are being lied to about]

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

These people have been in 'our' country for a long time. It's their country too. They have been here for generations. Your attitude and words speak volumes about your racism.

When you talk this way you include tarring 3rd/4th/5th generation integrated people with your broad-based brush. I know a lot of Muslims. Went to school with them, am neighbours with them, speak to them daily about current issues. They problem they have is not with this country, our values or freedoms or culture, as you seems to believe. It's with people like you that lump them in with extremists and that don't even take the time to understand their cultural background. Just label them all terrorists, call anyone that actually understands the situation 'leftists/liberal/PC' and move on.

It's the media witch-hunt. Its the fact that all of a sudden people that were quietly racist before are now shouting it freely and openly and it's accepted. Its about the fact that they were born here, schooled here, love the country, support the football teams, but because of a few bad eggs they are now all labelled as THEM living in OUR country.

Haven't you heard? Muslims are the new Jews.

If you understand what Sharia law actually is in this country and how it is applied then this uproar over it is moot.

If you look back to Babloyi's post on page 2 you will see how this survey was twisted to fit the Daily Mail's agenda. It's simply bad interpretation and bad journalism. Here's the link again, as you appear to have missed it:

Mail's Wikileaks 'revelation' about Muslim students is their own 2008 story

The ending comment on this article really sums it up for me. Perhaps it may strike a chord with you.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Nammu
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

These people have been in 'our' country for a long time. It's their country too. They have been here for generations. Your attitude and words speak volumes about your racism.

When you talk this way you include tarring 3rd/4th/5th generation integrated people with your broad-based brush. I know a lot of Muslims. Went to school with them, am neighbours with them, speak to them daily about current issues. They problem they have is not with this country, our values or freedoms or culture, as you seems to believe. It's with people like you that lump them in with extremists and that don't even take the time to understand their cultural background. Just label them all terrorists, call anyone that actually understands the situation 'leftists/liberal/PC' and move on.

It's the media witch-hunt. Its the fact that all of a sudden people that were quietly racist before are now shouting it freely and openly and it's accepted. Its about the fact that they were born here, schooled here, love the country, support the football teams, but because of a few bad eggs they are now all labelled as THEM living in OUR country.

Haven't you heard? Muslims are the new Jews.

If you understand what Sharia law actually is in this country and how it is applied then this uproar over it is moot.

If you look back to Babloyi's post on page 2 you will see how this survey was twisted to fit the Daily Mail's agenda. It's simply bad interpretation and bad journalism. Here's the link again, as you appear to have missed it:

Mail's Wikileaks 'revelation' about Muslim students is their own 2008 story

The ending comment on this article really sums it up for me. Perhaps it may strike a chord with you.

I don't care if they are 3rd, 4th or 40th generation, they are not British and have no right to be here, and as for your glib vote for the BNP joke, until they run on a promise of mass forced deportation of all non-european immigrants they will not be getting my votes.

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