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Telepathic Communication

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posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by smithjustinb

Agreed, feel free to check out the rest of my page!

I'm a fairly new member and don't have any "friends" so send me a friend request or w/e and i'll check your page out later.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Karmayogi11

When you see yourself as equal as God then it means that you still want to rule in the material world.
God means Ishvara or Controller so your conditioned condition does not cease.

I think you are confusing what he means due to the semantics of the word "God." There is no evidence of any external being controlling the happenings of the universe and making sure everything is running according to some plan. We are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively. It is an illusion that we are separate. There are no such things as separate events but our language and (therefore) way of thinking give that illusion (it is however advantageous for communication). A human being is just something the universe is doing (remembering there are no separate events). After seven years a human being has replaced all the cells he had seven years ago (therefore an ego cannot say it is anything physical). This is no different to a whirlpool simply being something a stream of water is doing. The whirlpool is constantly changing in terms of its physical shape and make up of water molecules but for ease of language we give it a noun name when in reality it is a verb. The stream is whirlpooling just as the earth is peopling.

I can say that I have a hand, a foot, a brain etc but who is the "I" to which these things belong? If the "I" is not something physical then it must be something to do with the consciousness. The thinker behind the thoughts? Thoughts constantly come and go like waves on the beach and are impossible to suppress. (Try it, you will be unable to stop your thoughts at will, random thoughts will keep popping into your head). It is like breathing, your consciousness can control your breaths but most of the time it is left to the subconscious (which is a product of the universe and is what it is due to evolution and the nature of the universe). Your thoughts and actions are happening to you just as much as you are making them happen.

The subconscious is very interesting, are you beating your heart or is your heart just beating? If you are beating your heart then you must also be beating my heart, for the method is the same (a function of the subconscious brain which is a result of the laws and conditions of the universe). If the universe were different then evolution (or even intelligent design if that's what you're into) would have produced a different brain or body to best handle the different laws or conditions of the universe. What we are depends on what the universe is. Therefore we are not separate from the universe, we are the same as it. We didn't come into this world, we came out of it. Nearly everything a human being does is because of what the universe is doing. If you get up from your computer to go to the toilet then your movement is governed by many things, including what the architect decided in designing the layout of your house.

If I am my actions then I am the universe.
If I am my thoughts then I am the universe.
If I am my physical body then I am the universe.
Who are you?

Everything I believe is based on science, logic and reasoning, no faith.

reply to post by smithjustinb

I became one with the universe and looked at my girlfriend and instead of seeing something separate from myself, I saw myself. Once I realized I was looking at myself, I was able to put thoughts into her (my) head. It was like I saw her soul with my soul.

Very interesting. Were you able to receive thoughts from her or read any of her thoughts? Have you been able to do it with anyone else?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

I became one with the universe and looked at my girlfriend and instead of seeing something separate from myself, I saw myself. Once I realized I was looking at myself, I was able to put thoughts into her (my) head. It was like I saw her soul with my soul.

Very interesting. Were you able to receive thoughts from her or read any of her thoughts? Have you been able to do it with anyone else?

I wasn't able to give or receive thoughts from her, although I'm sure it would have been possible. It was more like she showed me her essence and it came to me as a feeling. I felt her being. It was profound. I felt a deep connection with her and a transparency with both of us. It was in the light of truth that we became connected. The connection is the conduit for communication.

The next day I was able to telepathically communicate with her dog. I'm pretty sure I conveyed a specific concept to the dog. But I do know that the dog was able to see my soul. Judging by the dog's initial reaction, I would say that it was scared of who I was, but (still connected) I impressed the thought/concept don't be afraid. At about that time, I recall becoming unfocused, and I lost the connection. The dog seemed to be abnormally attached to me for about an hour after, and the next day she was very happy to see me. I can't be sure if the dog was able to interpret my concept I attempted to impress upon it because obviously dog's can't talk and it didn't tell me I was able to. But judging by its actions I believe I may have. It felt like I did.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
Find a way to break the bonds that the ego has placed in your life and see other people as yourself.

You break it, you buy it. You change it, there's no one complaining, in fact there are a lot that would love to see something original happen.

See the dogs as yourself, the cats, the trees, the planet, the sun, the galaxy, the universe. It is all love.

Whoah I'm no canine nor a tree nor any of those things. I have yet to understand the human I can't do anything else until I do, it would be like I have my flight simulation hours on my pc which makes me believe I can fly the spaceshuttle.

You are part of it and you are it for all is one.

But I like everything as seperate things otherwise the entire existence would merge with itself effectively collapsing in itself. That what do you have? Nothing! It would all have to start over again and again.

When you look into the eyes of someone be convinced that on a deep level, you are looking into the eyes of yourself. At this point you will be the observer observing the observer observing the observer. You are the observer. You are observing yourself. When you look at anything, you are observing yourself, always.

Why would I want to be someone else or feel like someone else? It also feels like I'm using someone else who has no chance of self expression since I'm using their eyes in a way, with nothing given in return. But then it is normal for any human being wanting the approval of it's fellow humans and so wanting to see themselves through the eyes of someone else.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

I do believe that God is beyond good and bad. I believe he is probably beyond love and hate too. Love is what connects us and I couldn't have experienced telepathy w/o it.

I think God just is and in an effort to figure out what this ISness was, we were created. I think God is a formless infinity. A realm of infinite possibilities w/o form. It became aware of itself then desired to know itself giving birth to forms of light and love. This light and love became further quantified to galaxies to individual stars to us to cells then to atoms in a fractal universe.

I wasnt posting so much on ATS lately, but your thread got my attention. I made my statment where I disagree with your thoughts. But beside there are many ways to climb the same mountain. I have choosen for my self the vedanta metaphysical view because sience I have it, life has become much better and I have discovered a lot of things in means of yoga and meditation that give me actual selfrealization.

And about your telepathic experiences I have nothing to complain about it, and shure nothing to ridicule.

reply to post by Azp420

I think you are confusing what he means due to the semantics of the word "God." There is no evidence of any external being controlling the happenings of the universe and making sure everything is running according to some plan.

Maybe just two confrontiing worldviews where you see no see evidence I see plenty of it everywhere.

I can say that I have a hand, a foot, a brain etc but who is the "I" to which these things belong? If the "I" is not something physical then it must be something to do with the consciousness. The thinker behind the thoughts? Thoughts constantly come and go like waves on the beach and are impossible to suppress. (Try it, you will be unable to stop your thoughts at will, random thoughts will keep popping into your head). It is like breathing, your consciousness can control your breaths but most of the time it is left to the subconscious (which is a product of the universe and is what it is due to evolution and the nature of the universe). Your thoughts and actions are happening to you just as much as you are making them happen.

It is not that difficult once you know how. Nirvana is described as emptyness. That I agree with you is dificult to achieve when you have random thoughts like wife pets childs work etc.
But the Vedic aproach is not to think on nothing. It is to think on the supreme being and his past times.
Even if you are incompatible to the idea of a supreme ruler whose actions are effortless then you could get also a very good meditation thinking on the impersonal Brahman.

Once you achieve trance, this random thoughts vanishes anyway.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

You would have to understand oneness for telepathy to work.
Oneness is our true nature. It exists behind the illusions that the human brain creates that keeps you from perceiving the interconnectedness of reality. The universe is one being of which you are just a tiny fraction of. When you see it this way completely, your mind somehow merges with the greater reality of being one with the universe, and you can look at someone or some animal and know that you are looking at part of yourself.

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