posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Thank you all for many great replies! Unfortunately none have said what I am hoping to hear.
I understand what you speak of, I've read about such misfortunes and none have happened to me. I've been fortunate to feel great amounts of energy
all over my body in all my Chakras, and have not yet experienced any pains or running. I have not been egotistic about this, and have been cautioned -
but the truth is that I am fortunate. I believe it is my time, as time is running out.
I understand the concept of grounding, and have taken this very seriously as my fear has terrified me many many times, and true grounding is a way to
mentally relieve myself of this fear. I don't believe it needs to be a 'physical thing' such as bare-feet on the ground. It's a mental thing, just
like everything else. However, imagery and understanding is evoked from the bare-feet on the ground, therefor re-ensuring the mental thing.
I do not understand your concern with working Chakras and Tibetan methods together?
One of the prayers which I've been working on lately, the triple body specifically requires the working of the heart, throat, and 3e chakra
The truth body prayer is for a bright sapphire blue heart, the beatific for a ruby red throat, and the emanation for a diamond white om at the head.
The only difference with Tibetan Buddhism and other forms of Chakra work are in the colors of the chakra.
Though, the colors don't concern me - as they are but another way for us humans to understand emotion and visualization. I've already been 'given'
knowledge about the chakras, and how the 7+ of them make us up to be everything and everything. I believe I understand what they all represent, and
how to invoke their great energy by feeling their meaning. From hell and power, to lust and procreation, to divine energy, to manifestation and earth,
to ego and communication and perspective and understanding, to vision, and on.
Gradius Maximus:
I understand that my solo approach is a bit new-age. This kind of process has typically been done by 'secret societies' and tribes, groups, occults,
etc, in the past. But this is a new-age, and I think spiritual revelation is to be done more and more often by an individual (of course, still with
assistance through knowledge, and a teacher).
I do not have any other choice as of now. I know no other people that understand things as I do. Many of them believe in Chakras, but are mostly
new-age and are lost in the great vast web of lies that new-age has told. They are confused, and don't really understand the spirituality beyond an
'earthly' type of definition. Does that make sense?
Ego. Now there is something which I consider very powerful. I've done a lot of thinking about this, a lot of reading, and I have done a lot of battle
with my ego in my meditations. I am afraid that it can sometimes still be very strong, but in this particular night it was not my ego that was telling
me that I was "being stupid".
Congratulations on your own success. =)
I understanding the concept of mystical death. I've been to the threshold many times, but fear is a very strong force, indeed. It is currently my
greatest enemy.
Good observation about the animal eyes! I've never thought about that - but I have seen different types of eyes, including mostly human eyes (but of
a beauty, like an elf? lol), alien, reptile eyes, and perhaps demon eyes? I'll try to notice in the future.
There have been times, while sungazing and then while meditating - that I've seen and felt literally hundreds of pairs of eyes.
I do know the importance of Chakra balance, and I do commit time to strengthening them all. Though I admit that I am weaker than I wish I could be. My
2nd chakra and throat chakra, in particular.
The bliss is incredible! I've advanced enough to induce it quiet easily - but I know that it will only get stronger and stronger. It's exciting!
But, don't get caught up in only wishing for bliss, as it can be a trap.
I have not heard voices, so you are lucky. Though I hear pops in my environment very very often...
Again, thank you all! And I hope that more can give some advice or opinions.
Until then, I plan on continuing to strengthen all my energies.