Nice post. I think I read somewhere, or heard an account about a team of army Rangers during Vietnam. It began with U.S. tunnel rats being summoned
to an area where VC tunnels were suspected to exist. The rats discovered several entrances to a large complex of VC-created tunnels complete with
surgical rooms, armories, weapons and explosives caches, supplies, conference rooms, sleeping quarters and lots of deadly traps (seven soldiers died
from the elaborate traps employing sharpened bamboo shoots dipped in human waste, poisonous snakes and scorpions, broken glass, and trip-wired hand
They navigated through the darkness with flashlights and fought into VC positions deep in the tunnel complex. This turned out to be a pretty big job,
and they couldn't allow the VC to retain control of these tunnels, so back-up was called for in the form of Green Berets ---Special Forces teams.
With the aid of these SF guys, the tunnel fight was going well for the U.S. One particular tunnel opened into natural caves. Following a trail of
blood, it was suspected that some VC escaped into this natural complex. Before setting off explosives to seal this exit route, the SF guys decided to
conduct a short recon mission.
This lead to the discovery of a system of *enormous* caverns that were large enough to house the island of Manhattan and its tall buildings (estimated
by two of the SF guys who grew up in NYC; circa 1969 dimensions; from reports of the SF team(s)). Huge mushrooms, walls covered by a bioluminescent
moss, strange plants resembling 30ft-tall asparagus tipped with bioluminescent crystals abounded in this weird underworld.
It gets weird from here, and evokes some of the stories told by the Chilean miners... Reptillian humanoids (a.k.a. "reptoids") descended from sharp
ledges and attacked the SF team(s). They fought back in a textbook retreat. Several "forward thinkers" also brought back several reptoid bodies as
proof of the encounter.
At the debriefing, one of the SF soldiers was astonished that the CIA agents seemed to accept their "story" without surprise or shock. Apparently,
the CIA and other clandestine branches of the U.S. government were already aware of the existence of reptillian humanoid lifeforms from "other
encounters elsewhere."
Of course, this could all be just some fanciful yarn told by SF guys who wanted to have some fun at public expense. Marijuana and other
state-altering substances were also popular with soldiers during the Vietnam War --an escape from the daily horror of jungle warfare. Also, combat
stress might have caused a mass hallucination on the SF teams during the tunnel fight.
However, according to the story, all soldiers involved were made to sign a non-disclosure agreement, as well as the CBS reporter who followed them
into that subterranean horror story. Still, whatever happened seems to have impacted many of the SF soldiers involved, as they apparently got the
same (or similar) tatoos of reptillian humanoid monsters on numerous parts of their bodies. Most, if not all of them have passed from exposure to
Agent Orange (or whatever toxic stews were sprayed into the jungle). In Special Operations circles, apparently it is said that they still engage
reptoids to this day. Many noted investigators/non-fiction authors have told of accounts of special ops (including British SAS) delving deep into
caves in Mexico. It's very odd.
Further, perhaps this was the birth of contrail spraying... to keep the reptoids at bay during the Vietnam War...
Thanks for the post and all the thoughts it generated!
edit on 4-1-2011 by GhostLancer because: (no reason given)