posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 01:20 AM
To hell with the UN for now. The US doesn't ened their approval because they are not righteous.
I would like to be more a citizen of the world than of the United States. I believe that humanity can thrive around the world if the borders can come
down some day. I can't speak for all Americans (actually I think I speak against them as a whole, if not as individuals) but if it would make the
rest of the world better off, and relatively fair and peaceful, I'd accept a world where America wasn't on top. I could ride a bike, and maybe limit
myself to just renting an old car once in a rare while when it was important. I could start drinking more water and less coke. I could survive on
probably half my current income- especially if it was correcting the world in ways that i knew would make my kids live better off without the evils
that make our current standards possible.
The problem here is not simply that America is standing in the way of a unified and peaceful world- the problem is that nobody could deliver it if
America stepped down.
So, to UN supporters:
When the UN ends a war fairly, they'll get my attention.
When they intervene, at HUGE expense, at HUGE loss of life, at HUGE political costs, for LONG periods of time, and DO THE RIGHT THING no matter what,
even just in once single country just one single time... they'll have some of my respect.
When they demonstrate consistent fairness, and a stable system that doesn't screw innocent people, they'll have my allegiance, even ahead of
However, now that I'm done being noble, until the UN can deliver that, here is my other promise. Tomorrow, if George W. Bush announces his intent to
launch a war of conquest against France or any other nation, I will volunteer to fight and subject the enemy to the will of my people. I'm all for
fairness, but if it's gonna be unfair, I can assure you it will be unfair in favor of myself and the people I love.