posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:38 AM
I've been reading on this site for several months and finally decided to take the plunge and register, for good or ill, to indulge my paranoid
tendancies and enjoyment of all things conspiracy.
I consider myself a recovering neo-con, having started out in high school as right-of-center and moved even further right in my first few years of
college. Ironically, it was during the time my wife attended a somewhat fundy christian college that my political/social/religious beliefs started to
track back to the left. Reading, various life experiences, overseas travel, and grad school have since pulled me further into what would be
considered a leftist mindset by many. I disagree with that analysis/label, but it does make for some fun conversations.
My major political/social/religious influences would be Thomas Jefferson, Jacques Ellul, E.P. Thompson, Leo Tolstoy, and others who espouse what is
called Christian Anarchy. I do not consider myself a Christian however. I grew up in a fundy evangelistic setting and slowly extricated myself from
their clutches and abhor the collusion between religion and governmental power, especially the unholy marriage of American Evangelical Christianity
and our government.
I think that is probably enough information for now.
- mike