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A New Scenario on the Alien Disclosure set to Happen Soon

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posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:33 PM
I found this pretty interesting. The first article talks about a scenario involving alien disclosure happening in 2011 sometime. The scenario makes sense. The second article talks about other scenarios involving possible disclosure but are a little more on the strange side. But then again, who knows what will be disclosed when it happens?

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:35 PM
unless the real aliens are the disclosers then it will be a sham, if they approch us before them then it will be true.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by nonetruegod
unless the real aliens are the disclosers then it will be a sham, if they approch us before them then it will be true.

Agreed. If genuine disclosure of intelligent Alien life comes, I'll bet it will be direct from the aliens in question and not filtered through some government apparatus. I mean think about it: if many ufo reports are actual alien craft sightings, then they have shown zero regard for national borders and the governments of humanity.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:48 PM
A disclosure will happen. The governments have to carry out their agenda which is the fake alien invasion sometime in 2012 or 2013. Movies are already warning us, Skyline, Battle of L.A and Transformers 3.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Will all of you people get off the disclosure bandwagon. I believe the whole idea of disclosure is a sham. No proof just speculation. The government will not come out and say, oh yeah we had them all along, nevermind the propulsion system that doesn't need petroleum.
Every time I see a disclosure thread I will troll it into the ground. Disclosure is a waste of time and a distraction from the truth. I repeat the gov't will not tell us the truth about anything.
Snip fraud. The mods should not even allow threads about disclosure.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
edit on 2/1/2011 by Sauron because: snipped circumvented profanity

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by HazyChestNutz
A disclosure will happen. The governments have to carry out their agenda which is the fake alien invasion sometime in 2012 or 2013. Movies are already warning us, Skyline, Battle of L.A and Transformers 3.

I just made a thread about the connection between movies and the agenda of a staged alien invasion.

Are they trying to tell us something?

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by chimaybliss

indeed an interesting read. seems to make sence. if there is such things as the extra terrestrial life form its about time the government decides to let us know. there have been to many sightings of ufos to dismiss the existance of the fourth kimd

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

agreed but if it come from beings them selves which i believe it will we have a start, we know how sh*t our government are and will try for powers sake forever we people are so much easier wit no alt. plans

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by chimaybliss

May want to check that source more thoroughly, and also a deep ATS search (for recent threads, same story, with OTHER sources). The "original" source? Known unreliable, and hoaxer. What's happening is, as usual, many many others are picking it up, and repeating the original "source" gets lost in the frenzy....

BTW, how do I know this? Read the ATS thread here, earlier today. WIll try to find it for you.....
Sorry, can't find what I saw today, earlier. (May have been trashbinned).

There was a "source" mentioned in the other thread that is known hoax site, and not suitable for ATS. So, I think that's what happened. This one? May be same, but so far you are safe...but I'd keep checking.

edit on 2 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:07 PM
I have no idea why anyone on earth would expect the 'government' to give the truth about this, or about anything.

You have the 1952 Washington DC invasion. What more do you need?

They lie about everything. Remember 911?

If the 'government' tells you there are ufos, it is proof, certain proof, that they don't exist.
edit on 2-1-2011 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:07 PM
In a duality, school, where everything is like a checkerboard mason floor, that
mention a little down the page on this,
and the US Capital



If the one side show the other is there as well. what light do you see with? We need to purify all of our negativity into positivity and turn our weaknesses into strengths now for 2011. We need to Love and not start to see through war, and poverty and all forms of negative run systems, and do what the great masters of Love would do, Yeshua, Budda, Gandi even.

The Higher Ups are not on our channels, and the ones that are, arent them. Are we ready for a shift, to progress and not go the other way, have we learnt to be unconditional love and serve others, can we allign our thoughts in this ThoughtScape, school we're in, with the Light and Positive True Love side to be ready, can we overturn the train wrecks of our lives if necessary to do this.

What is disclosure to you? In any case, see wtih faith, love and strong belief, for in a duality there is always the opposite, so our eyes need to positive and loving.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Yeah I agree, most of the articles on the site cover the same kind of topics, and it seems like nothing more that a blog site masquerading as a paranormal news site. Plus, the 'hollywood' style disclosure won't happen in my opinion.

oh an weedwhacker, the site was or something like that.
edit on 2-1-2011 by Smugallo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:14 PM
also depends on the race if they were peacfull then they would start with us if it was for any devious purpose then the gov would be their choice ask the questions. have they been watching ?
are gov honest?
to anyone?
if they go through them they want our brains
edit on 2-1-2011 by nonetruegod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:19 PM
Sometimes things like this make me wonder....what would disclosure even look like....

Not sure if anyone is paying attention to History channels "ancient aliens series", or the strange ease with which WikiLeaks has gotten thier info...and mainly its trivial stuff that was mentioned in it....except thier is alot of hype regarding this release of alien info/propaganda. The movies are very obvious they are right in your face....

BIG QUESTION IS TO ME>>>>ARE WE IN DISCLOSURE NOW?? You think it will be just a quick announcement...ya they are here...the end? I am honestly thinking disclosure should be carried out in a less direct way....kinda like what we are in right now??? And project bluebeam....anyone know the duration of thier "play" they intended to put on for us??? ARE WE IN ACT 1???
edit on 2-1-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Oh ya forgot...the battle over nuremburg(sp?), germany in 1560s occured 6-7 years after the last RED ECLIPSED MOON AT WINTER SOLSTICE....since we just had 1....kinda makes me wonder if i will be looking into the sky watching a battle in few years....

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:33 PM
I agree with nonetruegod. The aliens will have to do it without letting the world governments knowing in advance. If the aliens really have been studing us for thousands of years, then they should know better than to let the world governments know in advance and get involved with the disclosure process.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I agree. Disclosure will NEVER happen (at least not in the sense that believers want and wish it to happen) as the ones in charge and with the power don't want to give any of it up. If a "Disclosure" does happen, it'll be false because there ARE NO ALIENS.

President Reagan said (paraphrasing) "I can't help but wonder how humanity would unite into one under an alien threat." That would be the only reason for Disclosure --to unite humanity into the One World Government Agenda that they have sought for centuries but until recently haven't been able to fulfill. How do you unite humanity? Under a false threat that effects all of humanity and False Disclosure would fit perfectly.

They're gearing up for a false Disclosure too, you can see it happening before your very eyes! The History Channel (just 1 example) has marathons on shows about many different types of possibilities that Aliens exist (Aliens in the Bible, is some of our Technology Alien, etc.). That's where it starts.

Notice how they're not saying one way or the other that Aliens do or do not exist. This is important because it gets believers and non-believers to listen to their shows. Right now, the "Capture Your Imagination" Campaign has begun. The campaign gets you to think that aliens MAY have been in the Bible, they MIGHT be flying in our skies, and so on. First we have to think it's possible before they get us to accept (in a non-violent & panicked state) what they're just about to "Disclose" to us.

This year the "Discoveries that will change History" Campaign will begin. Archeologists will unearth items and writings that will "prove" that some of our long-standing beliefs were wrong all along. For example, they'll "find" something pertaining to Jesus which would "prove" He didn't ascend to Heaven, and more importantly, delegating Him to being only just another human, and not divine after all. There will be "Discoveries" in many areas, but changing our religious beliefs is the main goal.

By mid-2012, many will be very confused, even the elect, but luckily people like Maitreya and the Ascended Masters will be there to Master, oops, I mean, teach us and guide our confusion and "help" us to raise our conciseness. All this really is is "Re-Teaching" us. That's all it is.

Something has to come along to unite humanity into a 1 World State / Government as well as 1 Religion, and a False Disclosure attached to a False Flag Alien Sightings / Encounters and ultimately Landings will do those very things -all in 1 fell swoop!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 11:34 PM
I think the government is to deep in this to disclose. If it happens via government it will happen during a new presidents first term. If the govt does know about aliens and they have been covering it up for 50+ years then that will implicate every president and political party member both left and right. A president would have to come out and disclose very quickly into his first term to avoid the publics wrath.
My opinion is that if they do know about them and have gained tech from them then initially it was covered up to keep our true military power from the soviets. Now the politicians don't know how to disclose and save face in front of the public. If Obama came out and said, yes they exist, yes we retrieved technology, then alot of people's legacy and alot of trust will be thrown out the window.
Regardless of whether you trust the government, alot of people follow it blindly.

It could be something like, they crashed here during the roswell incident, and when they came looking for their vessel and dead they asked that the general population be kept in the dark. Maybe they have seen what happens to a civilization when something like this occurs to soon and maybe it was bad for 1 or more parties involved. Maybe we aren't mature enough, and maybe the government doesn't know anything. Maybe nothing has ever happened but a few lights in the sky and a bunch of people claiming to be abducted, and the government knows as much as you and I. And maybe the government knows everything and has reversed engineered technology, and when the time is right said technology will be used to save or conquer the rest of the planet.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 11:47 PM
No sources, all based on rumors and nobody but blog-jocks reporting this?

Yeah...sounds legit.

No, really.


posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 12:24 AM
Agreed with some of the above posters above that disclosure won't happen. It will be a slow bleed of faith in government or corporations or religion that will lead people to be aware of such possibilities of aliens.

Too many people are distracted, and I doubt they will care there are aliens anyway. The rest of us will go 'ooh and aah' but those people who don't frequent conspiracy or science websites will just care about their entertainment and creature comforts and nothing else.

If the government came out and said aliens were hostile, I would doubt this, given the power of the military-industrial corporate world. Even if it was true what could we do about it? 'They' have machine guns where we have sticks and stones.

I want landings or huge numbers of these alien craft roaring through the skies 24/7 so I can see with my own eyes.

But I doubt that'll happen. The government can just come out and say aliens are a threat and we have to declare martial law and shut down the internet so we don't feed intel to the hostile ones... Game over, man. Game over.

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