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Odd 2012 dream future prediction maybe told in my sleep?

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posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:01 PM
G'day all i just want to share a really messed up dream i had, it almost seemed real and i'm not sure if i was astral travelling or what the go was, i'll start of at the beggining..

I was with a friend and we were at a hotel i used to work at, there was a painting on a wall that people said was haunted some chinese painting, anyway after a while some strange things happened i heard footsteps and saw an odd light i went to walk towards it but then everything started changing

After that everything froze up i found i was limited as to where i could go and watched as the walls changed slight very slight details the fridge location moved the walls got re painted a new cupboard added here and there lots of little details. then i screamed help my friend grabbed me and the next thing i'm in 2012...

The first thing i remember doing was been back in my unit with another friend, i looked at my shirt New metallica Cd released?? can't remember the name was titled along the lines of "Something else" or "Some Elsewhere" It was just plain odd anyway but i put it down anyway i jokingly asked thinking it was a dream what last nights lotto numbers where and i was told 09 61 11 1 25 12 20 12 which made no sense to me... anyway i kept looking around and saw these capsules.

Apparently according to my friend late 2011 the governments released news of a major disaster and supplied anyone who wanted these capsules that had a 50% survival rate, naturally the government made a huge joke about it and not many people believed but about 20% of the homes and rooftops had these capsules on them.

Then i remember it the sirens went off, the news came on everyone head to the capsules. Not many believed and i saw this huge tidal wave in the distance coming up over the horizon. I ran to the capsule with my mate up the ladder onto the roof and into the capsule. Everyone looked and started screaming for help but there was only room for 1 in each capsule. I remember telling everyone to head to the back of the building away from the wave and smash a window so when the water came down they might be able to swim out..

Then it hit the tidal wave levelled everything entire buildings cities nobody stood a chance, the last thing i remember is a helicoper flying overhead hooking up everyone into groups and dragging them across the ocean towards land

well i don't know what to make of it, i've heard of people dreaming the future before and been led and told of what may possibily happen. well it's there fort you all to read

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

wow that's a scary dream..have you been reading a lot of 2012 or natural disaster threads lately? If so this could be your brain trying to make sense of it all.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:14 PM
The government warns people of an impending disaster and prepares them for it? You must've been dreaming.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:16 PM
hmmmmm i will tell you this i saved those lottery numbers and the metalicca cd thing and in 2012 i will look for there new album and check every states/counrtys lottery numbers it is a scary dream oh wait... i dont have to do that just wait till the end of this year and get myself a capsul

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:19 PM
I've had a similar dream and it was almost the same but without the capsules and the tidal wave did hit and I saved a baby girl by running to the mountains.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:36 PM
Been realistic it was probably my dream trying to make sense of it all but i put it up here in case anyone had similar dreams or if anyone knows of future predictions in dreams

well i google metallica cd and they are making one later 2011
i don't know the name though but dude it was odd i'd be amazed if it was similar

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

Thats odd, yea it seems like ALOT of people are having similar dreams, and many not even know about the conspracies thats the werid thing....Ive had a couple similar to this as well, not about flooding though but about global black outs and riots. I personally think its God somehow warning us of something ahead, but many would disagree. Its cool you can actually remember your dream to put it up here though, props, I usually cant 5 minutes after I wake up.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

I have had many dreams that lead me to believe the whole of the US will be underwater.
When I was around 12, I had one which I was on a boat travel passing skyscrapers with only the top parts being visable.
I have had many other dreams like this and one WW3 dream. I am unsure as to whether these dreams are just the results of watching the History Channel or prophetic in nature.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:06 PM

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Where does it take place ? (the natural disaster in your dream)
Are you sure there is no E.T. intervention ?

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:44 PM
Ive had the similiar 2012 tidal wave dreams before- but that is very awesome with the whole capsules idea. I seroiusly doubt the government will do this for its people. Seriously- they want depopulation. But I do think its an excellent idea that you should look further into.

Do they make these capsules already?

I would imagine however- surviving such an event would be so catastrophically psychologically that I wouldnt want to be floating in a plastic capsule on an ocean now covering what used to be my state. Dying of thrist or lack of oxygen. Its a very good idea for an invention however. I do believe tidal waves will occur in 2012.

What inventions are there that man can build to save themselves? Luckily I am in the central united states in a safe zone from all future earth maps. But I did used to live on the east coast. I think the universe helped me move west for this event- to save me for whats ahead. But for everyone else who cant move to another state- what are their options going to be?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:05 AM
purchased my capsual already

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 02:20 PM
I had a similar dream years ago that I was at the beach and a massive tidal wave came through. I climbed several stories up in one of the high-rise hotels on the beach, but the water still rose up so many floors, engulfed the lobby and there were people everywhere.

I don't know what to make of that dream either but whenever I go to the beach it's always in the back of my mind, and I would never want to live at the beach for fear of something like that happening within my lifetime.

I have a book that has info on dream interpretations by Carl Jung, but I don't know what to make of any of this either, and even Jung says there are some dreams that are different than others and seem prophetic in nature. I'll try to look back through the ideas in that book and see if anything pops out at me.

Destroyer, you mention two friends in your dream. The other personalities in your dream usually have some significance. Can you tell me whether you're male or female, and whether each of these two friends were male or female? Also is there anything about these friends in particular that stands out to as maybe being a reason they were in the dream as opposed to anyone else?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

I like your dream, it shows me that I am not the only one dreaming crap. And those capsules of yours are a joke from your subconscious to us all. Imagine a mile high wave caused by a major crustal displacement event. The pressure of that wave would squeeze anything in its path. There comes not only splashy water, there comes rocks, mud, and pieces of civilization towards you. Even it would be only water the pressure would be to much.

But knowing such an event to come I would love to have a capsule, just for having a better sleep .

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:13 PM
So I did a count.... there are:

14 responses to this thread so far (this post makes 15), by

13 different posters, of which

7 of us confirm having similar dreams,. involving massive tidal waves in apocalyptic-type scenarios.

Things that make you go... HMMMM...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

So I did a count.... there are:

14 responses to this thread so far (this post makes 15), by

13 different posters, of which

7 of us confirm having similar dreams,. involving massive tidal waves in apocalyptic-type scenarios.

Things that make you go... HMMMM...

Your HMMMM make turn a light on in my head you can count two of my brothers also to your count.
They do dream about tidalwaves lately very often.

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