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Obama’s ‘Dictatorship by Decree’ is Here. What’s next?

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posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Obama’s ‘Dictatorship by Decree’ is Here. What’s next?

Don't let last month's "New Obama" show fool you; he is hell-bent on carrying out his anti-republic, pro-socia-fascist agenda with or without his democrat majorities in Congress. His agency heads and cabinet secretaries will carry out the "dreams from his father" through fiat instead of debate and legislation.

During the next two years it will be the regulatory rule-making process and executive orders which will demand vigilance by Republicans and the public.

Recently a George Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies article recommended that President Obama govern from executive order to push through a progressive agenda. Karen Dolan, a fellow at the IPS, a Marxist-oriented think-tank in Washington, D.C., gave this explanation for her reasoning:
"The socialist-founded Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House Democratic Caucus at over 80 members, emerged virtually unscathed, losing only three members. By contrast, the conservative Blue Dog Democratic caucus was more than sliced in half from 54 members to only 26. Further, of the 34 conservative Dems who voted against Obama's Healthcare Reform, a mere 12 won re-election."

Rule by fiat could usurp Republican gains

It was only a matter of time.

Weeks after the inauguration, it became obvious that Barack Obama planned to accomplish his “transformation” of America through regulatory fiat and unilateral rule-making, rather than through legislative action and open, transparent government.

Abandoning, within days, his pledge to give the public the opportunity to scrutinize legislation before he signed it into law, Obama found excuse after excuse why it was not necessary or applicable. This even seeped into the Congressional mentality as Nancy Pelosi derided those who would ask that they be given a chance to read laws before they were enacted, much less signed by the president.

Now, as predicted, the Obama administration has taken step after step to defy Congress and the American public by creating a regime of government beyond public scrutiny through his administrative appointments, the dozens of “czars,” and their largely unfettered rule-making and regulatory authority.
The Anti-Industrial Coup: Environmental Dictatorship by Decree

Barack Obama is proposing to govern, not in the manner of an American president, but in the manner traditionally sought by leftist strongmen like Hugo Chavez. (Chavez, who has inherited Fidel Castro's mantle as Latin America's leading critic of the United States …, has increased his government's role in the economy through regulations and a wave of nationalizations.

But it goes far beyond the environment, extending to every facet of American life and business.

Now as always, Obama's heart lies left. For those fooled into thinking otherwise by the new Obama of Dec. 22, his administration's defiantly liberal regulatory moves - on the environment, energy and health care - should disabuse even the most beguiled. …
Obama knows he has only so many years to change the country. In his first two, he achieved much: the first stimulus, Obamacare and financial regulation. For the next two, however, the Republican House will prevent any repetition of that. Obama's agenda will therefore have to be advanced by the more subterranean means of rule-by-regulation.

Government By Regulation. Shhh.

Using administrative agencies to "regulate" where Congress won't legislate is an end run around the Constitution, and this is just another step in the process. He's loaded up his agencies with "Czars" who will do what Congress won't: destroy capitalist institutions, re-distribute wealth, and ensure re-election by buying-up favorite constituencies before 2012.

Consider how the various administrative czars represented the embodiment of Obama’s dream for his America:

Kathleen Sebeluis, HHS, recipient of over 1,000 delegations of authority for implementation of Obamacare ( including re-imposition of the Congressionally-excluded Section 1233 “death panels”), “zero tolerance” of insurance companies’ legitimate operating concerns, and provider of over 100 “waivers” for unions and favored businesses from compliance. (“ . . . The longer this [regulation] goes unnoticed, the better our chances of keeping it." Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), author of Section 1233)

Alejandro Mayorkas, US Citizenship and Immigration Svcs., “"Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform:" 18 ways ("used alone or in combination") to make a legal resident of every illegal alien in the U.S. through "a non-legislative version of amnesty."
Administrative Alternatives to Immigration Reform

Lisa Jackson, EPA, regulation of carbon dioxide emissions, and states’ oversight authority;
EPA To Take Over Greenhouse Gas Permits In Texas

Carol Browner, Climate Czar, (formerly of “Socialist International”) calls for “global governance” and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change;

Cass Sunstein, Regulatory czar, proclaims: “ There is no liberty without dependency.”

John Holdren, Science Advisor, advocates America’s “de-industrialization:”-“[O]ur economists … must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth … .”

Mark Lloyd, FCC Diversity czar, wants to use the Fairness Doctrine to politically monitor and punish broadcasters whose views don’t reflect those of the administration. (Just ask Juan Williams how this works.)

Ezekiel Emmanuel, Health Care czar, proponent of the allocation of health care resources, including denial of benefits to dementia sufferers, according to “life value.” (Wonder where Pelosi’s and Sebelius’ “death panels” came from?)

Daniel Chu, Energy Secretary, advocates that Americans pay “European prices” for gasoline and energy.

All of this comes as Obama strains to present a “post partisan” face to legislation in light of his November “shellacking.”

[T]his must simultaneously be mixed with ostentatious displays of legislative bipartisanship (e.g., the lame-duck tax-cut deal) in order to pull off the (apparent) centrist repositioning required for reelection. This, in turn, would grant Obama four more years when, freed from the need for pretense, he can reassert himself ideologically and complete the social-democratic transformation - begun Jan. 20, 2009; derailed Nov. 2, 2010 - that is the mission of his presidency.

Now, after the people have rejected Obamacare, Congress has rejected cap-and-trade, and Obama has declared a “new” openness to bi-partisanship and transparency, we witness the behind-the-scenes usurpation of Congressional oversight and public scrutiny through his resort to regulations and rule-making that defy public will and republican government:

EPA carbon regulations
HHS “death panel” regulations
Treasury/FED $600billion “stimulus”
EPA battle with Texas over pollution oversight
Interior “wilderness” designations
FCC internet regulation
USCIS illegal alien “amnesty”

Of course, we’ve already seen how the law and Constitution are merely obstacles to Obama’s agenda. The immediate results? U.S. control of GM, AIG, BofA, GMAC/ALLY, CITI and other financial institutions; favored-union control of Chrysler, and campaign finance; greater intrusion of federal agencies into your personal and business affairs.

As he and his cohorts agree, "No good crisis should go to waste." They leave the door open to unwarranted, but politically popular responses like banning offshore drilling after they approved it and billions were invested, and despite loss of jobs, facts, science, and local disapproval.

Obama Social Agenda Moving Forward by "Crisis"

Obama will get what he wants regardless of what Americans want, or the law permits.

So, what's next?


posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Same as its always been...

As I keep saying, until people can get passed their divisions and realize that Obama, Bush, Clinton...doesnt matter, they are different heads to the same coin.

You must get over the idea that one person is doing this, if you wish to defeat it.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I agree with you. It's not the muslim monkey in power. It's the money of elitists in power. Osama Obama just needs to put on his little red hat and dance in the oval office. Because it seems thats all they do. Since 1910, you americans have been slaves. I use to be american. Now i'm a citizen of the world. I'm standing alone against an army of millions and I have to ask, "Is that all you brought?"

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 03:16 PM

291 executive orders signed by Bush during his terms.

So far, Obama has under his belt:

At this time in Bush's presidency, Bush had 85.

here is an idea...why don't you conservative $%^@wads just stfu. What, your angry that he is weilding far less power than your boy Bush weilded?

Go cry to your mom

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots
Regardless of who you may believe pulls the strings, the fact is that only one puppet moves on the other end of them.

Unable to reach their goals unfettered through legislation, the PTB now have their pawn moving without oversight through his czars, rule-makers and adminis-traitors to do what the people have told him they do not want.

The changes made is these back rooms will have far greater and longer-lasting consequences than any corporate or banking programs. The cumulative changes will transform the economic and personal lives of every citizen regardless of their wishes, needs or the law.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

i think you missed the point completely, bush = obama

it's just like captaintyinknots said in his response to this thread

As I keep saying, until people can get passed their divisions and realize that Obama, Bush, Clinton...doesnt matter, they are different heads to the same coin.

You must get over the idea that one person is doing this, if you wish to defeat it.

edit on 1/2/2011 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by captaintyinknots
Regardless of who you may believe pulls the strings, the fact is that only one puppet moves on the other end of them.

Unable to reach their goals unfettered through legislation, the PTB now have their pawn moving without oversight through his czars, rule-makers and adminis-traitors to do what the people have told him they do not want.

The changes made is these back rooms will have far greater and longer-lasting consequences than any corporate or banking programs. The cumulative changes will transform the economic and personal lives of every citizen regardless of their wishes, needs or the law.

I'm sorry but that's just not true. The US government is tricameral. There is far more than one puppet dancing.

And the bottom line is, every single one of those three branches is infested with corporate and CFR shills.

Sitting and screaming about the one person that you are MEANT to focus on makes YOU one of those puppets, dancing.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX291 executive orders signed by Bush during his terms.
So far, Obama has under his belt:
here is an idea...why don't you conservative $%^@wads just stfu. What, your angry that he is weilding far less power than your boy Bush weilded?
Go cry to your mom

It follows that Obama's faithful dependents would much rather count "orders" and use insults than focus on actions, consequences and the behind-the scenes moves their he's made [the opposite of what the majority of literate Americans actually want and expect from their government.

Anyone who can think can see that the focus is not the number or kind of "changes" being forced on the US, but on the effects thereof.

Ask any clear-thinking person if the potus should be able to enact through decree that which has been specifically rejected by the peoples' representatives. Only a fool would say "yes."

deny ignorance


posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by jdub297

deny ignorance


Exactly, It is ignorance to think that one man is doing all of this, that it is a new phenomena, and that changing presidents will change ANYTHING about the power structure.

Deny ignorance indeed. .

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

The US government is tricameral. There is far more than one puppet dancing.

This ignores the fact that neither the legislative nor the judicial branches enact rules and regulations through the executive branch.

It is the potus who puts policy into effect; the others are merely "checks" on this power. Real changes originate in the executive. (That's why it's called 'executive.')

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by captaintyinknots

The US government is tricameral. There is far more than one puppet dancing.

This ignores the fact that neither the legislative nor the judicial branches enact rules and regulations through the executive branch.

It is the potus who puts policy into effect; the others are merely "checks" on this power. Real changes originate in the executive. (That's why it's called 'executive.')

You are wrong again. Please research how the US government actually functions.

Perhaps, while you are at it, take a look at the cabinets memebers and the senators and congressmen who have presided during the last four terms. This will give you a very clear idea of just how THE SAME things are right now.

Having an outright shill in the whitehouse still would not guarantee the type of radical change you seem to think you see here. There is FAR more to it than 'the president says so, and so shall it be'.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Sitting and screaming about the one person that you are MEANT to focus on makes YOU one of those puppets, dancing.

Thank you.

The Presidency is NOT One person.

It is an intentional focal point - - - for those who need one - "Don't look behind the curtain".

Real Power is always about "follow the money". "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. . . . "

This Fear Mongering Smear campaign against Obama - - is stupid.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by jdub297

The zionists are quite clever, aren't they? Is this why chief zionist obama has been instructed to parrot

"We are a Nation of LAW"??? But how did these things become law? It is a process so alien to me that I cannot conceive of it.

What's next?

Civil disobedience.

It's never been easier. Since everything the termites now decree is invalid, why not begin taking steps toward reclaiming all the other wrongs our 'elected' 'representatives' have enabled? I'd say we have to go back to 1913 or thereabouts.

Now's your chance, reasonable, righteously so.

Disobey. Come on. I am certain you can think of something, some little lockstep that's become so much a part of what you've been molded into that you don't even recognize yourself anymore! Skip that 'late fee'. Skip the whole friggin' thing!

edit on 2-1-2011 by starless and bible black because: smoke gets in my eyes

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Wow another considerate understanding compassionate liberal backing an empty suit. Your ability to understand or even just listen to opposing view points is truly indicative of how much intelligence your lacking. I may not agree with everything but I read it, formed an opinion and did not insult the other 50++% of the population that are in the process of ousting your liberal regime.

I am Muslim and know that Obama is the best thing that could have happened for the extremists in my religion...this off course makes me very mad and sad since I love the US so much...

But anyway peace be with you and I hope your path is toward the light in the East...

Yallah brother ...

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

It is ignorance to think that one man is doing all of this, that it is a new phenomena, and that changing presidents will change ANYTHING about the power structure.

Belief in an invisible hand, or some other conspiratorial force is fine if you want to avoid ascribing responsibility where it belongs.

When a candidate runs on "transforming" these United States and then proceeds to push through, in administrative dicta and regulation, what he cannot achieve through the democratic process, the finger of blame can only point to him instead of some make-believe goblins.

The US citizenry have clearly voiced their opposition to Obamacare, yet the HHS pushes new regulations and "zero tolerance" in its steady march to end the health insurance industry and turn health care over to the federal government.

The US citizenry have clearly voiced their opposition to cap and trade laws that enrich traders at the expense of consumers, yet the EPA pushes new regulations of the power-generation industries that enrich traders at the expense of consumers.

The DoJ abandons clear-cut abuses of citizens rights to vote without racial intimidation, yet chooses to push prosecution of local governments over such pressing issues as cross-dressing to high school and leaves of absence to attend the Hajj. All while the borders crawl with illegal aliens as we prosecute those local governments that would enforce already-enacted immigration laws.

These are not the acts of a congress, a court of appeal, or any other institution of a democratic republic. These are the acts of a single person, emboldened by the ignorance of an electorate hoping for "change," that cannot see beyond the present or understand the agenda laid out in the "dreams" from his father for a socialist, politically-dependent society.

If you have missed any of this, it is only because you chose to look the other way; or perhaps you welcomed it.

deny ignorance


posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by starless and bible black
reply to post by jdub297
It's never been easier. Since everything the termites now decree is invalid, why not begin taking steps toward reclaiming all the other wrongs our 'elected' 'representatives' have enabled? I'd say we have to go back to 1913 or thereabouts.
Now's your chance, reasonable, righteously so.
Disobey. Come on. I am certain you can think of something, some little lockstep that's become so much a part of what you've been molded into that you don't even recognize yourself anymore! Skip that 'late fee'. Skip the whole friggin' thing!

Maybe you haven't noticed, but there are American citizens, loosely grouped into what many call "the Tea Party movement" that are taking the first steps toward re-establishing the governing principles that made this nation what it once was.

No "21st Century Schizoid Man" (from Star less and Bible Black) among them; they speak the collective mind of what we once knew as the "silent majority." Well, we are not silent anymore. And, to witness from some posts, it is getting on the nerves of the "Comfortably Numb."

(Consider the lineup of King Crimson and see what complacency and the status quo will get you.)
edit on 3-1-2011 by jdub297 because: added musical references

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Executive Orders still have to withstand the scrutiny of the judicial branch. The president can write as many executive orders as he wants but the judicial branch still has the last say as to whether they are constitutional.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by captaintyinknots

It is ignorance to think that one man is doing all of this, that it is a new phenomena, and that changing presidents will change ANYTHING about the power structure.

Belief in an invisible hand, or some other conspiratorial force is fine if you want to avoid ascribing responsibility where it belongs.

When a candidate runs on "transforming" these United States and then proceeds to push through, in administrative dicta and regulation, what he cannot achieve through the democratic process, the finger of blame can only point to him instead of some make-believe goblins.

The US citizenry have clearly voiced their opposition to Obamacare, yet the HHS pushes new regulations and "zero tolerance" in its steady march to end the health insurance industry and turn health care over to the federal government.

The US citizenry have clearly voiced their opposition to cap and trade laws that enrich traders at the expense of consumers, yet the EPA pushes new regulations of the power-generation industries that enrich traders at the expense of consumers.

The DoJ abandons clear-cut abuses of citizens rights to vote without racial intimidation, yet chooses to push prosecution of local governments over such pressing issues as cross-dressing to high school and leaves of absence to attend the Hajj. All while the borders crawl with illegal aliens as we prosecute those local governments that would enforce already-enacted immigration laws.

These are not the acts of a congress, a court of appeal, or any other institution of a democratic republic. These are the acts of a single person, emboldened by the ignorance of an electorate hoping for "change," that cannot see beyond the present or understand the agenda laid out in the "dreams" from his father for a socialist, politically-dependent society.

If you have missed any of this, it is only because you chose to look the other way; or perhaps you welcomed it.

deny ignorance


1)It is certainly NOT a conspiracy to think that the president does not have ultimate power, it is the way the government of this nation functions. IT IS FACT. Deflect with words like 'conspirital force' all you want, it doesn't change the facts.

2)Again, you are ignoring recent history. This is no different than each of the last 5 presidents, if not more. To claim it is one man is, again, ignorant.

3)US citizens have clearly spoken out against MANY of the doings of the last, again, at least 5 presidents. Those things still happened.

4)I'll need an example of these clear cut cases of voter intimidation before I can comment any further, but I will say, when was the last time someone DIDNT cry fowl in an election?

5)Cross dressing? High School? Seriously? Please explain. You're right about the immigration issue, although, I have to wonder if you were as concerned about the issue, which was just as real, before it become a media staple, you know, again, over the last say, 5 presidencies.

6)So it really comes down to the fact that you dont like the man. Thats fine, no different that those who hated Bush, or Clinton, or the other Bush, or Reagan....see, like I said, same as it's always been.
I felt the same way about Obama's predecessor, and dug up whatever I could to badmouth him, just like you. Then I took the time to step back, see the big picture, and take a breather on my single-minded focus. You can dny it all you want, but there is ar more that is going on here than you seem to understand.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

It is certainly NOT a conspiracy to think that the president does not have ultimate power, it is the way the government of this nation functions. IT IS FACT. Deflect with words like 'conspirital force' all you want, it doesn't change the facts.

So, when the American people say "no" to incentivized to end-of-life counseling for the elderly (a nod to resource rationing), and the Congress says "no" to the same (section 1233), but the executive decrees it to be required, who has "the ultimate power?

It is certainly NOT a conspiracy to think that the president does not have ultimate power, it is the way the government of this nation functions.

It certainly IS a conspiracy to hide or deny the FACT that this president has ignored the popular will and the will of congress to accomplish what [he desires over their expressed choices. Imposition of his agenda is, in fact, a one-man show.

It IS a conspiracy to hide or deny the FACT that the people and the congress have rejected federal regulation of carbon emissions, yet the EPA moves forward with dominance of states' emission regulation of their own industries and imposes industry-wide regulations on power generation that accomplish the same ends as the rejected legislation/policies.

It IS a conspiracy to hide to deny the FACT that the people and congress have rejected imposition of Obamacare regulations on state-run programs, and industry-wide practices but HHS imposes through its own "waivers," regulations and policies.

2)Again, you are ignoring recent history. This is no different than each of the last 5 presidents, if not more. To claim it is one man is, again, ignorant.

Your consistent resort to name-calling reflects the emptiness of your devotion; rather than debate the merits, you resort to epithets. How sad. None of the previous 4 presidents so blatantly ignored the will of the people. None of the previous 4 chose to conduct an end-run to accomplish what the people and congress said not to.

3)US citizens have clearly spoken out against MANY of the doings of the last, again, at least 5 presidents. Those things still happened.
Give examples of where the people and congress rejected a "transformation," and the executive proceeded anyway. You cannot.

4)I'll need an example of these clear cut cases of voter intimidation before I can comment any further, but I will say, when was the last time someone DIDNT cry fowl in an election?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. What about the New Black Panthers court victories abandoned after the fact? What about the non-enforcement of civil rights in the SIU fellowship program that specifically excludes white males from consideration?

5)Cross dressing? High School? Seriously? Please explain. You're right about the immigration issue, although, I have to wonder if you were as concerned about the issue, which was just as real, before it become a media staple, you know, again, over the last say, 5 presidencies.

Your president has sued local school boards over "name-calling," dress codes and attendance policies rather than the foregoing. I've expressed my opinions about immigration reform for far longer than a few administrations. Your thinly-veiled criticism is another example of ad hominem completely devoid of substance.

6)So it really comes down to the fact that you dont like the man.

You draw your conclusions upon zero knowledge. Yet another example of your own feelings coming through instead of resort to fact. I do not know "the man." His policies, on the other hand, are despicable. His father's "dreams" should not be imposed upon the American public against their will. Hence, this thread.

Thats fine, no different that those who hated Bush, or Clinton, or the other Bush, or Reagan....see, like I said, same as it's always been.

You are so wrong; again your personal biases come through. Leftists truly feel and exhibit hatred for those who fail to follow their agenda. I have no personal animosity for Obama, and would probably enjoy a breakfast of carne guisada or chilaquiles with him some morning in Chicago.

On the other hand, I can see through the BS he and his followers adhere to. I read his books long before he came to the nation's attention and before he developed a cult of believers who cannot see that he is single-handedly "transforming" America through executive actions that he could not accomplish through legislation or litigation.

Denial of the facts, the obvious, is but one example among the indicia of the selling-out of reason for the naked concept of "change."

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by jdub297

1)Actually, the people having totally spoken out against end of life counseling. Some states are all for it.

2)Ever heard of the supreme court? He can decree things all day long. They have the power to say no. Again, no ultimate power.

3)I think you need help in defining what a conspiracy is.

4)You assume much in all of your claims that people are so overwhelmingly against what obama is doing.

5)Obama has soul control over the EPA now?

6)I didnt name call. I wasnt calling you 'ignorant' I was calling the notion that one person has ultimate power in this country ignorant. Which it is. Sensitive, much?

7)Really? Bush did not ignore the will of the people when invading Iraq? When TORTURING? empty, empty claims, my friend, and ones with no legitimate backing.

8)Executive Order 13233; Executive Order 13435; Executive Order 13440; Executive Order 13303; Executive Order 13438(doesnt just sidestep congress or the people, but the constitution itself); name a few

9)New Black Panther court victories...hmmm, yup, that is the JUDICIAL BRANCH.

10)Please, provide sources for these lawsuits you speak of.

11)Again, it comes down to your personal dislike. Read your words again. You admit your bias and dont even realize it.

12)Again, you speak of Obama as though he is the only one to have done these things. Hence, my response.

13)You can try and pinch me as a 'follower' if you like, but I am not an obama supporter. I'm someone who sees the bigger picture. As I said before.

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