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Predictive Dreams (Some verified)

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
Well I await to see if any of these are true.

I have had precog dreams and the first one I had caused a complete mental breakdown. I had a hard time with dreams after that. I was worried they were all gonna happen and I have had many happen since. I had one that I made a thread on I hope never comes true. I saw things in my dream that i had never seen before and years later they appear in my life....most disturbing are the water tower buildings that I saw when I moved to the area I am in now. They were the exact location in my dream...the rest of the dream was very disturbing and I hope it is not one that comes true because if so I fear for everyone on this planet.

I know what you mean. I have written about many of the visions/dreams and stange spiritual experiences I have had since I was a child and which I hope do not occur. I have seen at least two or three U.S. cities being destroyed by what seemed to be an atomic weapon. A civil war will start within the U.S. which will be part of a catalyst for at least one nation, if not more to invade the U.S., and i saw myself and other Americans fighting this enemy. I have seen much of the U.S. in ruins, people murder for whatever few resources are left, even for pleasure, and even people being crucified for their beliefs.

I have also seen rows upon rows of barbed fences in open fields, and the ruling elites and some people working for the ruling elites preparing for what they know is coming.

I do not wish for any of this to happen.

Here is one of the threads I made in 2004 about some of these visions/dreams.

edit on 15-1-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: errors.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Condemned0625

I hate the fundamentalists the most. I've been arguing with a guy on another thread who thinks a "law of life" exists, meaning that the universe (a non-living and unaware thing) somehow establishes laws of morality for everyone, such as "Murder is absolutely wrong." There is no such thing. Some people think murder is wrong, others don't. I happen to find murder justified if someone severely and intentionally pisses me off or harms my fiancée. Perception is the key.

Then you hate most people on Earth and I feel sorry for you. The native Americans also believe that there is a law of life, and a peaceful way of living people should be living. A law of being in balance with nature, and in this law murder is wrong...

Buddhists also think that murder is wrong, alongside many other spiritual paths, and religions. So in essence you hate most people in this world.

You shouldn't feel justified to murder someone because they "severely pissed you off"...

I do believe that people should be able to defend themselves, and the taking of another human life should be the last resort and only when your family's life or your own is being threatened by another, or others. Such as an intruder breaks into my home. I am not going to ask him/her what he/she is doing, they break into my house and I will be taking my gun and shoot them, because criminals are capable of murder and I am not going to wait to see if they murder me and my family.

But I don't believe that it is justified to murder someone simply because they "severely pissed you off."

edit on 15-1-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: errors.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I never said that I wanted them to suffer and be enslaved. That was a dream she had and that's it. Her dreams usually happen exactly as they were presented, so if the Annunaki are real and returning, christians are pretty much screwed. However, I do happen to hate christians as much as they do.

I do not hate people of different religious belief, or who follow a different spiritual path. What the OP is doing by hating these people is becoming lower than those who claim 'if you don't believe in what I believe you will go to hell."

Becoming lower than them? How so? I'm not interested in arguing with you over opinionated propositions.

I do not think that what i believe makes me more special or better than anyone else, and if you think that it makes you more special or better than others because they believe differently than you, you haven't learned what you should in this life.

No, I don't. You want to know why I don't? Because I have no beliefs. What I do have is knowledge; I either know something or I don't know something and that's it. However, I do think that my knowledge makes me much better than people who believe things without evidence.

I presume you must have read my profile. If you don't like it, don't complain about it. The only purpose of this thread is to discuss my fiancée's precognitive dreams and their relevance to current events. Your disagreement with my hatred towards christians will not change my mind.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:09 PM
Yeah he actually did state those were images in his fiancee's dreams every time a dream was posted and explained in the details he received them from her so please lets not derail an awesome thread and turn it into a religious debate because as I said myself, all religion seems to do is have a "my beliefs and ideas are better than yours and therefore you're wrong and I'm right" mentality without checking facts first.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You shouldn't feel justified to murder someone because they "severely pissed you off"...

I shouldn't? Is there a universal law that makes such a statement? Must I obey it (IF it even existed), or else?

But I don't believe that it is justified to murder someone simply because they "severely pissed you off."

I did mention another thing besides the part about being pissed off. Did you skip that one? Go back and reread it. After you've done that, consider leaving my thread and reserving space for my dream updates. I don't need more arguments about what people believe. If you don't agree with my view of christians (a view that I only mentioned in a response to someone else), then don't come to me with your objections. I've had to deal with enough arguments already and it's getting old. I'm not interested.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Condemned0625

Is there a universal law that makes such a statement?

It would seem that virtually all people will appeal to an unwritten code of right and wrong—a standard of some sort—that makes things right or wrong without needing to be explained why.

So, yes, it could be said that there is a universal law that makes it wrong to murder someone just because you get ticked.
edit on 1/16/2011 by octotom because: Forgot a /

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by octotom

Then prove it. Show me this universal law that everyone supposedly must obey. Oh, I forgot that it can't be demonstrated. I guess that means I have absolutely no good reason to believe that it exists. Well, that takes care of that problem. Now it's time for this thread to continue on-topic.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Condemned0625

No one said that you have to obey it. It's existence can easily be demonstrated though. For example, if someone where to break into your place and steal all your expensive stuff, lose money, and other valuable items, you're probably not going to just sit back and say, "Oh well. Better not call the cops. It's not wrong that some punk stole my stuff after all."

For another example, on 9/11, there probably weren't very many people around the world saying, "Eh. Three thousand innocent people lost their lives. It's okay though because those hi-jackers were totally justified doing what they did because they sure must've been ticked off!"

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Hmm, while you might make a good point depending which side of it you sit on, could you take it to a different thread and not hijack a reasonable and amazing thread regarding his fiancee's dreams? Or is this another "hey, non-Christian, lets sidetrack an important thing they're doing and make it about ourselves" because it wouldn't be the first time I've seen a Christian do that and ruin a good discussion.


Now if you have relevent ON TOPIC posts regardinhng the dreams then be my guest and kindly discuss with him what you make of the posts so far.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by octotom

Did I not just tell you to stop ruining my thread? None of what you said demonstrates the existence of a "universal law". It's just typical, belief-inspired christian propaganda. My thread is NOT for proselytizing religious beliefs. I'm not interested in your non-evidential, belief-inspired assertions.

From now on, I will report all posts that avoid the topic of this thread.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:11 AM
You are deceived, and are deceiving others. You assert over and over that your unidentified girlfriend has had so many dreams which predict the future, but we are still waiting for a list of predictions, and their fulfillment. I am dismayed to see so many eating this stuff up. You accuse others of having no proof for what they believe, but I see little for yours. How about something concrete that we can verify? Come on!

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

I'm deceived? I'm deceiving others? Maybe you are the one who is deceived. You can't prove that I am. I've seen fulfillment of her dreams over and over and you can't tell me that I haven't. I'm reporting your post too since you decided to join the rest in your pointless off-topic arguing. Read my first post and respect it.

If you are skeptical of these dreams/predictions, refrain from bothering me with annoying excuses or accusing me of hoaxing this to fulfill some kind of agenda for personal gain (What would I gain anyways?).

That is the last part of the introduction and the message is quite clear. If you cannot retain all of my information, this thread is not for you.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:53 AM
You are correct in that I am done in this thread.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 04:22 AM
Remember the "zombie disease" post you made that your fiancee dreamt about?

Looks like an expert says it may be theoretically possible:

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by curious7

That's exactly what this zombie virus is. She explained to me that it is sort of like super rabies, but humans are the hosts instead of dogs. It won't be man-made but it will be spread to much of the middle east population through meat, especially expired meat. Infected livestock, infected meat, infected people. During the upcoming famine (food shortage), people in poor countries will become desperate for food and resort to eating infected corpses, becoming infected themselves and the cycle will be continuous until it is stopped.

The infected people will not necessarily be the walking dead, but they are rather extremely diseased people who are already decaying before death and have lost their coherence. They are very similar to the zombie-like people in the most recent Resident Evil games (Resident Evil 4 and 5). Even though they won't technically be zombies, they'll be just as cannibalistic, incoherent and violent as any zombie would. The only difference is they're still alive.

The indication that a person is infected with this disease is the black and purple color of the tips of their fingers and the deterioration of their internal tissues. The most obvious indication will be the disappearance of tissue around their jaws, exposing the jaw bone just below the skin and making the 'zombie' appear dead and decayed.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I need to clear something up about the January prediction. I misinterpreted her description of the dream. I thought she was saying that London would be bombed this month, but she pointed out that I misunderstood her when she described her dream. Her dream specifically predicted the rise in security level in the UK due to terrorist threats (which actually happened, by the way). The bombing can happen at any time this year. I'm not trying to change this prediction to keep it from failing or looking ridiculous. I am simply correcting the error of misinterpretation because I am at fault for assuming that she meant what I thought she meant. However, the rest of the information remains as it is and is as accurately described as possible unless more details are provided in the future.

If this causes some of you to think I'm "intentionally" changing the information to "avoid inaccuracy", then fine. I'm just correcting a mistake. Most of this stuff would be much more detailed if she was the one submitting it, but she doesn't use this website and likes to spend her time on other things. All I can do is listen carefully and take notes from now on instead of relying on my sometimes inaccurate memories of her explanations.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:34 PM
Hey, we all make mistakes and like you said, things can be misinterpreted easily.

I just find it odd that she predicted the security level being risen, it happened yet the MSM here didn't really mention it as anything other than a throwaway piece of news buried between other stories being reported, almost as if they mentioned it in passing hoping the public wouldn't notice (which I don't think they did)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by curious7

Hmm. Are you saying they tried to cover it up? That doesn't surprise me if they did.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by curious7

Or is this another "hey, non-Christian, lets sidetrack an important thing they're doing and make it about ourselves"

No, not at all. In case you didn't notice, the OP and another poster were having a spat about what I'd mentioned before I commented. If you want to complain about thread hijacking and being off topic, you should point to the OP as well for talking about something off topic for several posts if it's that important to you.

As for the topic of the thread, one thought that I have is that it's pretty convenient that as January nears an end, the prediction that has something occurring before January was over was misinterpreted and can happen later. Why wasn't that caught before January 27th? The prediction was made on January 2nd. To me, it just sounds like someone is trying to move the goal post.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by octotom

Yep. I knew that of all people, you would accuse me of "moving the goal posts", despite the fact that I clearly explained that I'm doing the exact opposite. Oh, so because I corrected an error near the end of the month, that somehow indicates that I'm trying to change the prediction in my favor? I base things on evidence, not belief-inspired assumptions. Of course you're not a fan of evidence and reasoning because you're a damn christian. I won't even expect such a thing from you because your title is all that is needed to understand your position. Go hand out some holy babbles or proselytize on a religious forum or make accusations without justification, whatever it is that you do. If you're looking to start an argument, do it somewhere else.

By the way, the other off-topic posts of mine are the result of another idiot (might include you too) changing the subject, causing me to respond to the off-topic post in order to restore this thread's original intention. Don't point the finger at me when you're at fault along with a few others. Get lost.
edit on 1/28/2011 by Condemned0625 because: (no reason given)

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