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Detroit in ruins

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posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by FarArcher
And for this ruin, to a large degree due to the decline of the US auto and steel industry, I'd like to extend my personal thanks to unions.
You union-ed yourselves right out of jobs.

Was it the unions that sent the jobs overseas for pennies on the dollar? Who sent the jobs from Mexico to China because Mexican labour was too expensive?

You are spouting the worst kind of nonsense, because you are blaming your current circumstances on your neighbours when any idiot can see that it all comes back to Wall Street.

But they conned you. Congratulations, indeed!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:05 AM
Part 3 of Detroit Lives. Light at the end of the tunnel??

check it out.
pretty cool

Palladium Youtube clip 3
edit on 1/4/2011 by wayno because: sp.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:17 AM
lol this is upsetting to see an American City crumble down like that but this reminds me of that scene in "Scary Movie: 4" when they show the video clip of Detroit before the aliens attacked and it was all in fires, cop cars wailing their sirens, buildings cracked, and after the aliens come it was still the same just with large alien robots walking around
man that is funny.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

I can't believe the number of boats totally overgrown with weeds.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by FarArcher
And for this ruin, to a large degree due to the decline of the US auto and steel industry, I'd like to extend my personal thanks to unions.
You union-ed yourselves right out of jobs.

Was it the unions that sent the jobs overseas for pennies on the dollar? Who sent the jobs from Mexico to China because Mexican labour was too expensive?

There is a reason the labor was too expensive...


Now don't get me wrong... Unions have done a lot of good during the time that Business had a hegemony on the factories in the US. However, the Unions have kept the price of labor artificially inflated which lead to....

Shipping jobs over seas!!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by eightonefive
What the city needs is a thinker. someone to revitalize it like John Fetterman is trying to do with Braddock Pennsylvania.


Thanks for the link. In the UK, urban regeneration has received a lot of taxpayers money over the last decade or so and former run down or slum areas, usually created by shifting markets and diminished returns, are again economically active communities.

I really like Braddock's exploration of alternative energy and I do hope that not only will they not be tithed with punative taxation but that lessons learned from reducing fuel poverty will lead to expansion of alternative energy markets that are not controlled by the same corporate interests that destroyed prosperity.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by exile1981
reply to post by majesticgent

I can't believe the number of boats totally overgrown with weeds.

Detroit is on the Detroit River which flows between Lake St. Clair to the East, one of the best fishing lakes in the world, and Lake Erie to the South. Fishing is/was a major pastime in the area. You have got to be able to afford gas for the motor and ramp fees and without a job, well, alot of those boats are marooned in knee-high grass.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by FarArcher
And for this ruin, to a large degree due to the decline of the US auto and steel industry, I'd like to extend my personal thanks to unions.
You union-ed yourselves right out of jobs.

Was it the unions that sent the jobs overseas for pennies on the dollar? Who sent the jobs from Mexico to China because Mexican labour was too expensive?

There is a reason the labor was too expensive...


Now don't get me wrong... Unions have done a lot of good during the time that Business had a hegemony on the factories in the US. However, the Unions have kept the price of labor artificially inflated which lead to....

Shipping jobs over seas!!!!

If workers were paid a living wage for their sweat and toil and not subsidised by government who make policies to appease corporations who are only interested in exponential growth, there would have not been any need for Unionisation and growth would have continued at a much more manageable and therefore less likely to fail, pace.

Anyone who believes that markets crash because workers expect to be paid enough to live and prosper ignores the fact that people work not to make others rich but to lift themselves out of poverty.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Both corporations and unions are run by people. As such they are prone to going too far in any particular direction before they realize they have done so. They are both very susceptible to the old addage of power corrupts. As their respective power got too big they each in turn got corrupted.

Neither is right. Neither is wrong. Neither is totally at fault. Neither is without guilt.

B A L A N C E! There needs to be a way to balance the needs of corporations and workers. That balance will be found on a G L O B A L level only since "global" is where corporations now function. Unions need to catch up and globalize themselves. Its to and fro. Only for a brief time is there ever balance before the continuum sways too far one way or the other.

The corps were too powerful. Next the unions got too powerful. Now the corps are heading that way again, and so once again there is a need for unions to become more powerful, by expanding to global thinking, as a balancing factor.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:31 AM
I grew up in Detroit....watched the army tanks rolling down Gratiot Avenue from Selfridge AFB during the 1967 riots when I was 12 years old...the rioters burned their own neighborhoods, many of which were never rebuilt. I went to high school ion Detroit, then left for college and never looked back.

All the families that could leave Detroit began their exodus, leaving the city to criminals and a long series of corrupt mayors and police.

I read today that 40,000 kids in Detroit are getting laptops from stimulus money
(external link:

We'll see those laptops in the next set of photos from Detroit...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Detroit is just an example of a decaying COUNTRY. I think people have forgotten how GREAT Detroit once was. It was the motor city of the world, it was the music city of the country...and NOW it's GHETTO. If you think Detroit is bad, do a quick search on Irvington or Trenton, NJ. Heck, Los Angeles is ghetto! It seems like people are being led to the big city' live in the concrete jungles. But WHY are they pushing everyone into the major city's, where there is soooooooo much vacant land?

Also, the reason why Detroit and other places in the US are GHETTO is because people aren't producing like they used to. People have gotten LAZY and want the EASY way of living life. People have forgotten the concept of blood, sweat, and tears. They believe life is about 'paying bills'.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by wayno

Global unionisation? Now, there's an explosive idea! Who would the corps use as strike breakers? Robots from Japan? American drones? Would all scabs be third world conscripts? Would any governments back proles or would they use prole money to buy arms from corp partners to destroy proles?

My mind is absolutely boggling with your notion of a global workers movement!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by wayno

Originally posted by exile1981
reply to post by majesticgent

I can't believe the number of boats totally overgrown with weeds.

Detroit is on the Detroit River which flows between Lake St. Clair to the East, one of the best fishing lakes in the world, and Lake Erie to the South. Fishing is/was a major pastime in the area. You have got to be able to afford gas for the motor and ramp fees and without a job, well, alot of those boats are marooned in knee-high grass.

Ok that makes sense. I was thinking more of the thought of why did people leave them when they left the area?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Wastedgtb

Originally posted by Wastedgtb
Give blacks a city and they will destroy it.Im sorry but its true i really dont know why they can not live normally and peacefully i am not racist but it is the same in my country where most of brown people live is a completely disgusting part of the city wrecked by gangs etc.

At risk of straying off topic by responding to an off topic post, read the following article on Greenwood, Oklahoma as proof against your "fact" about brown people destroying cities and not being able to live normally and peacefully...

Greenwood was a district in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most successful and wealthiest African American communities in the United States during the early 20th Century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. The riot was one of the most devastating race riots in history and it destroyed the once thriving Greenwood community.

Entire article on Wikipiedia

Now may I ask who destroyed Greenwood, Oklahoma?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:35 PM
There's something people don't understand here.

METRO-Detroit is a wealthy and prosperous place. Metro-Detroit has some of the wealthiest areas in the nation. Many of the safest and most livable places in the world are in metro-Detroit.

The problem with Detroit City (not including downtown or gated communities), is that the good people who want to raise their families or live in peace move to the suburbs. The BAD people stay (or even move to the ghetto from the suburbs) because that's where they can get away with selling illegal drugs, prostitution, illegal gambling, organized crime, etc, etc...

This is a conspiracy theory website. Does anyone connect the dots?

Maybe the wealthy suburbanites (or those rich people in the downtown skyscrapers) WANT the city of Detroit to be in shambles. WHY? Where would anyone find a prostitute, or illegal drugs, if there was no ghetto? Where would anyone dump a body, if there was no ghetto?

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:02 AM
See when you let African-Americans run things - everything goes to the toilet!

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by MrWhite665
See when you let African-Americans run things - everything goes to the toilet!

Was president Bush African American?
Just askin.

How about Chairman Mao, or Hitler, or Stalin?

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

there was another reason.....
nobody in the states could live off of what is paid overseas!!!

and well, I didn't get far enough into the thread to make sure no one else brought this up, but, well, don't want to post twice either...

they just spent $49 million in laptops for the kids in their schools...and teachers, one at least who has already tried to pawn it off!!
your stimulus money at work!!!

I am all for giving our kids the best advantages that we can, but...well.....seems to me there were better ways to spend that money??

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by LarryLove
Looks right for New Detroit to be built. What if a movement of people/communities decided to breathe life back into the city by helping each other build homes and start cooperatives to live self-sustaining lives. Are all the dilapidated buildings owned by banks and speculative property buyers?

Great idea however what about the criminals gangs that would prey on themwould the police cover them? What about the cold winters ? Such a savage winter would not be attractive to self sustaining farms. Just a few thoughts.

There is no reason why money from the useless Afghan war could not be redirected to projects that genuinely benefit Americans.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by FarArcher
And for this ruin, to a large degree due to the decline of the US auto and steel industry, I'd like to extend my personal thanks to unions.
You union-ed yourselves right out of jobs.

Was it the unions that sent the jobs overseas for pennies on the dollar? Who sent the jobs from Mexico to China because Mexican labour was too expensive?

There is a reason the labor was too expensive...
Now don't get me wrong... Unions have done a lot of good during the time that Business had a hegemony on the factories in the US. However, the Unions have kept the price of labor artificially inflated which lead to....
Shipping jobs over seas!!!!

Then why is it that labour is now pennies on the dollar, yet the price of North American American cars has not plummeted in proportion?

Because the difference was sucked up by Wall Street. Like I said...even Mexico is too expensive? That ought to be your first clue!

Unions helped to build a blue collar middle class that was the basis of the economy. Eord's principal of capitalism was that workers should be paid enough to buy the product they built. Globalism killed that...and like I said, all the difference went to Wall Street to make the rich, richer. They convince the middle class to blame the last man standing, so folks like you are busy blaming those who have been best protected. Nice deflection, helps to keep those street light poles uncluttered if y'all catch my drift.

Keep blaming your neighbour, while those rich folks in the enclave down the way have a fizzy drink in toast to generosity.

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