I am starting to get the feeling that all these conspiracy websites, conspirators,ancient astronaut theorisists, black projects, illuminati, NWO, Alex
jones & Jesse Venturas have one thing in common. To keep us stupid, fearful, lost and in a constant state of wonder while we deplete our bank
accounts and any little dignity we all have left. Wonder can be one of the cruelest things we put ourselves through. Kind of like a "what if". SO
here is my what if:
Who would be willing to boycott "everythying conspiracy" after December 21 2012. It seems to be the end all of days, there is little or no talk past
2012, nothing to look for on the horizon past 2012, no new conspiracy to boggle our downtrodden minds with. Leaving me Skeptical that 2012 will even
happen, as I personally DO not THINK it will ever happen, as for the great return of the annunaki, alex jones finally being taken down online (crosses
fingers), ATS actually being CIA run (I mean WTF, why would they even check this site out-GET A CLUE) or even, disclosure this year. I think we owe it
to ourselves to wake up, sit back, take it all in and say ENOUGH is enough. NO more PC, No more ATS, no more DTV, no more useless youtube videos or
fake pictures with bad photoshop where you can barely make out anything, all those bogus moon pictures, mars pictures, its complete idiocy. Anytime I
have taken a video or a picture, I have had perfect seamless quality, I cant believe some try to get away with their sloppiest of swallows.
Yes even someone like myself whom has this soft spot for wishing and hoping disclosure would actually take place is starting to loose any faith I once
had. There are too many corrupt people banking off of far too many gullible individuals for me to even want to care anymore.
But alas it really does come down to 2012. If nothing happens over the next 2 years, will people wake up and start to see the real conspiracy that
has unraveled before us within the last 30-50 years? The greatest conspiracy of all time..... THE CONSPIRACY THEORY...
A perfect and mundane plan that IS becoming stronger and stronger as more people become diluted to their own sense of being, wishing and wanting for
something to change or happen for a greater meaning towards spiritual and monetary freedom, a plan devised to keep us locked away, spending,
consuming, indulging in the wants that we do not need.
I for one will end this conspiracy theory come 2013. I will never look back, I will never believe and I most certainly will not allow anyone to
further profit from my curiosity of what may never seem to be.
brought to you by the coalition of fed up human beings being mistreated, misused and underpaid.
edit on 1/1/2011 by Mirthful Me because: All
Caps Title.