posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:59 PM
The NWO concept is the plan the leaders of the world put together for tomorrow. The Bilderbergs are all the very rich business men and women, The
United Nations is all the governments and armies of the world, the elite family's is where most of the worlds money is currently sitting. There are
many other organisations and groups also trying to do there bit. Finally there is also all the people of the world, divided they are the weakest but
united they are the strongest.
The future is not set and everything has input for just exactly what tomorrow will be. There are many competing forces, problems and different ideas
going around. If you want to play a part in what your tomorrow will be then you need to stand up and accept responsibility for your life. Some things
you wont be able to change, some things you can. The more we understand and work together the stronger our actions will be. There are some very
difficult, complex and challenging problems this world faces and we need all hands on deck if we are to find the most responsible, fairest and
sustainable answers.