posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 11:51 AM
Why can't I stop coming here? Why do I continuously return to ATS like a battered wife to an abusive husband?
When I come here I almost always end up pissed off and clicking away in disgust with my blood pressure no doubt a few points higher. The last few
months, I have come to absolutely DESPISE most of the posters on this board. I've tried not to hate them and to respect their....views. But I've
failed. I hate their stupid opinions, their (imagined) stupid, mewling voices, and their (also imagined) drooling, gape-mouthed faces!
I've said it before, I'll say it again: hate what ATS has become. From conspiracy/paranormal/offbeat site to a vicious, sometimes vile
flame-war/politics board. Whole threads on (fill in political group) are idiots, whole threads on how they're going to torture people...god. I liken
present-day ATS to a pristine white wall that has become stained by the feces flung by masses of stinking, screeching, violent, ignorant monkeys.
To give a visual representation of my thoughts:
Anyway, to my original point... Why do I keep coming back? I've tried everything....taking it out of my favorites list, trying to find another board,
playing video games, etc. Nothing works. I keep coming back, sometimes subconsiously. I'll look up and for some reason I'll be staring at the ATS
discussion board (no doubt with a topic list full of threads like "Libruls R dumb" and "Jesus hates Muslims" or "Terrorists threaten to strangle
small kittens on video").
I suppose it's like some disease....some virus spreading through my body. I can't help myself. Maybe ATS is like a drug, I know it's bad for me,
but I always have to get my daily fix.... Or maybe there's some small hope in the back of my mind that I'll see something...
[Edited on 7/7/2004 by Flinx]