A bit more that I've written up, I took out the links, this is about the election, it's a good example of all of the feces that we've had to put up
with, it's a good example of why we aren't always "polite", Slurpy Sippers UNITE!:
So we finally had a groundswell of grassroots uprising, so obviously the state controlled media went into delusional mode big time, so this meant the
majority of Americans continued to believe lies, but we still had a record breaking win. These Dems were sprinting away from Obama, the Dem party, the
HC bill, and even their own incumbency, these people even started talking like Conservatives. In most of their ads they don't mention that they're
Democrats, and most of the incumbents talked like they weren't part of creating this mess while talking about fixing it, they didn't have anything
to run on, so they ignored the issues and their voting record, and they just attacked people personally. They up played themselves as being moderates
and bipartisan, while doing things like referring to the HC Bill as the Federal HC Bill and acting like it wasn't the Dem HC Bill. This is perfectly
exemplified by Joe Manchin's campaign ad where he flip flops on HC and even shoots the C&T bill, he also says he wouldn't vote for Pelosi as
majority leader. Most of the campaigning Dems wouldn't let Obama come campaign for them, they distanced themselves as much as they could, here is an
article about Obama's endorsement being a kiss of death. But he did go to the hotly contested Delaware, but that was supposedly just so he could
"expose” O'Donnell, even though it was supposedly a sure win. Then there's things like Coons calling in Al Franken, the comedian, to help him
campaign, but he never asked Joe Biden, the VP, even though it was his former seat. Even Reid needed some extra fire power, so he called in Clinton to
come help, the picture would be great for a dart board. He even got a leading Nevada Republican to back him, “In short, if you want a talk show host
who gets nothing done, listen to Angle. If you want a senator who can get the most jobs for Nevada during hard times, vote for Reid.” He should be
fined for this egregious lie, that's because Nevada has the highest unemployment, the highest foreclosure rate, and Reid is for amnesty and
CandT...sure sounds like he's a job getter. Unions in the state made it mandatory that their members go vote for him, they kept a record of who
voted, mix that with a huge smear campaign and the fact that liberals are completely blind, and that added up to Reid actually keeping his seat. Dems
also tried bribing other Dems who were going to run to get out of the race, two people actually spoke out about it, Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff
were both offered White House jobs. Then you get what was declared by Liberals even, as Clinton's disappointing speech, “Well, all we’re really
asking for is two more years, that’s a total of four, to get us out of the hole and get us into the future. That’s half as much time as you gave
them to dig the hole. Seems fair to us.” Or the Boston Herald's article about President Obama's faithful losing hope as the magic fades. Or how
Obama tells Dems to wake up for November, as Biden just tells them to stop whining. Or a personal favorite, when Obama says to a crowd that
Republicans are expecting black people to stay home on election day, racist. They were so desperate that Obama had to go to Wisconsin University to
energize his base, this is a very liberal school and they got rhetoric at full blast, it was all Change, Progress, Future, and don't go backwards.
Then you get John Kerry blaming the Democrats failure on an uninformed electorate, though I'd blame it on a finally informed electorate, and
Wisconsin Poli Sci prof Charles Franklin says it's because the voters are "pretty **** stupid”. All these Libs knew they were cooked, that's why
Big Dem Donors weren't really giving much for the election, even though they knew they needed it, and Wall St. also was short on the giving. Oddly,
even the New York Times ran an article about how many Dems are now voting Repub, twilight zone. So these people blame this on Obama not getting his
message out well enough, that he needed to reshape it, this means that he just needed to lie better. This also went for Pelosi, they tried to say that
the Dems didn't go far enough, didn't do enough, these people are insane, and then they say that Pelosi was not rewarded for being effective, since
so many Dems spoke out against her, turns out she was rewarded though, they voted her in as now-minority Speaker of the House. This is great, she is a
perfect face for them and we should all support the Dems destroying themselves.
Then there's some other ridiculousness, Obama started using this car analogy, which began quite a while ago, and he paints a hilarious picture. He
felt that while they were trying to get the car out of the ditch, by digging the ditch deeper and doing burnouts in it, that Republicans were sipping
Slurpys. If Repubs were to say that he was sipping Slurpys, they'd try to figure out how they could make that out to be racist. They also keep going
on about how the Republicans are the party of No, but the party of No is exactly what we need right now. Then there's the absurd rhetoric that the
Republicans are standing in the Democrats' and America's way – even though they had a 60 seat super majority, they could have passed anything they
wanted, but some Democrats didn't sell their souls. So really Democrats got in the way of the Dems, and then a Republican, Scott Brown, had a wild
upset in Massachusetts over Ted Kennedy's vacant seat, this is about as liberal as you can get too, and they no longer had that super majority. Then
there is the fact that they left town before the election without debating the Sunsetting Tax Cuts and most importantly, without even attempting to
pass a budget, they supposedly wanted to wait for the non-non-partisan Debt Commission...you know, they don't want to rush it. Then there is the fact
that the Drilling Moratorium was lifted just in time for the elections, and Charlie Rengel's ethics trial trial was put off until after the election.
He was later found to have violated several ethics policies and even walked out of his own hearing because he supposedly didn't have enough time to
get a lawyer...yeahhh, I guess holding it off until after the elections wasn't enough time. Then there was the problem of several places, New York
and Illinois, not sending the Military absentee ballots, this is because soldiers usually vote Republican, but prison inmates in CHI got their ballots
hand delivered. Then there's the fact that Florida Dems sent out a mailer with the Repub candidate's Social Security number on it, they called it
“an inadvertent mistake” Then there's the fact that 4 days before the election we get the toner cartridge bomber, MSM went nanners over it and
for some reason these terrorists couldn't buy their own printer cartridges and wires. Or that Alan Grayson, a normally good guy, made an ad that
talked about "Taliban Dan” because his opponent was a part of some crazy Christian group. So instead of just telling the truth, he took something
that he said and completely took it out of context, when he didn't even need to. And you know how we just can't afford tax cuts for the rich, well
Obama, Pelosi, and Reid asked for 250 dollars each, billions of dollars, for a cost of living adjustment for Social Security, even though no one else
ever gets cost of living adjustments for anything any more, but a failing program supposedly deserves them. And best of all, Obama went on the Daily
Show just before the election, you know...to energize the youth vote, and he actually looked really bad - Stewart called him dude and when Obama said
that Larry Summers did a good job, the audience laughed and Stewart pointed out that maybe he shouldn't say that here.
Then there were the attacks on Conservative women, women are really the ones who are helping to lead this fight, and of course Liberals absolutely
hate that they're not Liberals. Michelle Bachman is amazing, you should watch all her videos, and then of course there's Sarah Palin, she has had to
deal with the most attacks, and she has taken it gracefully and she has only become more and more popular. If you think that she is dumb, that's only
because you fell for the media lie, she is just as bright as any idiot we have in DC and she is firmly Conservative and she is firmly against the
Republican establishment, she is also a part of the Tea Party, she can be my president any day because she is actually for the People. So of course
there was a NYT hit piece, called Mean Girls, “We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls, grown-up versions of those teenage tormentors who would
steal your boyfriend, spray-paint your locker and, just for good measure, spread rumors that you were pregnant. These women — Jan, Meg, Carly,
Sharron, Linda, Michele, Queen Bee Sarah and sweet wannabe Christine — have co-opted and ratcheted up the disgust with the status quo that
originally buoyed Barack Obama. Whether they’re mistreating the help or belittling the president’s manhood, making snide comments about a
rival’s hair or ripping an opponent for spending money on a men’s fashion show, the Mean Girls have replaced Hope with Spite and Cool with Cold.
They are the ideal nihilistic cheerleaders for an angry electorate.” Yeah...sure is a whole lot of objectivity in them there words. Here's a
Washington Post response to Mean Girls, it's surprisingly a much better stance. Remember how the Tea Party was said to be the most negative
campaigners by the DC elite, well >Joy Behar, a host of the liberal mind-control show known as the View, called Angle a ***** and said that she was
going to heck. In response to that, Angle sent her flowers because she had raised 150,000 dollars online because of that, so Joy called her a *****
again. Then there was the whole Meg Whitman illegal immigrant maid situation, this woman had a license and SS number and she signed under the threat
of perjury that she was here legally, Meg did everything she was supposed to. When she found out that she was here illegally, she fired her even
though they loved her, she did everything she was supposed to with that too. Yet, they still made a huge deal out of it because they had absolutely
nothing to run on, well they had plenty to run on, it's just that they chose not to.