It seems interesting to me that some inhabitants of this Planet Earth still haven't grasped the concept of Bin Laden being complicit with the US
Shadow Government through covert means such as the CIA since the 80's, and that much of the funding to support such operations is also funded through
covert and illegal activities such as illegal Arms trade, illegal Drugs and Money Laundering. i.e. Cocaine from South America, Opium from Afghanistan,
Iran Contra not to mention manipulation of foreign governments through Assassinations and their support of Puppet leaders i.e. Chalabi and Hamid
Karzai etc.
And do you think they had no complicity in the assassination of J.F.K., since Kennedy said he would eliminate the CIA, the FBI and the Federal Reserve
not to mention refusing to blow Cuba out of the water by disagreeing with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Kennedy was the last President to act as an
individual guided by his own conscious thoughts of what is Right and what is Wrong. He and Eisenhower both eluded to powerful external forces that
would attempt to erode the American Republic and Constitution and you can be rest assured they both came up against those forces.,
You are fighting an enemy you can't see Al Qaeda (the database) originally created with CIA support against the Russians. And ask yourself one very
serious but enlightening question " Why is it that the US Government has been unable to find and eliminate Bin Laden with all of the technological
tools at its disposal i.e. Satellites and Drones?" Well the answer is simple they don't want to kill their partner in crime because if he is dead he
is no longer a usable tool to play into Peoples fear, which in turn leads you to give up your Civil Liberties and Freedoms. This is all about Fascism
and the New World Order coming to a Country near you at a lightning pace.
Open your eyes and educate yourself, but not by reading, watching and listening to mainstream media. Step outside the box and remove the restraints
on your mind and begin to think clearly about the truth. Our friend Colin is only a Puppet of the Puppet masters that hide out in the form of the
Bilderbergers, the World Elite and Banking Cartels. Colin does as he is told just like Bush 1 and Bush 2. Etc. Awaken to the deception around you.
By the way the Bilderbergers would like to eliminate 80% of the World population. Just research Kissinger and others.
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings
and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had
been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world
government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced
in past centuries." -- David Rockefeller
David said it not me!
Key word from David Rockefeller “March” did anyone ask you if you wanted a One World Government?
So much for Democracy, start Marching, Probably the Goose Step. Since if this goes on without intervention our collective Goose will be cooked.
Social Cohesive Action is the answer; if the meek shall inherit the Earth then the Meek had better start working together, because we are the 80% the
Bilderbergers are referring too.
edit on 31-12-2010 by hal5000 because: Correct Toll in Subject line to read Tool