posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 02:56 AM
ummm so now all of a sudden knowledge and books of all things are illicit? This reminds me of a cult classic movie where society was duped into
burning books to the point where it made everyone ignorant as to what reality really is. If someone wants to make a bomb all they have to do is learn
some basics about organic chemistry, it's really not that hard. Back when I had highschool science class they taught us such things sBao we
wouldn't mistakenly blow ourselves up with certain chemicals being in close proximity to each other.
Either way I think telling people that information is illegal is misleading, because it is not, and either way by the time you got to mod this thread,
there were already 750+ downloaders of that seed so there are lots of people who know this supposedly illegal stuff.
Back in reality land, I gather all of these people would only use it if a fully blown tyranny spawned in their backyard.
Information is not illegal, and the only people who are terrorists work in the district of criminals and keep this information to themselves because
they want a bunch of useless, retarded push overs when they come to deal with us after they've looted us for as much as we can bear. You people are
no longer useful, they have machines to replace you. You were useful when it came to fueling technological evolution done on the backs of your
grandchildren, and every other generation after that. They built up their house of cards to create a massive scientific dictatorial control grid, and
part of that is making information disappear, one step at a time. First it's knowledge of explosives, then it's knowledge of chemistry all
together. I am tired of my leaders making us all a bunch of useless retards. Making explosives is a definite survival skill.
I'm not debating about posting again on the subject, I just think this mod remark is just.... wrong..