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Biggest thieves sit on the bench and cops are more likely to be rapists and murders

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posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Magnum007
You know if you look into police from their conception in New York, they have been flawed with corruption from the start.
In what I have said, I have no problem with police and have worked with them in the private sector.
My problem is with crooked cops, in the US big cities you have more corruption than not.
Also my statement was not directed at just cops, what I said if you take a slice of the public in general most are corrupt, when it comes to doing something on the sly. Buying stolen merchandice, looking the other way for a friend, being perverted to a point, picking their nose or scraching their arse out of the public eye.
How many tickets have you fixed,

Defend the Judges, I'm sure there are good ones, but there is also the ones that were self righteous prosecutors who lied to get every conviction they could, not for the sake of justice, but for the sake of them getting the conviction for their track record.

There are lesser and greater degrees of alot of things, President Clinton putting cigars where they don't belong, senators and congress writing bad checks, put their stuff up pages where it doesn't belong, along with the priest have sex with the choir boy, tell me it an't so, it is so.

Another thing to disreguard stories that are on Jay Leno as false would be stupid, as most of the stories on that show are quite true.

The reason the world is in the condition it is because of lies, greed, power hungry, evil people, sex, jealousy, insider trades, inside info, the double standard. I'm no saint myself, but it would be safe for you to bend over in front of me, I wouldn't steal your wallet or girl friend, if you fell down I would most likely help you back up.
I wouldn't turn my back on you, unless I knew you very well, and that's because when you get down to it you can't trust your own brother, many a Prince will tell you that I'm sure, if they weren't dead.
The point I am trying to make is more people are bad than good, a gril told me once, she said googolplex you know there are good people on earth, now why in the hell did the person feel the need to tell me this.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:44 AM
watched cops last night and some man was walking along the edge of a bridge with a big drop and the police pulled up,
the police said come down we can help you we wont arrest you as you havent done anything wrong,
the man replied i cant get a job etc....
the police said can you come down again we can help you find a job
the man said but you will put me in cuffs
police said no i wont you havent done anything
the man says but he will pointing at the other officer there
the same officer says no he wont we just want to help
the man gets down and sits on the floor
another car comes and the police all stand round him in an intimidating manner
one of the new police officers puts him in cuffs and in the back of the cruiser

it was classic, and thats what they show you on tv

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Magnum007
Police Corruption

Corruption has been present as long as there has been police. It is described as the oldest and most persistent problem with American policing. The Knapp Commission examined police corruption in New York in the early 1970s. Their report in 1973 painted a picture of two types of corrupt police officers: the meat eater and the grass eater. Carnivores spend a good deal of their working hours aggressively seeking out situations that they can exploit for personal gain (usually financial) in the area of vice (gambling, narcotics, prostitution or other lucrative illicit activities). It is virtually impossible to convert the meat eater to a good cop, so the best thing is to get them off the force and hopefully prosecute them. Herbivores make up the bulk of those officers who accept payoffs. They are not aggressive but will accept what gratuities they are offered from contractors, tow-truck operators, gamblers, etc. Also revealed in the Knapp report were several factors that influence how much graft police officers receive, the most important being the character and integrity of the officer. The branch of the department and type of assignment also affect opportunities for corruption. A plainclothes officers will typically have more and varied opportunities than the uniformed officer, and uniformed officers who patrol a beat with several vice dens will have more opportunities for payoffs than those who are assigned to random and reactive patrol. Another factor is rank—the amount of payoffs received generally ascends proportionately with rank—meaning as officers are promoted, the cost for their services increases as well. Police corruption can be defined broadly from major forms of police wrongdoing to the pettiest forms of improper behavior. Another definition is the misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed to produce personal gain for the officers or for others. Police corruption is not limited to monetary gain—gains may be made through the acceptance of services received, status, influence, prestige, or future support for the officer or someone else.

Some believe that the rapid hiring of police officers has contributed to the corruption picture and that it makes it difficult to fire police because of civil service and union protections (along with the added temptations for money and other personal favors!) Two theories that attempt to explain police corruption are listed below:

1. The rotten apple theory holds that corruption is the result of having a few bad apples in the barrel who were most likely of questionable character when hired, but slipped through the process somehow.

2. The environmental theory holds that corruption is more a result political corruption whereas politically corrupt cities create an environment in which police misconduct flourishes. In addition, some believe that it is what officers become exposed to during the course of their duties and their internal social control mechanisms (if weak, they succumb to corruption—if strong they will resist).

Corruption also takes on two basic forms: internal and external corruption. External corruption includes activities (such as gratuities and payoffs) that occur from and through police contacts with the public. Internal corruption involves the relationships among police officers withing the workings of the police department (payments or other favors to join the force to payments or other favors for better shifts, assignments, or promotions). Examine the list of eight deviant practices that exist in Ellwyn Stoddard’s concept of “blue-coat crime” on page 286. Those at the beginning of the list are less likely to be dealt with formally. As the list progresses, you find the likelihood for retribution increasing. The most common form of corruption is the receipt of small gratuities or tips. Discounts or free services are viewed as relatively unimportant by officers while the receipt of large sums of cash (bribery) is a very different matter to police. There are some who argue that even the receipt of small gratuities sets the stage for the expectation for some kind of return on investment! Drug related police corruption has been examined by David Carter and divided into Type I and Type II Drug Corruption.

The code of silence is another organizational culture issue that taints the discovery of police corruption. This code is thought to be the most difficult element to overcome in the fight against corruption according to Patrick V. Murphy (former NYPD Commissioner). Keeping quiet in the face of misconduct by fellow officers has been well documented. William Westley (as early as 1970) found that more than 75% of the officers surveyed said that they would not report another officer for taking money from a prisoner or testify against an officer accused by a prisoner.

The 10% bad, 10% good 80% go either way came from Michael Amrstrong, Knapp Commision, Serpico.

Please feel free to correct any mistakes you may find

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Arlington officer killed protecting 11-year-old

In Texas, the average length of a career, for Officers killed in the line of duty, is less than 7 years. The average age is 38.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Bottom line we need police as much as people think we don't. We are human and peopel are flawed like it or not no matter what profession you are in...if you are a defense attorney your job is to get someone off regardless if they are guilty or not..if you are a Doctor there is a great chance you will abuse your power, if you are a pharmacist there is a good chance you will take advantage of your position, if you are in the military there is a good chance someone will use excessive force hell even teachers cross the line with kids.

So although yes there are plenty of police that do a suck job I am fortunate enough to know some good ones who do try and do a good job but like all of those people they are thrown on the tracks with the bad cops. Just keep some perspective and when you look at the total population of police of what percent does this make up? Less than two percent? When you look at percentages and of course I'm guessing it reallys seems small (still serious) but too small to paint with such a broad brush. It's a new year folks and if it's the last how are you going to live it?

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by chrismarco

We don't need cops or police only say half and not these for profit nazi cops. Cops are most flawed of all citzens. The job attracts the wrong kind of person and the wrong kind of socio-path. they are no more moral or ethical then the average person and then the job makes them worst and they have no power to resist that temptation except they get into trouble.

absolute power corrupts absolutely, they are junkies of power and bullies and are addicted to it. It takes a disrespectful asshole to be a cop and they all think we should bow down to them. the problem is cops think they are elite special super human. My special operations training goes far beyond any cops. If I did what they do on cops in Iraq i would be court martialed. I have arrested many people in another country and we dont do this crap.

They turned them selves into a shaved head racist para-military want to be's

as for me ill protect my family myself we dont need cops. they dont protect and serve and are not there to help you. They are to get good cases against you and do the PRO-CAP stats more arrests, criminalize anything get more field reports because they need more customers for their business an their retirement.

lastly ever hear a cop on hear say " well i hope you dont need to call us for anything " Nice professional threat huh so you dont bow down to them and use your rights and disagree they what may not come 20 minutes after you call 911. Wow no you cops are sick in the head to say that and America is tired of your disrespect and abuse of authority.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by WTFover

give me a break go to Youtube and look up the bad cops video there are thousands. a broken clock is right twice a day you know.

10% i say are good cops, 50% are bad and the say 40% are part of the system and go back and forth.

I have worked with cop agencies on and off. I got to see what they are about and it wasnt good.

although their swat teams are usally really good its how they are used i have a problem with .

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by airborne82ndscout

its the specialist police who are genrally nice to you, like if you get pulled over by traffic police in the uk they normally let you go with a bit of weed or dont even bother searching you if you are caught speeding etc.. and when a normal police car pulls you over, it is always the arrogant power hungry one who does all the talking while the other officer looks uncomfortable with the way the arrogant one is acting.
i have been pulled over and had the awkward one search my car and leave my weed on the seat for when i get back in while he says its all clear to the nasty one.

in the uk i dont think we have a massive problem with police corruption but we do have a lot of officers who love the power and this was especially noticable when i was a teenager as they would search me for no reason or claiming burglarys in the area.

i have never done a burglary but have a few previous convictions for common assault(an assault without blood or bruising for any americans reading), possesion of cannibis, shoplifting etc... when i was a kid but they make you feel like they dont want you to be good so they can treat you like they want.

they then kill innocents and dont get charged with anything so it leaves people who may have chosen the wrong path as a juvenile, with a serious dislike and distrust of the police.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by airborne82ndscout

You just go on and continue ignoring the facts that stare you straight in the face, daily. And, like many others just make up statistics to make yourself feel better about denying reality.

As for me, I've been down this path before and won't be doing it again.

Happy ATSing!

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 04:26 PM


posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:02 PM


posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by airborne82ndscout

Without trying to be confrontational you again are looking at a small number of police that are acting like that. You could say the same thing about different races and I'm refering to stereotyping people...

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by airborne82ndscout

Just like the news people only post the worst stuff...come on let's be reasonable...I'm sure you will find more bad stuff on youtube in general than good...more people are interested in controversy and knee jerk reactions..those get the viewer ratings...

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by WTFover

well said...don't let a pesky thing like facts get in the way of some good controversy...

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by lastrebel
3,445 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked by the NPMSRP
4,012 – Law enforcement officers alleged to have engaged in misconduct.
261 – Law enforcement leaders (police chiefs or sheriffs) that were cited in those reports.
4,778 – Alleged victims of police misconduct cited in tracked reports
258 – Fatalities reported in connection with alleged instances of misconduct.
15.05 – Reported incidents of misconduct tracked per day on average or a report of misconduct every 96 minutes.

There appears to be a lot of ''reports'' and ''alleged'' in those figures. Have you actually got any statistics on how many police are found guilty or dismissed because of misconduct ?

Call me old-fashioned, but I think that ''innocent until proven guilty'' should apply to everybody; even LEOs.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by lastrebel
reply to post by wcitizen

I think that is the root of the problem

When a huge portion of a citys revenue consists of what they can fine, confisacte, and out and out steal from its people the entire thought of a fair trial goes out the window, and now we even have for profit prisions which is little more than a return to slavery. The state profits in every manner from arresting its citizens and police are "encouraged" to step up their arrests.

With the good people in the court system and police department quitting because of discust at the way things are going it only leasves the most corrupt to run the show

That's a really important point, I think. The good ones are getting squeezed out. Just as it is in Congress where the good ones are given the hardest time. Those bereft of morals, however, rise like stars.

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