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NWO!!! Global collapse by design.Senater speaks out!

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:29 PM
(I don't make many threads and am not familiar with it. I am going to try my best with it and make it work.)
(I tried adding the actual pictures to the thread, but it is too complicated for me, I attempted to follow the instructions ATS has given, but to no avail, so here i post links, which will pull up what im talking about.)

I came across an interesting video today. Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, CONFRONTS SENATE, about the destruction of middle class families. Further going into research about what he was saying, I've pulled up more interesting claims.
Watch video here:

For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.

As Republicans claim to be concerned about the rising national debt, they continue to give tax breaks to the richest top percent in America. ($700 billion tax break to the top 2%)

Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.

Clearly bankruptcy is on the rise. More people are spending on credit, and paying inflated prices and fees, making it harder to pay their bills. Many people end up just getting by paying the penalty fees and never paying off the card debt, spinning into never ending cycle.

83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.

Michael Snyder at Business Insider,
""The reality is that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are desperate to put in 10 to 12 hour days at less than a dollar an hour on the other side of the world. After all, what corporation in their right mind is going to pay an American worker ten times more (plus benefits) to do the same job? The world is fundamentally changing. Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool. ""

Greed must be a powerful thing, because if someone is already rich to begin with..why destroy people and become richer?
Is there another connection? Are people pulling the strings of the billionaires in this country to crush middle class citizens so that they can implement there will on us, during a time of economic crisis? Distract the majority of the population (lower, middle and upper middle class citizens) with economic issues, so they can pass a hidden agenda of more laws and control.
I also consider put my trust in what is going on. Maybe a United Global Earth is not a bad thing??
Do we need to become united and organized in order to be accepted by alien life out there?
Think of how destructive we are towards the Earth and each other. It's a miracle we even existed this long.
Please let me know what you think on both accounts, and if you believe the NWO is real, and is it necessarily a bad thing.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Very informative. Thank you for posting this.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I think to put it into some perspective I would ask you this..."Would you hand over your wealth and assets that you have accumulated over your lifetime to some homeless person" ? no freaking way and specially if that person/s in unknown to you. So this expectation that the super wealthy would do the same and "should" do the same is in fact an insane proposal, people need to understand that the wealthy got that way either through hard work, smarts, inheritance or criminal activities or a combination.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:57 PM
yes Virginia there is a NWO, errr I mean Santa Claus.
He has LOTS of lil elves running around working for him
cuz he took their savings, their jobs, their houses and
their futures away. Now all the poor elves have is
each other. They all huddle around a lil lectric heater
to stay warm which has a label on it that reads
"Made in China". After they have all lost everything
they suddenly wake up and realize "gosh, I really
should have turned off that idiot box and started
really looking at what was happening around me."
But by that time, it was too late. Then Santa walks
in with a large plate of monsanto food for everyone
and tells all the elves, they can only have the food
if they put on these shackles. So while they're
snacking on the monsanto food, Santa clasps
those steel bracelets around all their ankles
and laughs and tells them. Welcome to the last
supper. This will do in remembrance of me.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:00 PM


posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I think to put it into some perspective I would ask you this..."Would you hand over your wealth and assets that you have accumulated over your lifetime to some homeless person" ? no freaking way and specially if that person/s in unknown to you. So this expectation that the super wealthy would do the same and "should" do the same is in fact an insane proposal, people need to understand that the wealthy got that way either through hard work, smarts, inheritance or criminal activities or a combination.

Never said the Ultra rich should take care of anyone or give them money. That's not what the thread is about at all.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Here is your video.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:09 PM
Great analysis of the issues.

It is good to see more people waking up to what is going on and there is still a faint heart beat left in the big house. It is going to take a lot of public support to understand and confront the powers and responsibilities behind these issues to find a better way. The biggest elephant is not capable enough to take on the mightiest ants.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Mastermook

GREAT OP, compilation. EXCELLENT speech by Sanders (and thanks Night Star for embedding the video.)

...It's all about sharing information. Good job. S&F

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:26 PM
It's nice that this Senator is speaking out.
But he's just stating the bleeding obvious.
I wish these people in power would have some FORESIGHT and see these things coming down the pike and do something about it BEFORE it hits, rather than telling us about it when it's too late.

But kudos to him all the same.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Just another hack talking on everything but the real problem of deficit spending with credit/money from nothing. Tax cuts are not part of cause the problem. Uncontrolled deficit spending with money from nothing is the cause.

The elephant in the room is the trillion dollar a year military budget that could be slashed by bringing the troops home and protecting our own borders and give us enough money to fund all the social programs for years to come while we phase them out and return to sound money so no one just gets dumped on thier arses.

The alternative is to keep expanding credit/money from nothing and inflating the economy till it collapses and then all these programs will disappear overnight and that will be utter disaster and chaos. Which one do you think they have chosen?
edit on 30-12-2010 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:45 PM
We in the U.S.A. are letting the World take over us. Greedy politicians are opening the doors and are passing legislation to further open the door and weaken our country for the take over. Voting blind on bills they have not read and passing more stimulus to stimulate the stimulus. Are they spending the U.S.A. into oblivion while behind the scenes lining their pockets thanks to lobbyist and unseen secret contributors? Can you say Socialism and Communism this is what is being sprinkled all over our country while many are still asleep. Everyday you see more controls over your life and that is what it is all about controlling every aspect of your life. This is remote control Roboticism at its best, do as I say because we the controllers control the remote. ^Y^

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:07 PM
I have seen companies that have used economic downturns just to terminate employees and hire new ones at lower wages.
Years ago i worked for a major oil company that laid off half of there employees at one of there plants and two weeks later started hiring new employees at half the wages after telling the laid off employees that they would be hired back as soon as the economic downturn was over.

After a year when the company no longer had to pay the old employees there old wages the company started to hire them back.
Then the problems started as the old employees and the new ones did not get along and there were a lot of conflicts.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Just another hack talking on everything but the real problem...

Do you mind if I ask you a question?

What do you believe caused the economic crisis we are in?

The reason I ask... is that I agree with you that the "cause" of these problems are what need to be discussed and debated.

I look forward to reading your opinions.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by ANNED

I have witnessed the same thing. I used to work for a company making printed circuit boards for both private and public use.

I saw first hand how they used the economic downturn to axe employees they felt were overpaid or obsolete. I ended up surviving two layoffs before I said the hell with it and quit.

The deciding factor for me leaving was when we started manufacturing braking systems for high-speed trains. I found it quite odd how we were producing parts for Amtrak, while Amtrak hadn't really received the backing to fund the project. Typical gov't process, why buy one when you can get two for twice the price.

Va & Amtrak Article worth reading.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Areveli
reply to post by ANNED

I have witnessed the same thing. I used to work for a company making printed circuit boards for both private and public use.

I saw first hand how they used the economic downturn to axe employees they felt were overpaid or obsolete. I ended up surviving two layoffs before I said the hell with it and quit.

The deciding factor for me leaving was when we started manufacturing braking systems for high-speed trains. I found it quite odd how we were producing parts for Amtrak, while Amtrak hadn't really received the backing to fund the project. Typical gov't process, why buy one when you can get two for twice the price.

Va & Amtrak Article worth reading. scott-walker/

Here's another article relating to the new amtrak spending bill.
Not only do we lack rail transportation in the U.S., we lack highway transportation.
The road systems are very outdated here.
""Instead of politicians battling over the future of high speed rail, it’s time to let businesses fight over who can move people creating jobs, reducing pollution and and spurring innovation as they go. It’s time to pick sides, progress or fear."" by Chikodi Chima

And in response to Flighty, You have a good point, it is nice to see this actually brought up in the Senate, but politicians all seem to have the answers to the problems until they get into office and don't do anything. Whatever it takes to get voted in and pass whatever agenda they're supporting from their campaign contributors.
Ron Paul has a lot of great things to say, but so did plenty of others? whos really going to take the ship here?

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 03:52 AM
Truth be know, we are well and truely screwed.There is little we can do but educate our brothers and sisters to their plight.
If the timing is right we will have time to get enough people behind the move for change.
If not, and it looks like we are late already, well....things are gonna deteriorate for us faster.Without every man woman and child working for change in the same directions, the PTB have us beat right now.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by Mastermook

Have you done any research into the Fair Tax?

I believe that if we switch our perception of taxation and focus ONLY on taxing the money that is SPENT as opposed to EARNED... these types of discussions will fall to the wayside.

As I see it, our financial system is headed for an implosion the likes we have yet to see. So I won't hold my breath on Fear leaving the picture anytime soon.

I happen to believe that we are under a state of economic warfare. I have a feeling that my grand kids will view the Bush and Obama administrations as a well played Volleyball game.

Think of the policies put in place by the Bush administration and all of the money they spent. Then Obama came along talking about tax reform and "changing" America. Bush set Obama up for a spike. By Obama running on radical reformation of EVERYTHING... I believe he scared the hell out of the wealthy business owners and set the ball in motion for everything we have experienced economically thus far.

Without his platform of wealth redistribution, he never would have been in a position to bailout the institutions that gave him such a wonderful job.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 04:46 AM
I don't make predictions, for I am no pyschic. I can only give an insight, an analysis and trend on what happened and what will happen in months to come.

1. Despite the great error of the market system collapsing, regulators had not sought to correct the mistakes made, but instead to penalise the masses by forcing them to pay for the bailout funds, funds of which goes back to the wrong doers and culprits of the financial system - Banks, bleeding Corporations and Investment houses.

The right path would had been to let the culprits collapse, and govt intervention by creating jobs on needed infrastructures using either reserves, sale of bonds, or outright loans, so that money could be circulated. But no, the govt used such financial instruments to prop up back the failed institutions, which only hoarded up the money, circulating little.

2. Globalisation/Slavery of mankind had been allowed to continue, even as millions spoke out against it. Corporations are still fleeing to cheaper shores to profit. NOTHING had been done to stem such outflows. NO elected official, govt official, unions, organisations stood up and tell the emperor that he had no clothes on.

Our fellow brothers and sisters of the human race from China and India had done nothing, but to accept those wages paid by Corporations whom are getting richer by the hour daily. Not out of stubborness, but they stood alone, for like us in the Free world, none stood up for them against the Corporations perferdies.

3. As such factors continue on, gradual weariness sets in, and the Free world will accept slavery at slave wages. They will no longer have access to social spending, for they have no money to contribute anymore. Any bit they make and pay for taxes will be used to pay off national debts to the bankers.

Children's education will be curtailed, rightly so to keep the population stupid for slaves have no need for education, as happening in UK. Health care will be done for, and only the rich, the cunning and the ruthless will be able to access it. The rest will have to starve and survive as they best can.

It is not only the middle classes that are being destroyed. Mankind, less the mega- rich with their families and the neccessary amount of slaves required, will die out. Tyrants will once again rule Earth.

There is no one who will courageously stand. The ones who knew, only stood silent. A sad new year message....

Good luck to all. May there be a George Washington amongst the remnant slaves that survived in later centuries arise and take back what is rightfully mankind's

edit on 31-12-2010 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 05:10 AM
So many Alarm Bells.

The point of no return has come to pass. Guess we keep carry on until we have to react instead of anticipate when TSHTF event arrives.

Alarm Bells. Farrow-Williams-Lindsday-Svali-Jones-Ventura, this thread etc etc. Wiki- Vatican- bam bam bam bam. We keep being hit with Alarm Bell after Alarm Bell.

Its better to think ahead, then discuss every Alarm Bell.
Its how I play chess, almost never loose.

Fake attack from the left, response is they move away thinking danger comes from the right. But they moved just in line of my Queen/ horse/ tower. Don't become predictable.

We are very predictable. Celente(When people lose everything the loose it) V for Vendetta shooting/ Man jumps from balcony-London.

What are we waiting for? You have to assume that nobody is going to help us, is this the track you want to progress on?

Please say no to the New World Order, and act upon it.

Stay home, go to your neighbours. Go watch Dual survival. Start living with each other.
Stay home work for yourselves, make time by stopping participating in the system.

What happens? They will knock on your door, pay this jail that, then you neighbour comes to help.
The whole street comes to help. We are stronger then any institution.
Its better to face it now, then be put on the train to FEMA with all those coffins(another Alarm Bell)

(but its all okey )

edit on 31-12-2010 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

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