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Anarchists Are Bad People?

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:54 PM

...anarchy is a social environment, one that simply seeks a lifestyle without a distant and non-responsive ruling class. It has nothing to do with violence, which is a strategy not an sociopolitical philosophy. One believes in various forms of social organization: communism, socialism, anarcho-capitalism. But one does not believe (as a communal structure) in violence or peace – or jumping jacks or cartwheels for that matter.

Anarchy has been derided for quite some time thanks to those wearing black masks and purporting to be anarchists destroying things for no apparent reason.

I worked with an individual who was an anarchist and spent quite a bit of time talking with him regarding his views on society. Quite frankly, I found his views to be close to my own. Anarchy isn't about having a Mad Max society, it's about a society without wannabe controllers in the District of Criminals and their myriad of beurocratic agencies that enforce their will using the barrel of a gun.

I still believe in our Constitution but have realized that it was written for moral individuals of which there are few in DC.

Rather than read the title and jump to a conclusion, read and study a bit on what anarchy truly is. I can't say that I support the concept 100% but certainly was enlightened by the presentation given me.

Why do we need "rulers"? Why do we need the "elite"? What do they offer that we couldn't do on our own without them?

Food for thought.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by bozzchem

The thing I know mosts about anarchists is that from their writings they seem closer to pacifism than any other political group. Yet according to the media they are the most violent. Gee, I wonder which is true... that anarchists are close to pacificm as they clearly write, or that the media tells the truth about anarchists being generally violent people trying to cause chaos.

It was "such a coincidence" that exactly one year after the shoe bomber event that there was an embassy bomber, and that they were both by the governments main adversaries which they want to portray as evil as possible but would never ever tell a lie to portray them as more evil than they actually are. (ie near zero evil by the writings of anarchists).

Gee... what will the media tell us next Christmas. Well they fed us BS about terrorists last year and now about anarchists this year... oh I know... it will be people who want the internet to keep out of government hands. The 'evil' anonymous group will according to the media "eat babies" next Christmas day if you believe the BS media... mark my words.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM
It's interesting you posted this - I'm a bit paranoid about words that I start seeing repeated ad nauseum in the news - and lately, it's been anarchist. Those horrid anarchists.

Doesn't everyone that ever protested the history of the world...belong to some black clothes wearing anarchist group?

Don't anarchist groups want the world to erupt in violence and savagery - aren't they like...satanists? Don't they just want to torch my car and turn it over?

Aren't they just everywhere? I mean, if they weren't just everywhere, there wouldn't be all these protests now, would there?

I mean - I don't think those things, lol, at all, but I think the news wants me to. KWIM? It's like the corral that they want to lead the fearful sheep into. Don't protest anything! There might be anarchists there that will hit you in the head with a bottle full of gas on fire!

And I've seems like the use of the word 'anarchist' is...anyone that doesn't like any government anywhere. lol

edit on 30-12-2010 by hadriana because: typos galore and probably still didn't get them all.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:15 PM
Anarchy and anarchist believe in (generally, from what i've seen and learned. I live in a college town where the college was the only one in the country that actually teaches anarchy LOL. Evergreen College - Olympia, WA)
They believe in a community that is run by the community. Small villages like.
A co-op in every town. Farmers everywhere. No corporations. Youuuuuuuuuuuu knowwwwwwwwww.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by civilchallenger
reply to post by bozzchem

The thing I know mosts about anarchists is that from their writings they seem closer to pacifism than any other political group. Yet according to the media they are the most violent. Gee, I wonder which is true... that anarchists are close to pacificm as they clearly write, or that the media tells the truth about anarchists being generally violent people trying to cause chaos.

It was "such a coincidence" that exactly one year after the shoe bomber event that there was an embassy bomber, and that they were both by the governments main adversaries which they want to portray as evil as possible but would never ever tell a lie to portray them as more evil than they actually are. (ie near zero evil by the writings of anarchists).

Gee... what will the media tell us next Christmas. Well they fed us BS about terrorists last year and now about anarchists this year... oh I know... it will be people who want the internet to keep out of government hands. The 'evil' anonymous group will according to the media "eat babies" next Christmas day if you believe the BS media... mark my words.

The anarchist I spoke with was no more violent than a teddy bear. I was taken aback by his demeanor considering I figured all anarchists were supposed to be individuals with bombs in their backpacks. He stated his position and made a hell of a lot of sense to me.

I asked him if he was sure he was an anarchist and he just smiled and told me to quit believing all the BS I see on TV. How could I argue with that since he was right?!

I wish I could post his presentation here since it was one of the most rational presentations I've ever seen. Hell, after the talk with him, I realized I just might be an anarchist. He is 1000% against violence. He just presents things in a way that allows people to interact with each other based on supply and demand. Nobody has more say than the other. All parties involved merely interact based on what they want/need and there is no governmental entity to rape them of 25+% based on the "greater good".

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
They believe in a community that is run by the community. Small villages like.
A co-op in every town. Farmers everywhere. No corporations. Youuuuuuuuuuuu knowwwwwwwwww.

Yep, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. They don't want to don black masks and shoot things up....that's what the cops-FBI-DHS-BATFE-DEA-etc. are for.

They just want to be left the hell alone to run a community as they determine is best for the community.

Funny, you never hear that description of anarchists, huh?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:37 PM
In my experience, there is good apples and bad apples everywhere. So, there is good and bad anarchists. Historically, anarchism -or may be just a part of it- was always violent, using terror, bombs, assassinations etc. to provoke a revolution. Today there still is a militant, violent part in anarchism; but there are also peaceful, nonviolent anarchists. The problem with violence during demonstrations is that sometimes it's not easy to determine whether the violent anarchists are really all anarchists or whether there are provocateurs among them who start and incite the riots.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by WalterRatlos
In my experience, there is good apples and bad apples everywhere. So, there is good and bad anarchists. Historically, anarchism -or may be just a part of it- was always violent, using terror, bombs, assassinations etc. to provoke a revolution. Today there still is a militant, violent part in anarchism; but there are also peaceful, nonviolent anarchists. The problem with violence during demonstrations is that sometimes it's not easy to determine whether the violent anarchists are really all anarchists or whether there are provocateurs among them who start and incite the riots.

I think you've addressed your own statement. There have been no shortage of situations where agent provocateurs have been shown to be the "true" anarchists.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:45 PM
I am a believer in anarchy!

I don't think we, as a race, are ready for such an awesome state of existance yet. We sure want it though, don't we!

Unfortunatly, people seem to need that saftey net of "government". Which is funny, considering I trust my fellow citizens way more than ANY government person. (Cop, Judge, whatever.)

(And EVERYONE I have EVER talked to agrees, they trust the people over the man.)

Well, until that whole "anarchy" thing pops up. Then their minds become little again, like when they were kids.

"The big bad man will kill us."
(Or some other negative "what if" scenario.)

Anyway, I support anarchy 99.9% (When we advance to a point to where fear is not in control.)

EDIT (Oops!)

Am I a bad person? Well that isn't for me to decide, I have a bias perspective.
edit on 12/30/2010 by adigregorio because: I had to answer the title, rules and all that.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

Nope, you're not a bad person. I was a bit mystified when speaking with the individual explaining TRUE anarchy to me. Apparently it's just about a collective of individuals determining what is best for them and everyone else can pound salt. No government to steal from them and no bureaucrats to make their lives hell.

He and I went round and round and I lost every damn time. I simply couldn't beat his logic. There was never a mention of violence other than defense.

I still don't agree with it 100% due to the inherent flaws in both the defense as well as the ultimate hierarchy that would eventually ensue...but it was one hell of an interesting conversation!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Don't you just feel betrayed...?

I've had this epiphany by myself not to long ago. I found it was truthful in all its glory.
It was the first time I realized the media conspiracy was true and I was in shock.

I never realized the scale of it before that point in time

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:25 PM
I consider myself an anarchist and a communist but despite what people may think from the media propaganda I am not a violent revolutionary, a selfish,evil or lawless person but simply somebody who wants freedom from the state and from the system of capitalism. I annoys me how anarchists are presumed to be violent and how the philosophy of anarchism has been turned into a fashion statment by many.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Anarchy is violent communism and should be brutally repressed by governments. Communism is, always has been, and always will be a cancer on this earth. And Anarchists are always middle classed, privilaged little mummies boys who like to throw big tantrums and wreck property when they don't get their own way.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Constantlysilenced
Anarchy is violent communism and should be brutally repressed by governments.

Source? I mean if this is true, then why call it Anarchy? Why not just call it "violent communisim"?

Anyway, yeah, source? (Check wikipedia first!)

Originally posted by Constantlysilenced
Communism is, always has been, and always will be a cancer on this earth.

Propaganda? You know the "red scare" is over right?

Communism, like Democracy, only looks good on paper. Because of mindsets like the one I am responding to. Mindsets that feel that humans should be divided into "classes" based on how many pieces of green paper they own. (Okay!)

Originally posted by Constantlysilenced
And Anarchists are always middle classed, privilaged little mummies boys who like to throw big tantrums and wreck property when they don't get their own way.


I thought mommy boys wrote insulting un-informed posts? I mean, your post sure looks like a "big tantrum" to me, and you are trying to "wreck this thread" because it isn't "your way".

Methinks you should work on yourself before working on me, that is just my opinion though. You are free to insult my beliefs, even without the proper research. I do ask that you refrain from the out-right lying though. I am not violent, I am hardly privlaged, and I am too lazy to be passive agressive (IE Destruction of others property).

Hook me up with some research! Or was my wanton destruction of property too loud to read over?
edit on 1/1/2011 by adigregorio because: wonton to wanton (Mmmm wontons)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

are you serious or is my sarcasm detector broken???

do some research before attacking somebodys opinions. anarchism is not normally violent nor is it exclusively communist it refers to a society without a formal government and can be applied with or without a market economy - see anarcho-communism or anarcho-capitalism wiki articles.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by AnonymousJ
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

are you serious or is my sarcasm detector broken???

do some research before attacking somebodys opinions. anarchism is not normally violent nor is it exclusively communist it refers to a society without a formal government and can be applied with or without a market economy - see anarcho-communism or anarcho-capitalism wiki articles.

How about no? Go and do something with your life other than benefit scrounging and squatting.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

So you admit to being ignorant to any sort of anarchist philosophy and yet you still deride it? I hope your stay here is not long.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

So you admit to being ignorant to any sort of anarchist philosophy and yet you still deride it? I hope your stay here is not long.

It's called freedom of speech and expression, I know it is counter to your left wing marxist mindset but I'm sure you'll get used to it.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was responding to a troll. You speak as though an anarchist would be against FREEDOM of speech. That is just too funny. G'day.

Last year I came across these audio files called "The Anarchist Tension". The philosophy spoken in them is very much in line with my personal world view, which can probably be classified as some kind of anarchy.
edit on 1-1-2011 by JohnnyTHSeed because: (no reason given)

The files can be accessed here:
edit on 1-1-2011 by JohnnyTHSeed because: forgot the link

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
reply to post by Constantlysilenced

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was responding to a troll. G'day.

The sheer irony is, whilst I have remained civil, you have been the one with a bad attitude and rudeness. I think I should report that last comment, since it is a breach of the civility rules. The way you attempt to cover your tracks by editing your comment after I reported it is very swift, but sadly I quoted it in it's original form.
edit on 1-1-2011 by Constantlysilenced because: (no reason given)

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