posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by logicalthinking
Possibly a middle school with some sort of contamination, same age group.
Ground water? From wells.. (found this):
There is a great concern about possible cancer cells; it does seem to be affecting many with wells who depend on ground water. It is being
investigated and with underground streams feeding these wells the possible pollutant could be coming from miles away. Unfortunately it does take time
to trace the source of the problem or what the source could really be. Those in health care and government are doing what they can and as quickly as
they can.
I have lived in Clyde and the surrounding area for almost 60 years. As I noted, I’m an average citizen, I have on many occasions questioned and
approached city officials, school officials and county officials on issues for which I have had concerns even writing letters to locale newspapers,
Never have I been black balled and ignore or had my child marked for retaliation. I always approach an issue with documented facts that can be backed
by others, Therefore never a problem.
Read more:
Slso this from EPA:
Vickery Environmental, A deep well injection facility located on the corner of state route 510 and state route 412, about two miles north of Clyde.
This facility should be no secret to the residents of Sandusky county, I urge you to look at government documents supplied by the EPA which show that
millions of gallons of hazardous waste is legally being allowed to be deposited below the entire area. This site was fined over a million dollars in
the eighties for illegally disposing PCB's, which are known cancer causing agents.
Poor kids...