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Sexist Female Oppression in Workplaces? I Know Why That Happens.

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by vinay86

So, you can see here she seems to agree on some things that i have been saying, there is a gender war going on which is linked to violence and hatred perpetrated by (who) the same people who divided humanity in the first place, you can call them elites, E.T's. I am glad that you believe in holographic aspect of reality, but you have to believe that there is a being at the center of all reflections who is the creator of all, and he can think as well as un-think what he wants to be and he has the power to stop being manipulated, that being is you.

There is always a war going on, and sometimes you and those around you are not even aware your in a war. And sometimes you wont even be aware that a war ended and things changed. Gods, ET's, elites, what do you believe in, name your fear because its just you in different clothes. And I don't have to believe in anything and anyone I don't want to, that to is represented in the holographic aspect of reality, of which I sometimes believe in and sometimes live in.

Believe what you want for it does not matter to some, and I am one such who don't care what you believe. Remember, to those who live and see by the light of the universe, they are always in the past, they always see the light as it was years ago, or million of years ago or billion of years ago, etc. But they never see what it is now, we all are just slow to perceive the reality of the universe. Always lagging behind, wondering why nobody is around, and why we cant find nobody like us out there, when everybody and everything else moved on, we linger and lag behind... reminiscing.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

For those that will flame me, look at John Edwards. Go talk to a hotel clerk. Drive around the wooded areas near your office complex at lunch time. There is no such thing as monogamy, there are just honest people like me, dishonest people that are not good at it and get caught, and then there are dishonest people that are very good at not getting caught, but there is no such thing as a monogamous person over any long length of time.

Don't know who John Edwards is, and don't care enough to look him up, But your wrong there is such a thing as monogamy, even if it's not as common as some might believe or want to believe.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

John Edwards was an extremely religious and conservative senator and presidential candidate. He lost his family and his career when it turned out he was involved in a long-term extramarital affair while preaching about family values. Worse yet, his wife was dying of cancer toward the end, and they divorced just before she finally died.

The most ultra-conservative, ultra-religious people are typically the worst offenders. All that oppression of natural urges is not healthy. The typical "preacher's daughter" syndrome.

The most well-rounded and responsible people I know often had the worst parents, or at least the parents with the fewest amount of rules. The tighter the rules, the more severe the rebellion. For adults, the more severe the jealousy and suspicion, the worse the infidelity becomes.

Why not be open and honest? We all have hormonal urges and we are all victims of biology, so why not be honest about it?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by vinay86
Your sexual status is only in your mind, its an illusion.

I concur completely.

As long as we continue to indoctrinate people towards behavior patterns based on their physical gender alone, we're going to keep running into these unfortunate stereotypes and related conflicts.

A human being is a complex thing - to reduce an entire entity to a shallow set of expectations based purely on what sent of reproductive organs one is born with is an insult to Humanity (and the Human Spirit).

Not only does it place perverse notions on what a Man or a Woman is, such thinking also places extreme limitations on what Men and Women could be.

As it stands now, it seems as if these "Men are..."/"Women are..." premises are just another way to dissolve genuine human connections between people, maintain and prolong an outdated "breeder agenda", and keep bad jokes flowing for sub-par comedians.

If everyone was running around blindly trying to live up to the mythological Ken and Barbie Lifestyle, I might just have to log off of this planet for good!

edit on 1/1/11 by GENERAL EYES because: clarification

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by vinay86

I say it is one of the BEST things that has ever happened to us! There is no better feeling than being "connected" with a member of the opposite sex. If there is a fundamental need to reunite the two sexes into one being, then that fundamental need is fulfilled during wonderful sexual and emotional contact with a member of the opposite sex, and I thank God for that opportunity, because it is thoroughly enjoyable!
Now, monogamy might be the worst thing to ever happen to us since the splitting of the sexes, because monogamy is not natural at all, and it creates an unnatural stress and jealousy and restriction on fulfilling that fundamental need. But, monogamy was not God's doing, it was mans, and it was just a way to control the masses through religion and government.
So.....opposite sexes = AWESOME!
Restricting access to opposite sexes through unnatural expectations of monogamy = TERRIBLE!

Thanks for posting, I respect your beliefs and appreciate you for expressing yourself, sex is enjoyable and you feel good during sexual intercourse because it is connected to your spirit, you feel wholesome, connected and complete but after it is over, all that energy buildup goes to waste and that connection to the spirit goes away. And over the time continuous indulgence in physical sex harms your body. But if you conserve that energy over the time, you will definitely notice remarkable difference in you, you can have that connection to spirit in a non-sexual way too and trust me it lasts longer and don't harm you. You have to ask the question why people want to have non-monogamous relationships, Out of marriage sex or sex with multiple partners is a very important issue here, i am glad you bring that in, i ask you why people want to have sex with more than one partner, do they get bored of their existing sexual partner, or they feel like sex is boring now (which you say is very enjoyable), if physical sex was enjoyable enough than it wouldn't have mattered whether they do it with person A or B.

edit on 2/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by vinay86
sex is enjoyable and you feel good during sexual intercourse because it is connected to your spirit, you feel wholesome, connected and complete but after it is over, all that energy buildup goes to waste and that connection to the spirit goes away. And over the time continuous indulgence in physical sex harms your body. But if you conserve that energy over the time, you will definitely notice remarkable difference in you, you can have that connection to spirit in a non-sexual way too and trust me it lasts longer and don't harm you.

Is that your kink? "Conserving" your sexual energy?

I find the complete opposite. Abstinence can be harmful to the psyche. Sexual release is extremely gratifying and can last for days. Sexual indulgence most certainly does NOT harm your body.

Where do you get these ideas? Are you just making things up?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
So the answer is no, you can't prove these claims without religious texts?
I agree, machines have no consciousness (at this point), and sure there's more to being human than simply existing as a machine. So what? You've made claims to the existence of "souls" and assigned them specific qualities. I'd like to know what evidence you have to support it.

First I would like to know about the above mentioned post of yours regarding the existence of soul, you are now admitting there that their is more to human being, what more are you referring to here, are you now a believer of soul or spirit now. And regarding evidence you haven't said anything regarding the free will argument i presented to you in my previous post and that.I have mentioned earlier that i am a non-believer of any religious structures which preach about worshiping this god or that.
If you agree with the existence of soul or spirit don't reply about this.

Is that your kink? "Conserving" your sexual energy?
I find the complete opposite. Abstinence can be harmful to the psyche. Sexual release is extremely gratifying and can last for days. Sexual indulgence most certainly does NOT harm your body.
Where do you get these ideas? Are you just making things up?

Regarding the above quoted, i am not the only one saying that, don't just be skeptical do some research also.

Let us start with the premise that sex is a necessary function. Is this a true statement? Physiologically, the sex act is not in the same category as other natural, normal, bodily functions such as eating, breathing, sleeping, defecating, or urinating. Of course we cannot live without any of these bodily functions being constantly and regularly performed. But millions of healthy individuals have demonstrated that a person can live a long and healthy life without ever using the sexual function. The idea of necessity prevails because it fits in with inclination. In fact, there is no known disease attributable to abstinence, but there are many diseases attributable to the opposite condition of doing it too much. Sex is not a necessary function which must be performed regularly. The organs and glands which control reproduction are not like our muscles which must be exercised regularly in order to function properly. Indeed, the opposite is true: the reproductive glands are more efficient and potent when given a period of rest. . . .The premise that sex is natural must also be rejected. It depends on how it is used. Nature obviously designed the sexual apparatus to be used for procreation, not recreation. In athletics, most coaches and trainers forbid sexual relations before a contest. Prize fighters observe strict sexual abstinence during training and before a bout. . . .

The human seed, of course, contains all the essential elements necessary to create another human being when it is united with the ovum. It contains forces capable of creating life. Doesn't common sense decree that such a vital fluid be carefully conserved rather than thoughtlessly squandered? . . .

Many men, even after having been convinced of the harm they are doing to themselves by over-indulging in sex, still persist in their old habits. They use the excuse that for them, self-discipline in sex would be impossible. That it is difficult, I agree. But impossible -- no!

I agree with the above mentioned facts from this article written by Dr. Edwin Flatto.

edit on 3/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by vinay86

First I would like to know about the above mentioned post of yours regarding the existence of soul, you are now admitting there that their is more to human being, what more are you referring to here, are you now a believer of soul or spirit now. And regarding evidence you haven't said anything regarding the free will argument i presented to you in my previous post and that.I have mentioned earlier that i am a non-believer of any religious structures which preach about worshiping this god or that.
If you agree with the existence of soul or spirit don't reply about this.

I am not a believer in a soul or spirit "now", as you said. I distinguished humans from machines by the existence of consciousness. You claimed there was such a thing as a "soul" and claimed it had specific properties. It's your duty to support those claims with evidence.

The premise that sex is natural must also be rejected.

The doctor lost his entire argument at this point.

I agree with the above mentioned facts from this article written by Dr. Edwin Flatto.

I disagree with most of it. Having a "Dr." in front of your name does not make render your writings as correct.
Note: Oddly enough, Flatto also wrote another book on how to acquire "super" sexual potency. Additionally, his book on home child birth received a whopping 2 star review on Amazon.
Flatto is also a "homeopathic doctor", a.k.a., a quack.

edit on 3-1-2011 by traditionaldrummer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

I am the most "pro-sex" guy on this entire forum, but I believe "abstinence" does have a way of increasing energy. Boxing coaches have touted that concept for decades. Many other types of athletes have also used it in training. There are competing scientific studies showing that it is both true and false, so that doesn't get us anywhere.

From personal experience, too much sex is definitely exhausting both mentally and physically. A little abstinence does invigorate me, clear my mind, and make the sex more enjoyable. On the other hand, if I go too long without it, then it begins to rule my thinking and become a distraction.

As in all things, it appears moderation is the best policy!

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

I am the most "pro-sex" guy on this entire forum, but I believe "abstinence" does have a way of increasing energy. Boxing coaches have touted that concept for decades. Many other types of athletes have also used it in training. There are competing scientific studies showing that it is both true and false, so that doesn't get us anywhere.

Sure, one's angst can be channeled for various purposes. And some others neither have that ability nor outlet.

From personal experience, too much sex is definitely exhausting both mentally and physically. A little abstinence does invigorate me, clear my mind, and make the sex more enjoyable. On the other hand, if I go too long without it, then it begins to rule my thinking and become a distraction.

As in all things, it appears moderation is the best policy!

Agreed. I simply take issue with some of the OP's unsupported claims about the nature of sexual abstinence and indulgence.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by vinay86

Out of marriage sex or sex with multiple partners is a very important issue here, i am glad you bring that in, i ask you why people want to have sex with more than one partner, do they get bored of their existing sexual partner, or they feel like sex is boring now (which you say is very enjoyable), if physical sex was enjoyable enough than it wouldn't have mattered whether they do it with person A or B.

I believe there are many reasons. #1, a biological instinct to mate with the most fertile females. As a male, even if I have a very satisfying sexual experience with my wife, I still notice athletically toned, pretty skinned, long haired, bright-eyed females. I believe it is a biological urge. I am capable of inseminating a different female every day, but females can only get pregnant about once per year. It seems natural that a dominant male would have the urge to do as much as possible for his species.
----> Disclaimer, that is only from a biological standpoint for any species. Nothing sexist or uncivilized about it. I understand that our society has different norms than the animal kingdom.

#2, I like to feel that "connection" with more than one person. Yes, it certainly is beyond the physical. Simple skin on skin touching with any other human being has something magical about it. I love it with my wife, but I also love it with just about anybody. I don't want to have "sex" with everyone I touch, but I do enjoy the connection, and with certain attractive females, the attraction gets stronger and stronger and the only release is sex. I enjoy a good hug, or handshake with my buddies as well, but nothing compares to caressing, exploring, and eventually having sex with an attractive member of the opposite sex, especially that first time!

#3, "out of marriage sex" is not always about cheating. Many couples are capable of doing it with full knowledge of their spouse. If you can lay the "jealousy" aspect to rest, and you can be 100% confident that only one person is your "mate" and you aren't losing anything when you branch out, then it can become very enjoyable and quite a turn-on. Why are we jealous in the first place? Usually because we fear we are losing someone, or that we are inadequate in some way. If we can get past that irrational feeling, then the jealousy evaporates and the open communication and fun can begin!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Thank you for being inspired by my thread.

I find the concept intriguing, and believable, that we could well have began as adrogynous creatures, or having both sexes. Some creatures in the animal kingdon still have the ability reproduce without a partner. I don't know if aliens divided us into sexes, or if the evolution of two genders occured naturally.

It is a topic I hope to read more about, because fighting along gender lines is not an answer to anything. But what I see on those lines is more of a male dominating the female aspect, when we are both valid and have valuable assetts to offer.

I like being a female. I do feel females and males are different.

Thank you for the topic!

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
It is a topic I hope to read more about, because fighting along gender lines is not an answer to anything. But what I see on those lines is more of a male dominating the female aspect, when we are both valid and have valuable assetts to offer. I like being a female. I do feel females and males are different.

Thanks for posting, I was eagerly waiting for your opinion and i am glad that you didn't flamed me for using somewhat similar title to your thread. I appreciate your view that some males try to dominate females, and sometimes try to take advantage of them sexually and often raping them brutally, but it is not totally their fault.

Many mainstream scientists believe that they have some kind of inherent birth genetic disorder that made them to do that, yes genes affect behavior, but that is not entirely true, all of those genetic and physiological traits are acquired by the individual from the environment that he perceives, genes behave according to the environment. The environment i.e. is the society that we are living in, right from the birth and in teens all he sees around him is sexually arousing things being flashed in T.V., Advertisements in papers, magazines, internet, and in his innocent mind he must be thinking why these things are being given so much importance.

That's the problem with the society giving sex and sexual acts too much importance, what is being so important about it they are just bodies. So it is natural he would be wanting to explore that thing called "sex" and when he couldn't get that, than in frustration he does those heinous acts.

If you want to know more how perception of the environment affects genes you can watch these videos:

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

edit on 5/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

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