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If the bible is a fact, then I think 'Satan' may be the Knoweldge giver.

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:53 AM
Well if the bible is really true, this is what I think...

I think the original God has made original human beings already balanced. When this god made us, we were perfectly balanced in every single way. Perfectly in the center. We may be so called "ignorant", but we were balanced and right in the middle, unaware of the polarities....

But I believe, this "Satan" might be the 'knowledge' giver, to us humanity by making eve eat the scared apple.. The knowledge of polarity.... bringing us out of our so called 'ignorance' from singularity to duality.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:54 AM
I am disturbed/troubled by the existence of negative and positive polarity. Both festers and exist due to one another. It is self perpetuating system. If one polarity decides to be at an extreme end, the other will find themselves in the other extreme end. It is like tit for tat.

One polarity needs an opposite polarity for their own existence, otherwise the whole 'current' concept of existence probably will cease to exist.

I don't really believe in the bible, but I sometimes think,(hypothetically if true) that I wished that Eve would've never eaten the apple, which contained the so called "knowledge" of the two polarities.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by saabacura

I don't have the answers but I know who does.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

These are His promises. The Bible is the Word of God. He does not lie.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by saabacura
Well if the bible is really true, this is what I think...

I think the original God has made original human beings already balanced. When this god made us, we were perfectly balanced in every single way. Perfectly in the center. We may be so called "ignorant", but we were balanced and right in the middle, unaware of the polarities....

But I believe, this "Satan" might be the 'knowledge' giver, to us humanity by making eve eat the scared apple.. The knowledge of polarity.... bringing us out of our so called 'ignorance' from singularity to duality.

The bible is not FACT.

Fact is when something is PROVEN to be true through testing. The bible is anything but that.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by saabacura

I've heard this sort of interpretation of the story before. This idea that good and evil are a sort of false dichotomy because of gray moral areas or merely because all things, in the end are, in a sense, ONE. Its an interesting idea but I doubt that the story was intended to sound that way. I would look closer at the Sumerian myths that the Genesis account borrowed from.

I do agree with the idea that Satan plays a sort of Promethean role here by giving forbidden knowledge to the mortals, its a fairly common theme in mythology that I think early man may have used to rationalize why they were smarter and more obsessed with morality than beasts. For instance clothing. I'm fairly sure that clothing existed before modern humans did, so by the time of the invention of written language we were wearing clothing while beasts were not and we had NO idea why. The story starts with Adam and Eve naked and without shame, they are like beasts ignorant of right and wrong, this seems to be the writers of the myth rationalizing why they saw such complex morality in humans but failed to notice it in other animals. Interestingly enough further study of many animals has revealed that they do have morals, although the ancients may not have noticed.
edit on 30-12-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

reply to post by freedish

He does not lie.

With all due respect God's first words to Adam in the Garden are a lie. He tells Adam the fruit will kill him and it does not. So either the author is lying and putting words into God's mouth that he did not say or God is lying, take your pick.
edit on 30-12-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by freedish

whatever it maybe, ever since Eve has chosen to eat the scared apple of knowledge, we have acquired the knowledge of our nakedness, embarrassment, shamefulness.. and learned to cover ourselves to prevent the shame........thus the beginning of the polar world we know as today...

bascially, if the bible is true, we are living in "Satan's" world. The world of awareness and knowledge. A world where we know good/evil, pain/pleasure, love/hate etc.

I really really don't believe in the bible, but if I do, this may be the case we find ourselves in.
A very very very sticky situation.
edit on 30-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:16 AM
Well I have a question Op, how do you feel when science proves something mentioned in the bible to be true? For example, how modern science has proven through our understanding of nutrition, food science, etc. That the old testament laws food restrictions were/are actually very beneficial. Especially during that time because we assume that they did not have the technology and knowledge to thoroughly cleanse all food.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:16 AM
A book writen by power hungry evolutes apes (humans) can be a fact? Oooooookeay.

Story says: Satan is the seducer. This makes him not evil in my opinion.
edit on 30-12-2010 by cushycrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

I don't think you understand.

The bible WAS written at that time, and all the information relating to the society of that period is correct. I don't understand what you are actually getting at? care to explain?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Crutchley29
reply to post by acmpnsfal

I don't think you understand.

The bible WAS written at that time, and all the information relating to the society of that period is correct. I don't understand what you are actually getting at? care to explain?

Sure, at the time these laws, about food, were seen as being given by god. Although the laws were written in that time period, the people alive at the time should not have had the knowledge to know what foods were good for you and which were not. Outside of the obvious ones like shellfish which would cause you to get sick if they are not prepared correctly. So what I am saying is science provided a logical explanation for why these foods are not advisable to eat. Therefore the knowledge given by science, basically facilitates the belief in the god that gave these laws. Science/knowledge in this case is providing a somewhat logical reason to gravitate towards the belief in that particular god without blissful ignorance.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by saabacura

I don't have the answers but I know who does.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

These are His promises. The Bible is the Word of God. He does not lie.

You are right when quoting this scripture... However your story fails to point out WICH god we should be putting our trust into, this is not surprising as the current authority's on the bible have been messing about with the bible so much that these important details have been lost to many... We all know the Tetragamatron YHWH but nobody's using it anymore since some dumb schmuck classified it as being TO HOLY....

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by saabacura

That is exactly the way I learned it to. By eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve learned of "sin" and disobediance... This resulted, amongst other things, that they became aware of them being naked. This in turn made YHWH aware of them having eaten from the forbidden fruit (wich in turn demonstrated that god uses his omnipotent powers selectively, in this case being his ability of foresight) Kinda entertaining to deduce these things from such a small part of Genesis.

Offcourse when reading these things, a certain amount of faith is paramount.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by faceoff85

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by saabacura

I don't have the answers but I know who does.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

These are His promises. The Bible is the Word of God. He does not lie.

You are right when quoting this scripture... However your story fails to point out WICH god we should be putting our trust into, this is not surprising as the current authority's on the bible have been messing about with the bible so much that these important details have been lost to many... We all know the Tetragamatron YHWH but nobody's using it anymore since some dumb schmuck classified it as being TO HOLY....

Yes faceoff, this is the predicament that I find myself in. Who is who???

edit on 30-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:58 AM
anyone seen the film, "the life of brian", i think that makes more sense of the story of jesus than the bible does

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by saabacura

Well the so-called god of the bible SHOULD be YHWH. Not Jesus Christ or any other deformation such as LORD or simply GOD. The original Greek and Hebrew texts incorporated the tetagrammaton of YHWH over 7000 times!!! The bible acknowledges the existence of numerous "gods". In such a situation it would be essencial to use the name of your god simply for the reason of making sure one is praying to the right deity.
I'f I'd try to call out to my kids in the middle of a playground, I NEED my childrens names. Without them I'd get more response then needed. in essence the same can be said for gods. Without the right name, your god wont be paying a whole lot of attention.

But this only aply's to the bible. How indeed can one recognize the true lord? I made up my mind but this is quite a dilemma.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:00 AM
Well if and only if the Bible is truely true,

then we are living in the world of Satan.

Eve has eaten the apple, thus so.
edit on 30-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by saabacura

I have been brought up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, as such I have learned that this is indeed the case. The way I see it is as follows. God/YHWH built this nice little zoo called earth. but then one of his vice-presidents started challenging his policy and created a little riot in the monkey's den. As a result God essentially gave his presidency to this vice-president (Satan/Lucifer) for the sole purpose of giving the dude a chance to proof his point of how one should be running this zoo. This is accompanied by a time-schedule wich is close to running out.

Presto the story of the bible in a nutshell

But again... is the bible truly the word of our creator?

Originally posted by Crutchley29

The bible is not FACT.

Fact is when something is PROVEN to be true through testing. The bible is anything but that.

name one thing..... I'll rebuke anything and everything you throw at me
Offcourse I cant promise I'll do it in an irrevokable manner but as a minimum I'll make every statement "undecidable" at the least.
edit on 30/12/2010 by faceoff85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:15 AM
then again, another question, which came first? Consciouness or non consciouness. I believe that god is supposidly a conscious being who created non conscious being like dirt, rocks, energy, heat etc. There are many in the world who believe that all these non beings (such as above) actually created consciouness. So then what?

Nevermind as I have been kind of drinking......

My mistake... The concept of non beings and beings are part of the duality which was given to us by 'Satan'.
edit on 30-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by saabacura

hahaha... Well you've caught me in the morning so I am not under inluence yet... this is offcourse degrading to my passion but even so its entertaining to change thoughts on the subject

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:21 AM

edit on 30-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

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