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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Would you rather feel something temporarily or feel nothing forever? No matter how messed up we are, our lives really are precious. Think about microscopic organisms and how they roam around in their microscopic world, not aware of the world they are a part of. In this world that they're a part of there are large beings that can watch their world and are able to create, destroy, feel different emotions, share knowledge and care for one another. Compared to them, we are gods.

How silly would it seem to us if we found out there were beings much greater than us killing themselves?

This may be the only life we get. Don't rush through it.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

I am thankful that I grew up next to a cliff-side overlooking the ocean. As a young kid, when I would think about suicide, I had this really trecherous looking cliff to stand at the edge of. It gave me an option to end it whenever I wanted to. Every time I came to the edge, I realized that I might as well be alive and enjoy myself, because there could be nothing afterwards.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

I believe we are the microscopic organisms and just don't realize it yet. Only a fool would would hide from this world with death.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

A permanent solution to a temporary problem.....

I've known those who have checked themselves out... often wonder what fate awaited their immortal souls. I had a cousin once... his father and his father's father both left in the same manner. Was it because they suffered from a mental illness? And if so, were their souls forgiven?

I dunno.... the subject has been on my mind lately....

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Suicide is nothing more than a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

No matter how bad things seem to be, the act of committing suicide will undoubtedly make things much worse.

Suicide is not the answer.

Great thread Op.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Blarneystoner
reply to post by ShnogTrip

A permanent solution to a temporary problem.....

Wow !!

I didn't even see your post. We pretty much said the same thing.

Right on Blarneystoner!


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

Suicide is a very selfish thing to do. Everyone you wanted to get away from will spend the rest of their lives feeling guilty and sad that it happened. But I've been there and I understand why someone would do it. I just know now it's not a good plan.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:05 PM
I am not in any way justifying suicide, but many of us take for granted that we see the world as it really is....and not as some distorted figment of our imagination. Throw in an untreated or undiagnosed mental condition and the world can become really scary. Imagine living with constant voices in your head? Or looking at everyone walking past you all the while your mind is telling you to run and hide because these passers-by are really out to get you?

Or how about living in constant pain unaffected or unable to be controlled by medicine? What about having lost your entire family (think: kids, spouse, etc.) and being the sole survivor?

These are things that the average sane mind can not even fully grasp.

While I personally believe that suicide is never the answer (I do believe in end-of-life choices for the terminally ill, however, which is technically still suicide or assisted suicide) I do have compassion and understanding for those that can't see any other way out.

We forget that no matter how bad things get, we are capable of seeing that things can turn around -- not everybody mentally ill has the capability of even realizing that. That is why, as relatively sane people ourselves (at least most of us
) we must be aware of those around us that perhaps can not see any other side to the world and may take drastic measures to end their life. Compassion....understanding....and seeking medical help when warranted....are all important steps to lessening the prevalence of suicide in today's society.

This is one topic in which I believe it is good to interfere in someone else's life -- it may very well save it.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:45 PM
Some people are just chemically imbalanced and truly can't control it. I've had an aunt that has tried to kill herself multiple times and the reason is she is off her damn medication. When she took her medication she was great. It's easy for me to sit here and say that it's the "coward" way to get out of things but I'm normal (I think so anyways). They see it differently than we do & I don't think they understand it to its full extent.

RIP Auntie (no suicide...respratory failure)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:22 PM
I believe in karma, continuance of consciousness and reincarnation. I can understand why people want to and do commit suicide, this is often a hell like world we are in. But if we realize we are here based on our past karma and level of consciousness delevlopment, you have to just do your time, and strive to make the best of it. I know it can suck and be very hard for many, but suicide is just an addition to the negative karma we already have, and will only add on to what we are trying to burn off now as it is. So, suicide does not free you from anything, it just adds more weight to your next incarnation. Better to just do your time here, and try to make the best of it, to make the future life better.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:30 PM
I think suicide is horrible but there are times when I think its probably one of the greatest gifts. I have seen terminal cancer and it's horrible to watch your loved on die slowly and go through watching their body slowly give out organ by organ. To help someone in that case is a gift.

My overall view is that if there is a higher power they should understand that not all of us can handle this cruel world we all have a expiration date on out back, suicide, car accident, freak accident, old age, or any other death. We all have a set time to live, to love, and to ultimately die, Its tragic when a young person takes their life, I'm glad I never was successful it wasn't my time, but we do all have a time, and none of us know when that exact date is.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:29 PM

The whole walk home Mason thought of one sentence, written by Soon on lined yellow paper: Sixty-seven (bridge suicide) survivor accounts, and only one consistancy: "When I started to fall, I changed my mind."

GHOSTED - Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall - 2010 Soft Skull Press
edit on 12/29/2010 by NorEaster because: formatting

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Not all problems are temporary, some mental illnesses will cause constant pain and cannot be cured either by drugs or any form of therapy, including CBT. Also, it isn't selfish to kill yourself, if because of your mental illness, all you do is cause others pain- certain personality disorders spring to mind here, particularly the likes of avoidant, narcissistic and antisocial.

Speaking from a personal point of view, I wouldn't kill myself, because I realise that what comes after life may be worse than the life we live now...the thinking of a coward, perhaps

edit on 29-12-2010 by ScepticalBeliever because: sleep induced typo

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:11 PM
If I found myself driven to hurt or kill other people, I'd take one for the team and off myself. As Dennis Miller once said of someone providing such a solution to what could easily become a horrible development "God would probably hang out with you and let you have the TV remote..." I'd die with a smile on my face.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

We are becoming a world of sick people. Mentally and physically. In the old days, 10,000 years ago, nature weeded out the mentally ill and the physically weak. Even a few hundred years ago 50 percent of all
children died before adulthood. The Romans killed off 1/3 of all
newborns. A little housekeeping is necessary.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

The whole walk home Mason thought of one sentence, written by Soon on lined yellow paper: Sixty-seven (bridge suicide) survivor accounts, and only one consistancy: "When I started to fall, I changed my mind."

GHOSTED - Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall - 2010 Soft Skull Press
edit on 12/29/2010 by NorEaster because: formatting

ok... that gave me chills.


posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Suicide is a very hard subject for me,my brother commited suicide in 2004 and i still can't understand why,my sister in law said he was upset over bills,he was a caring,loving man,my life is not that great,but i would still enjoy waking up everyday seeing the sun,hearing it rain,the sound of children laughing and playing,than not being here at all,sorry have to go tears are flowing

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by jasmine23
Suicide is a very hard subject for me,my brother commited suicide in 2004 and i still can't understand why,my sister in law said he was upset over bills,he was a caring,loving man,my life is not that great,but i would still enjoy waking up everyday seeing the sun,hearing it rain,the sound of children laughing and playing,than not being here at all,sorry have to go tears are flowing

Thanks for sharing that Jasmine. As others have said before in this thread, it's always hardest on those who were left behind. I firmly believe that you can take solice in knowing that you will be reunited w/your brother again when this very brief stay here in this plane of existance is over and we move on to the next plane.

God bless....

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
I don't think it matters either way. The universe is all energy. Energy is transferred. Species are created. It will all get mixed up and transferred through various forms. Life is not precious.

Nothing will change if you commit suicide. It's an invention of society.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Blarneystoner
Thank you for the message,Janurary is the anniversary of his death,and even though it has been years of his passing i still can't grasp the concept of him being gone,I think back to the times we were growing up and wish i could have seen the future and i could save him

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