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Mandatory microchip ID Implants (would you?)

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posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 09:40 AM
Thank you for your input, It is of a little comfort to know I'm not the only one that is tremendously appalled at the thought.

BTW, VOD you dont know me very well if you think I'll do as I'm told regarding such important issues.

AFTER they pry my gun from "my cold ,dead hands" they can implant me.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 09:44 AM
NO WAY! In fact, I feel sorry for the poor bastards that would even try to hold me down for the implant!


posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 09:48 AM
They are gonna have to put it in my dead body.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:08 AM
I for one wouldn't allow the chip....But, think about it. Why wouldn't you want it? Because it can track you? Come on people, you are on the "Grid" already. They can track you wherever you go. Do you have a credit card or debit card (IMO this was the begining of the "mark")? It's virtually the same thing. If you make purchases with them you can be tracked. How do you think purse nappers are caught...they follow the credit card transactions by the burglar. And for convenience sake they will start implanting those in your hand (some credit card co's already do). It's really useless to fear a implanted tracking device because you can be found anytime, anywhere without one now. Sorry guys, as evil as the implant sounds, it's gonna happen. But it doesn't matter much anyway. Besides, as soon as this starts to happen, people will find a way to remove them.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:10 AM
well im in the military and i dont think id have a choice
o well at least they wont be able to kill me whith the flip of a switch

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:06 PM
If the prophecy is correct regarding the mark of the beast, God states he will cause those who receive the mark to receive sores and wounds upon their bodies which will make them beg for death, but death will flee from them. Could it be cause by a chemical reaction of the materials in the chip interacting with your internal bodily fluids?

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Has anyone ever given thought to the idea that the govt could secretly implant you with a chip? If they get the technology small enough, what's to stop them from slipping a little nano-chip or something in some sort of vaccine or flu shot? That's the sort of thing that scares me. I'd never let them it me down and implant me with something, but how could I stop them from doing it totally without me knowing?

I've been buying a lot of stuff with my debit card lately, and my girlfriend was like "Oh man that's not good, you're on your way to wanting a cashless society." And that made me think, she's right. Crap! So I figure now I'm only gonna use my debit card for online purchases or whatever, and use cash as much as I can.

This thought just came to me, and I think it applies to this discussion... I see a big flaw in a cashless society. How would people be able to lend eachother money? My parents give me 20 bucks here and there, or I'll lend a friend a couple bucks for a soda. How would parents give their children allowance? That wouldn't be possible in a society where all our "credit" was kept on a chip. That'd be one major inconvinience, but for some reason I don't think the government would care.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:36 PM
This is a bit of food for thought?
Society has to take a stand against these chips or the world will never be the same

A Security Division of IBM
1200 Progress Way
Armonk, New York 11204
October 20, 1995

In California, several prisoners were identified as members of the security threat group EME, or Mexican Mafia. They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories. The implant procedure takes 60-90 minutes, depending upon the experience of the technician. We are working on a device which will reduce that time by as much as 60% [30 min].
The results of implants on eight prisoners yielded the following results:
Implants served as surveillance devices to monitor threat group activity.
Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff.
Universal side effects in all eight subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz, all subjects became lethagic and slept on an average of 18-22 hours per day.
All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 166 Mhz test evaluation.
Seven out of eight subjects did not exercise, in the cell or out of the cell, and five out of eight of the subjects refused showers up to three days at a time.
Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that seven out of eight subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked.
Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.
Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment.
It should be noted that the test period was for less than two months. However, during the period substantial data was gathered by our research and development team, which suggests that the implants exceeds expected results. One of the major concerns of Security and the R&D team was that the test subject would discover the chemical imbalance during the initial adjustment period and the test would have to be scrubbed. However, due to advanced technological development in the sedatives administered, the 48- hour adjustment period can be attributed to prescription medication given to the test subjects after the implant procedure.
One of the concerns raised by R&D was the cause of the bleeding and how to eliminate that problem. Unexplained bleeding might cause the subject to inquire further about his "routine" visit to the infirmary or other health care facility.

The IBM 2020 Neural Implant Chip

external image

A Report About The Intelli-Connection Connection

[edit on 7-7-2004 by Sauron]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Im guessing most people on this site would not get this implant, we are all the same type of people who have the same idea of denying what people tell us until there is proof, so im sure everyone on here would have to see the facts, the truth and see a thurough investigation on what these chips really do and why we need them before putting them in and even then im sure we would still refuse.

I would not get it personally its just another invation of privacy and a way for the goverenment to control us!

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:14 PM
i think i saw in another thread a link to an article which was about some trendy nightclub somewhere which offers its members the option to get a chip implanted which they can scan for admission and to charge you for drinks and whatnot. the article said if i remember correctly that already they had 30 members who had gotten the chip implanted. for a nightclub! sheep! SHEEP!

here's the link:

-koji K.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Faisca
Has anyone ever given thought to the idea that the govt could secretly implant you with a chip? If they get the technology small enough, what's to stop them from slipping a little nano-chip or something in some sort of vaccine or flu shot?

Well, what would stop them in this scenario is lack of universal healthcare. How many people never get a vaccine or flu shot, see a doctor at all, or go to the dentist (could put it in a filling or something too).

When you think about the concept raised, now we'll have to be suspicious of universal healthcare too. Of course, for the future, they could just start putting something in the kids at birth now and who would know. I don't think though on a large scale they could really get away with it woithout someone finding out and leaking the news.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:23 AM
The "chip" is a reality, and it is a long term plan.

at the moment, (at least) there are 3 full families using it as a final test experience. one from brazil, other from france and other one from germany, i don't know if more families are using it as a test, i just have red about that 3 ones. realy soon will be released a mandatory law for the pet animals! in my country(portugal) we have been informed of that 2 years ago, and this year the "europeian" law will be active.

it is funny to observe the motives "they" give to make people "acept" the chips:

the french familie is using it to test how easy and usefull can be to have all the medical history "inside you"!, the "man" of the familie have a cancer and all the familie use the medical services a lot.using the chip all they need to do in the hospital is...been !scanned"! and in seconds the medical dr's, will know all, etc.

the german and brasilian ones are using the chips to test how easy it is to "walk" in the society, doing a normal life, going to the movies, to the bar, taking a bus, a taxi,ect, with out a need to use a single card or money. all they need scanned...

so as you can easly see..that it's just the beggining of the "mandatory microchip" on us.
and more:....i belive that the day it cames, many many people will gladly going runing to get it!!, it is quite absurd the number of people "controled" already in this world, just acting like perfect blind zombis.

P.S.- the chip can evenctualy be putted inside of you with out your knoledge!,that just depend of the "size" and characteristics of it!, a nanochip can easly be transfered to you in a normal single "shoot"/vacine/injection(sorry, i don't know the proper word).

relentless:your idea about the born babys are quite possible. nobody can know if they will not putt that in new born babys...


[edit on 10-7-2004 by kangaxx]

[edit on 10-7-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:32 AM
Not only would I defy the govt and die b4 this happens, I can also forsee the criminal activity associated with this type of existence. Thugs cutting you open to steal your ID...etc......

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by kangaxx
The "chip" is a reality, and it is a long term plan.

at the moment, (at least) there are 3 full families using it as a final test experience. one from brazil, other from france and other one from germany,

so as you can easly see..that it's just the beggining of the "mandatory microchip" on us.

Excuse me but - stupid question?

How could these tests be going on without every place that these chips might be used being already equipped to do the scans? Seems like an enormous expense of equipping the environment of these people for just three families in three scatterred locations.

And no, (excuse my ignorance again
but I can't easily see this as having anything to do with "mandatory" yet.

By the way, though I didn't already state it, I as everyone else here would not take this voluntarily. In fact I don't know anyone who would.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:33 AM
arent all the test countries European Union members you know alot of religious scholars beleive the EU is the organizational tool of the antichrist

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:47 AM
relentless wrotes:

"How could these tests be going on without every place that these chips might be used being already equipped to do the scans? Seems like an enormous expense of equipping the environment of these people for just three families in three scatterred locations.

And no, (excuse my ignorance again but I can't easily see this as having anything to do with "mandatory" yet. "

first- it is obvious that they'r "fredoom" is relative, the proper "machines " do deal with the chips are putted in especific places/shops, in orther they can use it, there are even private public trasport corporations "helping" in this test.
if you want to know more about it try to google. i have knoldge about that families from the nacional geographic mensal magazines, so i don't know where you can read about that in the net.

second- if you can not see easly where this lead us to the mandatory chip, it's a pitty! for me it's clear as water. you have the normal technique been usued: first they makes us "used" to the subject, next they try to show us how usefull it is for our lives, then it will be mandatory for house pets...i think it is not need it to be a diviner to notice what they will do next.!

for the guy that says something about the "Europeian union "
for me the europeian union is the primal suspect fro the chip plan! i say this because the "pet law" cames from the europeian group! have you in USA a law for pets?i dont know if there is a law for microchip in pets aoutside europe!?

btw brasil is not in europe


[edit on 10-7-2004 by kangaxx]

[edit on 10-7-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 09:42 AM
No, I will die first. Things have already reached the point where we are going to have to stand up for our rights, even though it already is too late. But I think its the mark of the beast, therefore I will die.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 10:08 AM
Well it all depends if it were the micro chip of the future.. with my health records... credit info.. every piece of plastic carried translated to the chip.. and I were in a mind to feel trusting.. then yea.

If it were announced tomorrow and all it was was a GPS.. I'd move to canada real fast.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by XL5
If it was mandatory and they would tax you into the street or put you in jail for refusing, then I would get the chip and pop it with some EMP.

EMP might kill you, it is microwaves. I would use EMP, even if it did fry my brain.

I would never take the chip, I didn't want one in my dog even, but my parents did it.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by UnusualMe
Well it all depends if it were the micro chip of the future.. with my health records... credit info.. every piece of plastic carried translated to the chip.. and I were in a mind to feel trusting.. then yea.

If it were announced tomorrow and all it was was a GPS.. I'd move to canada real fast.

Then again, if this is not something forced on people I guess from a GPS standpoint one might consider the the benefits say for such things as being able to locate an abducted child or lost alzheimer's parent, etc.

As for the medically healthy, sound of mind, those not in danger of being kidnapped, and those who don't frequently lose their wallets, I can't see the point in putting it permanently in the body. I course I realize that if children living in your home are chipped, for all intents and puposes, you are too if the intention is to monitor you. Just seems to me that with the amount of people running around with credit & debit cards these days (which do seem to be ALWAYS with us, as oppossed to say, the dog) it would be a lot easier to just put actual GPS in those than attempt to convince the masses or force the masses to implant.

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