posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Well, I cannot say what happens to anyone else, but I know what happened to me. In 2009 I had a heart attack, was rushed to the hospital, and died. I
was suddenly aware that I was above the doctors and my body, and could see the doctor take a really long needle and shove it right into my heart,
while one of the nurses charged the crash cart. As soon as I was aware of this, I was taken to a place where it was quite dark. I looked around, but
saw no one or anything, it was completely black. Then I was a glimmer of light in the distance, and began to walk toward it. It was the strangest
thing. It was big at the bottom, and rotated in a clockwise rotational pattern. It was not one big light, but rather some kind of base with a lot of
lights, all very bright indeed, with brilliant white light.. As the Light rose above it's bottom, it got smaller in diameter. I looked at this and
thought of the baggage thing at the airport, it was roughly the same shape. The Light felt very inviting, and beckoned me to enter.
I felt myself being drawn into the Light, and pulled back, and began to protest. "Stop for a second!" "What in hell is this place, anyway?" It
was then that the Light spoke. not in a human voice, but more like a machine, or computer voice. It told me to ask questions, and it could answer, but
could not give any information freely. So, I asked it what it was. No answer. I asked again, and was told, "The presence is not informed of this."
In the rest of the answers it always referred to itself as "the presence."
As I began to question this device, and that is what it is, I was shown that it could send me to many different "places," or rather "dimensions."
I was shown several different "heavens," and several different "hells," and some other places too. I kept telling it to show me everything it had
to show, and the places began to go faster and faster. I realized that all one needed to do is visualize a place of rest, and that is where you will
get to go! It was then that I felt hands pulling me back, and pushing me down. I woke up being loaded into a helicopter.
I have given this much thought, as one could imagine, and have come to the conclusion that we create our own afterlife, right here in this life. You
can either go to your place, or the default place, and any other place. When I was at the Light I could have easily went somewhere else, I was not a
prisoner there. I have had many dreams of a large house on a beach. there are many folks around, and food and drink, and everyone is happy. I think I
have been there before, not just a few times, but many times.
Our human Spirit is a Divine thing, a part of G-D, if you will. It cannot die. It can only create. Here on this plane we create. For instance, I think
of a thing. I draw the thing on paper. I gather materials and create the thing. On this plane it took me four steps to create. On that plane creation
is instantaneous. Whatever you think of, becomes a reality. You can create anything you wish. This is why it is important to train your mind, and not
let your human emotions rule over you. I would say that in that dimension of time and space it would be very easy to "Fall" back into the 3rd
dimension again, and truthfully, that is what I think happens to us.
We we ever learn how to act?
Hope this has helped some of you to understand, the others have beliefs that are set into stone. Remember this always, A mind is like a parachute. It
only worksd when opened. Cheers.