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2012: End of Time or End of A Time ?.... Most got it wrong

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:22 AM
Ok first lets make a serious analysis about the 2012 date...

We all know that in 2 yrs from now... we will be right on top of it
everywhere on earth people have heard of it .. somewhere in a discussion or in old famillies stories
whats incredible now .. most Tv shows and movies have Apocalyptic scenarios of all kind
spreading the fear that its inevitable we cant escape it... if it happen ..
a mass event will destroy most of the human population
all the fear scenario have been a tactical propaganda weapons
exciting time we live in ?? yes in a way.. not exciting if people suffer more

Bad Scenarios:
Nukes,Haarp etc.. (human weapons)
Pole shift
New ice age
Alien invasion
etc etc ...

perfect timing since .. we do have big natural events
that are happening almost everywhere on the globe
its getting worst has we approach 2012 .. coincidential .. ?

We have all see those scenarios in our modern movies
most i think are resulting from Nukes and Alien invasions
but we cant know for sure what will happen on the 2012 date

The Mayan prophecy calender is even older then the Mayans themself (the start date)

I would be excited if i knew how to read this calender myself ....incredible artefact:


If people continu to spread the apocalypse fear scenario .. weeks and perhaps months before the date itself ..
people will continu to riot more aggresively then ever before ...
You dont do enought to protect us .. just in case something happen
people will say to the governments

Some hidden high officials related to the NWO .. Massons... or other cult club will push a scenario so something bad happen... 6 billions of people to control is to much ... some cult wants the after 2012 planet to themself
they dont want to share it with the entire population of earth

But why ... ?
they know that a new age of greatness is approaching .. the Age of Enlightment
this age could mean many things ... :

Good Scenarios:
Alien contact - Return of God or the Gods
Supreme knowledge
Evolution of the DNA
Some locked parts of the Brain unlocked
4 Dimensional realm accessible
Mass Shift of Conscientiousness created by a extraordinary planets alignement
Past lifes memories back
etc etc....

There is has many good 2012 outcome scenarios has the bad ones
lets keep or positivism up .. and dont loose faith
the humans have a great potential... we can do great things .. and many other acheivements
we can have a beautiful earth none poluted ... its not if we start caring now that something will change

Remove Greed
and all other Evilish behaviors will fall:
-Pride (with no humility)
-Unrespectfull behavior
-Negative attitudes

We dont need those ... they are useless and only bring PAIN
i have a great hope and faith that after 2012 greed will be finally vanish from earth ... due to what ?
choose one of the good scenario above
we dont need things to get worsen more then they already are to get better .. its absurd
the fear have been implemented so much in the society that it look like people now hope that a apocalypse happen so they can be freed... many are so stressed by this unsustainable society system we have that they always think of the worst in the first place

Dont prepare for this .. YOU CANT


but you can prepare for this


Big difference between both picture ... both extremities

EXACTLY 2 YEARS from 2012

We can all agree that we CANT continu the way we are all living
some are so spoiled that its a drug now to get more ... the richer getting richer
and the poor .. poorer

Its sad ... how the hell did we get so much corrupted
some will never understand the concept of compassion for any living things

Thats why we need 2012
if nothing happen then nothing happen...its not Y2K by the way
this is a thousand or even ten thousand years old prophecy ... was the translated date correct ?
we never know some might misscalculated the calender and its tomorrow the real date .. or in 10 yrs
but its not a noobs date .. it have great significance
even if there is nothing ... then it will be the greatest Hoax of all time
it will mark the history to never trust any encestors artefact

Nostradamus or the bible and in many other places .. they all speak of something coming on the horizon
confirming the Mayan theory

I would advice people waiting for 2012 .. live you life day by day .. dont wait for the worst .. wait for better
do your part .. be compassionate if anyone or any animal needs help

The After life now.. when we die .. since everybody dies one day
if you are afraid of what the afterlife may bring to you weither or not there is an afterlife
Just dont take the risk to make bad mistakes in this life .. it doesnt worth it ..
better be proud.... looking at your replay of life then ashame..
dont ya think ?


edit on 12/28/2010 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I don't think I give a crap what happens on 2012 as long as it puts an end to these 2012 threads. Just think, a lil under 2 years to go.

This site can tell you a few thing about the Calender it self. 24 Tons

above top secret
edit on 28-12-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Ben81

I don't think I give a crap what happens on 2012 as long as it puts an end to these 2012 threads. Just think, a lil under 2 years to go.

I know .. many people dont give a crap either about almost everything except their superficial life
spoiled by materialistic stupidities while others sleep in the streets
do you agree at least that we live in a unsustainable system ?
and that it need major change

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Yes of course. The changes I would make are exactly what this world needs. How ever, Gods word must come to pass.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:43 AM
If you really believe 2012 is the end of the world, you've been sold a pipe dream by those who would like you to be engulfed with fear, it gives "them" that much more power.

As of now, from 1992-2012 we as a civilization are living in the "time of no time" according to the mayans.

But, we are still living within, a timeframe.

When 2012 or Oct 2011 comes around, however you want to look at the end date of the Mayan calendar, we are going to experience one of the greatest phenomenas ever experienced, in my opinion.

As of lately, people, such as myself, have been experiencing extroardinary phenomenas in our everyday lives, and soon we will all realize that this is the time "when the heavens meet the earth"

Many of us won't even be able to question the other (spiritual) side. Its going to be handed back to us and it will be our decision as gods what to make of it.

edit on 28-12-2010 by TheGiantPeach because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Ben81

we are all going to die sometime why do you have to be the party pooper
maybe just maybe its not going to be like you said but it will be nothing at all.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

Lol, wake up bud... Something is gonna go down. The gregorian calendar wasn't set up so strategically to be just a coincidence for the so called "end of time"

This has all been planned, look at the bigger picture of what's happening, globally, not locally.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Ben81

Yes of course. The changes I would make are exactly what this world needs. How ever, Gods word must come to pass.

Gods word ? you mean in the bible

the second coming in short terms means the return of the Gods
with their chariots of fire

they couldnt know the word spaceships in that time

from my part .. there is 2 kind of God .. the Alien Gods like because of their technological superiority
and the Creator who possibly created the univers and earthlike planet

coincidences like this are very unprobable

A little to FAR from the sun = makes the earth not liveable
A little to CLOSE to the sun = makes the earth not liveable

the distance is perfect .. only 1 km would had stop our unique eco system

thats why you need Faith to beleive in Destiny of life .. its seem ALL CALCULATED

Logarithmic spiral seems everywhere .. there is another time that i can remember for it

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by TheGiantPeach

I second what you say
i have felt this coming change for more then 2 decades... my natural instinct ? maybe

embrace it .. dont fear it

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Godspeed my friend...

The choice is ours

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by TheGiantPeach


Great vid in your signature

have to add it here

Didnt know this guy before
there is so many speaking differently but its all the same
in my own term its the Age of Enlightment

many are confirming it.. were are not alone experimenting this transition
the prophecy was not a warning .. it was a message of hope

time to advance

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Ben81

If people continu to spread the apocalypse fear scenario .. weeks and perhaps months before the date itself ..
people will continu to riot more aggresively then ever before ...
You dont enought to protect us .. just in case something happen

This is quite possibly the worst thing that could happen.
People will panic.
Some, already started to...

But when you have global gov'ts planning for any type of doomsday scenario...
It can't be good.

Also, remember this:
The Bible states that no man will know when the end takes place.
Matthew 24:36

New Living Translation (©2007)
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.

So, either way....mankind has no idea when things will take place.
Like most of our own theories, its just a guess.

But then again, you must believe...

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

I would be excited if i knew how to read this calender myself ....incredible artefact:


Yes it is a awesome artifact, and its deciphered...but is quite different from the Maya Calendar ...

It's known as : The Aztec “Sun Stone”

It was the beginning of the end…the year 1521 AD…Cortes and his band
of Spanish Conquestadores were passing judgement on their captives
the Mexicas (Aztecs) on the very soil where these indigenous peoples
had once walked in harmony with nature. The natives of this glorious
land were to become no more than a passing flicker in time and memory.

Neither photographs nor drawings can do justice to the marvel in craftsmanship
required to produce this single piece of carved basalt stone.
Measuring 3.6 meters (12 feet) in diameter, this single stone weighs
an estimated 24 tonnes (Ill.1).
edit on 28-12-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:19 AM
Whats scary, to me at least, is...

What if time itself restarts.

Would that be good for consciousness or not...

I find myself believing in cosmic law and cosmic evolution.

Whatever happens, happens, and you better be prepared to accept it.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Thanks bud, much appreciation towards the appreciation.

"Collectively speaking, we are all collective beings."

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Ben81

Yes of course. The changes I would make are exactly what this world needs. How ever, Gods word must come to pass.

Gods word ? you mean in the bible

the second coming in short terms means the return of the Gods
with their chariots of fire

they couldnt know the word spaceships in that time

from my part .. there is 2 kind of God .. the Alien Gods like because of their technological superiority
and the Creator who possibly created the univers and earthlike planet

coincidences like this are very unprobable

A little to FAR from the sun = makes the earth not liveable
A little to CLOSE to the sun = makes the earth not liveable

the distance is perfect .. only 1 km would had stop our unique eco system

thats why you need Faith to beleive in Destiny of life .. its seem ALL CALCULATED

Logarithmic spiral seems everywhere .. there is another time that i can remember for it

Actually 1km would not make a difference, 100,000km would probably not even make a difference.
1% difference is 1,500,000km
edit on 28-12-2010 by exo87 because: Shouldn't read 2 threads at once :/

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Similar to Stoneedge and the pyramids


and those huge carved granit block in Baalbek, Lebanon


so many unexplained things ... even today we cant reproduce those carved structures
what do they all mean ?
if human carved those rock .. with what technologies ?
something was erased from our past .. the proof are all there but the normal population are in complete denial

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by exo87

That much ? ... the temperature would drop or rise to much
it doesnt need much to change an ecosystem to have life
maybe other kind of creature would exist if that happen but other would die
probably humans to .. only a slight change of temperature would have disastrous consequences

your approximation of the 1% you gave would mean no life at all and no possibilities of it

i didnt make research on what distance would be castastrophic
only 1 km would be enought difference to make certain species disapears

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Im afraid not, the earth fluctuates it's position.

Periapsis 2010: The Earth Gets Close to the Sun
At "exactly" 00:00 UTC (Midnight London, England time) the Earth was only 91.3 million miles (147 million kilometers) away from the Sun. This moment, called the periapsis, is the closet the Earth gets to the Sun. During the aphelion, biggest distance between Earth and Sun, the distance is 94.4 million miles (152 million kilometers).


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Great pics...

And your question falls in line with what may be real.

Ask yourself this....

What if we might be entering a new age of enlightenment AND knowledge.

What if maybe, just maybe, the "ancients" weren't so "ancient" after all.

What if these were the surviving warriors of a time much like what we are going thru now. Shiet, the Georgia guidestones and the 500,000,000.

It can only seem logical that product recycles itself within our solar system, let alone the whole of the universe.

Knowledge, characters, emotions, materials, instincts, etc.

Idk, I think too much, lol.

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