posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:47 PM
For the US, here are the levels, from lowest to highest:
* Unclassified
* Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU)
* Confidential
* Secret
* Top Secret
Also, classified information is given on a need-to-know basis. So just having a top secret clearance doesn't give you the right to view any top
secret info.
Some documents have a code word added, to show that the info is related to a specific project. So if MAGIC was added to my clearance I could view
documents classified "Top Secret/MAGIC".
Here's NATOs classification system:
* NATO Restricted
* NATO Confidential
* NATO Secret
* COSMIC Top Secret
A US citizen can access NATO documents of the same or lesser classification as their US clearance if they have been given a NATO security briefing.
Hope this helps.
[edit on 7/7/2004 by Rev_Godslapper]