"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free".
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People vote for sociopaths because they are themselves sociopaths.
Although, those that fight against the system are labeled as such by those same sociopaths, nothing could be further from the truth.
People have the false illusion that they have a choice in the affairs of country and state.
They like to feel like they are making a difference, but in actuality, by their continued support of that same system, they are reinforcing the
proponents against true freedom.
Those choices are not choices at all, especially when one does not have the choice to refuse the system if it does not work.
Regardless of those choices, we are all still bound to them, under various guises of "security, prosperity, and freedom.
For even the most minor infraction, people have and still do pay the ultimate price.
The ideas of freedom and the morals and institutions have become so diluted, convoluted, and thoroughly corrupted, that no one can figure anything out
The average person has no idea of what they are voting for, or who these sociopaths truly are.
Who in their right mind would support such a thing?
It's not the people's fault though.
A person can spend a lifetime studying the issues and still be ill informed especially when it comes to the agendas of sociopaths. Does anyone think
that the freely talk about subjugation to their constituents?
Like I said, those that have a problem with that system are labeled as the problem and that's the magic of a sociopaths tendencies.
Not only do they have the charm and charisma to garner favor from you, they make you believe that the things wrong in your life are indeed your fault
and you need their control and protection.
And people believe it.
They also have their flock to flog anyone that disagrees with them in the slightest.
What makes them sociopaths, is they have never had to see what kind of harm they inflict on the people at large, or have never had to deal with the
consequences of those same rules and laws they so graciously bestow upon the average JOE. That alone isn't what does it, but it's the notion of power
that makes them sociopaths.
People barely realize the details of which either, as long as it doesn't effect their down time.
Time and time again, our wallets prove to be nothing more than diamond mines and we are the miners and we accept it, as long as there's something to
watch on the tele.
We put ourselves in debt, we toil for no result other than a paycheck, and at least 45% it stolen back from us and it's ok.
It's OK for the reason that we are those very same sociopaths we seem to love and need controlling us, again, all under the guise of freedom.
I've made a lot of assumption there, but ask yourself if they hold water, and I think they do.
Happy New Year.
edit on 12/27/2010 by reticledc because: (no reason given)