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The Case for what some call Racial Profiling

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 11:36 AM
I dont think the TSA or Napolatano knows what they are doing. They allow places like CARE and other radicals to operate for fear of offending someone but feel grandma and 5 yr old up. Profiling would have worked yrs ago. Not now... not with any high success rate. Theyve infiltrated our people and are recruiting us now. If theyd have profiled and disallowed this BS when it all started .. had some backbone.. we wouldnt be in the shape we are now.

I still chuckle when I hear people who have NO clue that radicals within Islam are blacks as well.
Within the prison system amongst the black population was where we first had a clue that radicals were among us. It was the militant anti-white sentiment that piqued their interest first, the radical religious indoctrination ( which gave them God approved reasons to hate and perpetrate violence) was secondary. "whites" are not typically radicals even if they are muslim as "whites" arent usually welcome. Read the Koran and listen to the radicals. WHites arent wanted and will never be a real part of that whole thing. Being an infidel as far as the radical is concerned is initially being white, then being a non-muslim. Theyve been racially profiling us for decades.

Your old white guy example and Mc Vey are not exampled. Flaw? They were not radical Islamic. If you are specifically profiling for radical Muslims.. you will profile middle easterners and blacks. If you are profiling morons who blow crap up and fly planes into buildings.. you cant profile that. The OP was very clear on what he was highlighting on the profiling.Using pics of white criminals was silly given the OP's specific subject. Just more deflection...

I dont care what any college class or TSA class tells someone. I am not white and I lived in 2 middle eastern countries for an extended period of time... when you could be in Iran without this current mess and under the previous Shah. Practical real life experience trumps what youre told by someone who has never experienced it themselves or has an agenda to plant BS ideas in yoru head like a DHS/TSA class.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

LOL, I don't mind a little devil's advocate. To answer your question, none. However, in NC there is a law that states that people lottering (sp?) in a known drug area can be subject to pat down. My point is that even though I KNOW that they are slinging drugs based on racial profiling (which would certainly be brought up in court) I can do nothing about it. But no, there presence alone does not constitute a crime. The bottom line, from my side of the coin, is that known criminals have more rights than upstanding citizens.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Noticed you zoomed in on just the part that you didn't like
How about the number of black Muslims? Would they not be prime candidates for "radicalization"? Again can't see the forest for all the trees or refuse to see it? Here is a short list of nationalities that bear watching. Persians, Arabs, Blacks, and Indians. All have large Muslim demographics and their country of origin can sometimes be a little surprising. Don't cherry pick my post or you might miss something.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by hangedman13

You can do that with every single demographic. How about southerners? They have the KKK, it's a terrorist organization. How about Europeans? They had the IRA and Nazis. How about Cambodians? they had the Khmer Rouge.

No matter what demographic you pick, somewhere in that nationality are insane scumwads who will want to hurt people.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by whatukno

But in this case we are dealing with people using a religious excuse, since you want the broad brush. I don't recall the kkk blowing up planes. We have a group of people using the religion as an excuse. So by your thinking if it was the kkk instead of Muslim extremists we should should stop black people instead of white people???? Since we would need to search everyone equally? If the target is radical Muslims you need to look for Muslims! How simple is that?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by hangedman13

Well, Muslims aren't a race, so, in all reality, you cannot racially profile a religion.

Also, you mentioned India earlier, I guess you are lumping Hindus in with Muslims?

Radical Muslims use religion as an excuse that is correct, the thing is, it doesn't matter what the excuse is, the actions are what is important. In Northern Ireland you had Catholics and Protestants going at each other on the basis of religion. We don't discriminate against the Irish do we? Even though Irish extremists have done much of the same things that radical Muslims have.

I am not painting with a wide brush, you are, you are painting every single Muslim as an extremist terrorist.

Using your own words, "Tell you what, I'd rather offend someone then allow a bomb to go off ". Pat Downs and Body scans accomplish that goal. It makes air travel safer and it doesn't discriminate against just one group of people. You have the solution, but instead you just want to alienate an entire group of people for the actions of a few. And yes, it's a few.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

I know if it were white Christians bombing streets and hijacking planes I'd want them to be looking at whites first. It's like the threat from some of the more off the wall militias (not the normal ones.. the ones crazy by normal militia standards) we want them looking for crazy christian white men wearing camo. No?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

The point is that you're not fighting terrorism anymore if you target only Islamic terrorists. You should really look into Christian terrorism if you want to take the religious angle.

You're working under the presumption that only radical Musilims are terrorists. That is completely false.

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.

There are 6 billion people in the world. 23% of those people (1.57 billion) are Muslim. They're not all terrorists and they're not all extremists.

If you want to only target Arabs, that fails as well. Most of Northern Africa is Muslim, most of Indonesia is Muslim as well as a majority of Middle Eastern countries. However, Arabs account for only 20% of all Muslims. Bosnia (Southeast Europe) has a very large Muslim population, should we profile Bosnians as well?

Racial profiling will not work in catching extremist Muslims.

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